Sun Kissed Days

Sun Kissed Days

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Be the change

We turn off the news,
to survive the day,
yet the faucet leaks
through social media.
Senseless death
revisits daily.
we become the ostriches burying
our heads in the sand.
We become athletes 
hanging up their cleats
to resist the temptation
to occupy the field
while we lay bleeding.
We harbor memories
of ruthless violence
that left a void that can't be filled.
Grace will fall
like dew drops at dawn.
Grace will emerge triumphantly.
Grace understands that
evil stalks the innocent.
Grace knows that evil festers
in the sewer of humanity.
Grace whispers,
may you be soft,
may you be malleable,
lean into the light.
Lean into the light 
as we mourn,
as tears sting,
as the heart breaks open.
Be kind,
Love well,
dream of peace.


  1. Grace will fall like dew drops at dawn... one hopes we can all eventually lean into the light.. a fair, calming, radiant light.

  2. Those last three lines say it all, Ayala! Be kind, love well, dream of peace! -- such a beautiful sentiment in these troubled times.

  3. There is a lot to contemplate in this wonderfully rendered piece. The last lines are absolutely splendid.

  4. Love this prayerful poem Ayala. May Grace dew-drop every heart....

  5. This is so very beautiful, and I share your feelings - the sadness, the pain. I especially resonate with "Be kind, Love well, Dream of peace. Truly that says it all.

  6. I think we cannot be ostriches... we need to show that there's an alternative to hate... alas we have let the haters rule too long, I just hope it's not too late.

  7. I dream of peace. But it doesn't seem to happen.

  8. We can only hope that the strongest points of humanity will prevail - grace absolutely being one of them as is demonstrated here..

  9. I do love this piece...what is to be done in the face of all the senseless violence? The last three lines says it all.

  10. It's a violent world. It's a wonder we can keep on keeping on.

  11. if only the last bit could instill in all, better at every hall.

  12. Thank you Ayala for these inspirational thoughts so needed in today's world. I so much appreciate thos last prayerful words.

  13. Powerful, Ayala. The gripping imagery gives us so much to think about. xo

  14. The first two lines are so true, It saddens me to watch the news. I now only watch it when I come home from work. I always dream of peace!

  15. Beautiful and inspiring messages Ayala. Thank you for reminding us of the light and love that surrounds us ~

  16. Beautifully expressed and crafted – both a poem and a prayer.

  17. A wonderful chant. I shall take the last few lines with me...

  18. perhaps as we allow ourselves to feel the world..and let those tears fall it will move us to pursue that peace...beyond even our dreams...smiles.

    good to see you.

  19. "Be soft, lean into the light, be kind, love well, dream of peace"...your poem outlines a beautiful path...may we take it.

  20. You nailed this, Ayala. Stuff just seeps through--we can't avoid it and I suppose we are responsible to stay informed.

  21. the news can be overwhelming those days - i try to sow some peace in my everyday - and hope that the seeds will grow into tall trees of blessing one day..

  22. Senseless death revisits daily, So heart-breakingly true! The leaks on social media can be relentless.

    Please claim what is yours over here -

  23. This is so beautiful and peaceful. Love these lines:
    lean into the light.
    Lean into the light
    as we mourn,
    as tears sting,
    as the heart breaks open.

    that's healing.

  24. Yes, we must continue to dream of peace....may it happen within our lifetime.
