Sun Kissed Days

Sun Kissed Days

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Forever Daisy

By the gates of heaven you'll wait
for me,
wagging your tail in delight,
howling to greet me and I will smile.
By the gates of heaven you'll wait 
for me,
the way you waited every day 
for me to return home,
celebrating my arrival ,
your happiness innocent and unbridled. 
I see you in every corner,
in every step I walk alone.
I celebrate sun kissed days
we had,
a life shared,
sweet memories that live in my heart.
By the gates of heaven,
I will lay down beside you,
and roll with you among the clouds.
I will hold you,
the way I held you in my arms today
when we said goodbye.
Until then,
swim in aquamarine pools,
run in sunflower fields
chasing lizards and butterflies.
Run through the fields of heaven,
until we meet once again.
Our beloved Daisy passed away yesterday. We thought she was going in for surgery to pull an infected tooth. The infection was a symptom of Leukemia. From Saturday to Monday morning the vet saw a major decline. He said the right thing to do is to let her go. Sadly and devastated we said goodbye. My husband and I held her in our arms. She was a part of our family. She brought us so much happiness . We will miss her and she will live in our hearts forever. So many have come here and left comments how she made them smile. That's the way she made us smile every day.


  1. They sure are a member of the family, poor pup, never easy letting them go.

  2. " I see you in every corner,
    in every step I walk alone."

    So, so true. I'm so very sorry.

  3. Oh, so sad. I noticed one of my boxers is getting grey. Her name is Daisy too and I dread the day we have to part. My heart is with you. I know the grief of losing such an important part of the family. Your poem is a lovely tribute to that special relationship.

    1. Thank you, Myrna. Best wishes for your Daisy.

  4. This is a very touching tribute to your dog ~

    May she run freely in the fields of heaven ~

  5. oh i am so sorry...the loss of a pups is like a loss of a family fav dog was a hound dog we had when i was little...i remember his passing...his name was hobo...

    1. They are family...they always live in our hearts.

  6. Deeply touching.
    The loss is exactly like losing a family member. I can imagine how devastated you are all feeling today. To go for a tooth pulled and be told it is something much more serious is such a shock to. I am so very sorry. I just know you will see her again and hopefully until then she will be doing all the things she loved to do. Now, thinking of my own little one that passed away a few years ago and of my boy now, I have tears, for you, for them. Hugs you.

    1. Thank you, Bren. Sorry about your loss...just devastating.

  7. I love your heart, shared here so beautifully and vulnerably.
    Thoughts are with you ~ and hugs too!

  8. Incredibly sad to lose a dog. You share that beautifully. k.

  9. I am so very sorry Ayala. Thinking of you and yours.

  10. Making me cry here... as I told you, your Daisy looks exactly like my Sadie, and we had to do the same thing. I feel as if I've lost her, too.

  11. Ayala, I am so very sorry, Hun ♥ Tears are welling up as I read this ♥ Animals steal our hearts and fill us with so much love and joy ♥ they touch our lives and imprint on our soul ♥ This is a simple beautiful heartfelt tribute (((Hugs)))

    1. Thank you, dear Helena. They do imprint our soul.

  12. This is such a sad, inevitable, chapter in the history of every pet lover...your eloquent ending about the 'reunion' with Daisie reminded me immediately of a story I read long ago in Field and Stream. "The Road to Tinkhamtown" by Corey Ford. I went back to find it and was comforted anew.

    1. Thank you, Steve. I never read that. I appreciate your thoughts.

  13. oh dear Ayala, I'm so sorry for your loss... your poem is beautiful, and no doubt your souls will meet again in heavenly realms... in dreams and in whatever comes next.

    blessings to you my friend.

  14. Oh, my. I'm so sorry to hear that. As I read the lines one-by-one, I felt your pain, but also the joy that Daisy must have brought you. My condolences. This is very hard, and I fear the day that I'm writing similar poetry.

    1. Thank you, Arjan. She brought us so much happiness....

  15. I had to put my own dog down earlier this year. She was 12. It was a difficult thing to do, but in the end, it was also the right thing. I'm sorry for your heartache, but I've no doubt she has lived many many happy years with you and your family. And vice versa. When the pain subsides, you will always have wonderful memories by which to remember her. I know I do.

    1. Thank you, Justine. I am grateful for the life we shared together. Sorry for your loss.

  16. Well, as expected I cried through the whole post, you have my deepest sympathy and empathy. I held both my dogs in my arms as they passed and I cherished each moment that lead us to that painful reality. They are gifts, it is so hard when they run ahead to make sure we have a loving welcome when we finally return home. Sending virtual hugs.

    1. Thank you, Anna. So sweet ....sorry for your loss.

  17. Oh, these decisions are so hard. I have 'been there' twice; and it is among the hardest things one is ever called upon to do. I wrote a lot of poetry afterwards as well and cried through the writing of each one. I am sure your beloved Daisy will be waiting for you in heaven. What kind of heaven would it be if our dogs were not there with us. My condolences to you and your family on your deep loss!

    1. Thank you, Mary. You are right it would not be heaven if they were not there waiting.

  18. This choked me up as recalled doing the same. It took years till I no longer saw flashes of white in the corners. Beautiful tribute.

  19. Oh, Ayala. Tears and chills. Yes, it is so very hard. I loved Daisy from afar because, as I've told you several times, she reminded me of my Blondie--my soul mate dog. I wish I could give you a big hug. I agree with Mary--I hope there's a heaven with our beloved dogs. In the meantime, they do bring a bit of heaven to this life. Godspeed, Daisy.

    1. Thank you, Victoria. I agree as well...Sorry about Blondie. So sad....

  20. That is so hard. Condolences on your loss. A very beautiful and moving tribute.

  21. This painted a lovely picture and was a beautiful tribute to your friend. It was gift for me to read: My 18-year-old terrier died last month. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  22. A beautiful love-filled poem, ayala--though I don't know if humans can ever love as much or as purely as our dogs have loved us. I don't think Heaven would be worth it without them. ((()))

    1. Thank you, Joy. Heaven would not be worth it without them.

  23. Ayala, this made me cry. It is so hard to lose these beings who love us so much and bring us so much joy - even worse when it is so unexpected as it was with Daisy. I love your poem and hope she is running right now in those sun kissed fields. I lost my boy two years ago, but today I saw a dog with ears like his, bent to pat her and the grief welled up as if it was last week. She actually looked a lot like your Daisy. How you will miss her - but what blessings they brought to our lives, hey, kiddo?

    1. So sorry about your loss. I hope they are both running through sun kissed fields.

  24. You broke my heart with this... I'm so sorry for your loss.

  25. I am so sorry. Dogs are not only our pets, they are our family. I still think everyday about my Pinny that we had to put down two years ago. It was the most heartbreaking thing I've had to do.

    *I've got a daisy and she's something else!

    1. Thank you, Dana. Sorry about Pinny and enjoy your Daisy.

  26. Oh dear Ayala I am soo sorry to hear of your loss. A dog is such a wonderful part of our lives and family....but I do believe you will see her again. What a beautiful tribute to the love you have for Daisy!!

    1. Thank you, Carrie. She was a huge part of our family and we will miss her.

  27. Tears are in my eyes as I write - and my heart aches for you and your family. We lost our beloved schnauzer in the spring. You wrote a loving tribute to your beloved Daisy - beautiful. K

    1. Thank you, K. Sorry about your loss. Devastating.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Oh my goodness Ayala, I see Daisy every time I come to your site. Remember that unbridled happiness, this is such a sad, shocking story. I hope you are ok.

    1. Thank you, Lauren. I am devastated but I will be okay.

  30. Love you Babe. This has to be the best thing you've ever written. Hopefully I'll be there rolling around in the clouds and Mako, Freddy, Lilly & Angel will there too.

    1. Love you, babe. We will be there together.

  31. It's so painful to be faced with such a situation. They are part of the family. Such a wonderful tribute to Daisy! Very moving verse ayala!


  32. We too, had to make similar decision for one of our pets. And I truly believe that they are there in heaven waiting for us to join them. How can any animal that gives so much love and joy to our lives not have a soul? My thoughts go out to you and your family. Beautiful tribute you have penned here, beautiful picture too.

    1. Thank you, Ginny. I believe they are waiting for us. Sorry about your loss.

  33. How many times have I had these same thoughts about Sasha as she gets older. I am so sorry, but I also know all the love that passed between you and Daisy--wonderful for her and for you--Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you, Audrey. We shared so much. Enjoy Sasha and may she live a long life.

  34. I am so sorry about Daisy. Your poem is a beautiful tribute.

  35. oh ayala...i'm so sorry...i can relate to this...i had a dog when i was a teenager and he was so much more than a dog, he was a friend and i wept bitterly when he died...

    1. Thank you, Claudia. They are our friends... Our family. Sorry about your dog.

  36. Oh dear, this just made me cry. I am so sorry to hear this sad news, I know this pain. Yes, she will wait for you, always. xoxo

  37. Sweet and loving eulogy, Ayala. Blessings and sympathies to you and your family.

  38. I am so sorry for your loss. I've been in your shoes and know how much it hurts. This is a beautiful tribute to your sweet Daisy. Bless you, darlin.

  39. Ayla I am so sorry for your loss... Only a few weeks ago I had to let go of my Sonny dog, like you I love the memories of sunkissed days (such a lovely thought). You have given Daisy a lovely tribute...and I share tears with you today. All the best to you and your family.

    1. Thank you, Di for your kind words. I am so sorry for your loss.

  40. Sorry for your loss, Ayala. Lovely tribute...hope she is happy wherevr she is.

  41. A, as I read this lovely tribute to Daisy, I let the tears drop, and reached over to my own pet cat, Garbo, and stroked her. How very touching, A...Our little beasties are so much a part of us, our ability to love, to care. So sorry about Daisy's passing...but you were lucky to have her, and she was lucky to have had a loving home. Bless you!

    1. Thank you, Jackie . We were blessed to have her. Enjoy Garbo ... They are such a blessing.

  42. What a beautiful poem; it made me cry. Your doggy IS waiting for you, never doubt it. It's so hard to lose them...I have lost four dogs over the years, and I never forget any of them. Again, my heartfelt condolences to you and your family.

    1. Thank you, Shay. Sorry about your loss and your condolences mean a lot .

  43. Thank you, Kat. She was a wonderful friend.

  44. Tears for you Ayala...... But happiness is still here too with your freiends.....

    1. Thank you, John. I appreciate your support.

  45. This is so heartbreaking. Again, I am very sorry for your loss, Ayala. At least you have so many beautiful memories of Daisy. A beautiful poem indeed. I particularly like these lines:

    "Until then,
    swim in aquamarine pools,
    run in sunflower fields
    chasing lizards and butterflies."

    1. Thank you, Stephen. We are heartbroken. I just hope she is now in peace.

  46. such a precious girl. it's so hard to say goodbye to them, but i believe they'll be in heaven waiting for us, too...

  47. This has hit home. My chihuahua died over 10 years ago and it still stings... Very good write.

    1. Thanks, Robert. They live on in our hearts. Sorry for your loss.

  48. Amen to such a prayer and ode. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  49. I know how devastating this is. I am so sorry for your loss.
    Nothing can replace the love and happiness Daisy bestowed on your family.We can all learn so much from these beautiful creatures.

    1. Thank you and yes we can learn so much from them.

  50. The death of a pet is so underplayed but those who have not felt the sheer devotion and loyalty of a dog have missed what love can be. Our Westie is 12 years old and starting to wheeze and find stairs and chairs too hard but still has fun with her toys

    1. John, anyone who hasn't had the love of a pet can't understand the extent of the relationship. I hope Westie lives a long and a happy life.

  51. A wonderful poem, Ayala-- I had the same thing happen long ago, and upcoming with my matron Golden Tessa. Love and attachment are wonderful and how hard it is when those things lead to good-bye. xxxj

    1. Thank you,Jen. It is so hard....I hope your Tessa lives a long life.

  52. Oh, Ayala, I'm so sorry! Your beautiful words brought tears to my eyes. Pets truly are members of our families, and losing them is devastating.

  53. Ayala, I'm so sorry! When your webpage opened I was just thinking how much I love the photo of your dog and that she makes me smile. Your words are perfect tribute to a wonderful family member and treasured soul. Sending love and warm thoughts your way.

    1. Thank you, Sara. She was sweetness at it's best.

  54. I'm so sorry to hear this. We lost our beautiful family dog 3 years ago. I still see her in the house, and occasionally think I hear her.

    May your Daisy stay close in your heart always.

    1. Thank you. I am sorry for your loss. So hard I can swear I hear her getting off the couch sometimes.... :(

  55. Hey There. I found your weblog the use of msn. This is a really well written article. I’ll be sure to bookmark it and come back to read extra of your helpful info. Thank you for the post. I will certainly comeback.

  56. So sorry ayala. Glad you had all those good times together that will live on in memory. When I first came to your site I saw the picture of her and smiled--I've got a yellow lab that looks so much like her. Lovely tribute.

    1. Thank hard. enjoy your yellow lab :)

  57. I am so sorry for your loss.

  58. Dogs are our own personal little miracles...with paws that bring something so unique and special into our lives. My heart is breaking for you. My dog too has been sick, and we're hoping he pulls through. I thought we were going to lose him and i cried...for days.
    Your poem brought me to tears.
    I hope your hearts will heal. Know Daisy is no longer sick and running and playing like the young pup in your memories.

    1. Thank you, Colleen. Sweet thoughts here....I hope your dog pulls through. Hugs.
      The peace I have is that she is running through heaven and not suffering.

  59. I know this story all too well. Blessings.

  60. oh, ayala. I am so sorry to hear this. I understand how painful it is to lose a pet who really is a family member. THinking of you. Sheila

  61. So sorry for the loss of such a treasured part of your family. I've always enjoyed seeing her happy face when I come here to your blog. She looks like she was a good dog and great friend. Take care.

    1. Thank you, CM. She was a great dog and a great friend!

  62. It makes me cry, reading this. But it is true — she's waiting for you.

  63. Ayala, this moved me uncontrollably. I do not want to tell you because I feel like I turn things into something about me. Time heals Ayala, but time moves so slowly.

  64. Thank you, Lisa . I am here to listen....anytime.

  65. my heart reaches out to yours. We had the same sorrow lately. . . . They are never lost. and don't be afraid to provide a home to another animal friend. Glad we have

    1. I am so sorry for your loss Cloudia. They will live in our hearts forever.

  66. Oh Ayala I'm so, so sorry. What a devastating way to lose her. Maybe she is playing there with my Emma (chocolate lab cross). (((hug)))

  67. Oh Ayala, my heart is so with you. xoxooxoxoxoxoxooxox

  68. I had to come back and reread and reread your poem. It seems to make this hurt a little bit easier. I had to send on my puppyboy this past weekend. I miss his terribly and your poem so captures everything I'm feeling. Thank you for writing it. I hope your starting to be able to look upon your life & memories with Daisy with a smile. I know someday I'll be able to do the same for my Dexter, but for now I'll I can find are tears to fill the empty space he's left behind.

    1. Colleen,
      so sad for your loss. I left you a message on your blog. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  69. What a beautiful and emotion-inducing tribute to Daisy. Our pets are our family aren't they? I have no doubt whatsoever that you will see Daisy again :)

  70. A whole year? Ayala, I visited your FB page and left comment. In case you do not see, I copy here:

    Two memorable words:

    "Hello" and "Goodbye"
    Hello makes me happy
    and sometimes
    Goodbye makes me cry...
    One Looong year has passed.
    PEACE and LIGHT for you, Ayala Zarfjian
