Sun Kissed Days

Sun Kissed Days

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Innocent Lies

Love leads you to build him up
like a high rise,
build him up and watch him through
rose colored glasses.
Romance reality,
romance the truth.
 Your hope an abandoned street,
disappointment awaits like sewer overflow,
like cold sweat in your sleep.
Build him up,
believe the change will come.
The roots to the foundation frail,
 will crumble like dominoes.
Believe that you are the one
that will change him and save his soul.
Believe and he will lurk in
and steal your soul when you're not watching.
They say a leopard doesn't change its spots.
Find a new path,
the torn sidewalk will scar your feet.
Find a new path, embrace reality,
walk through a new dream.

Meet us here, where we share our thoughts and our hearts.


  1. shivers...we cling to that hope...that we can save them...some we can, but many we can takes a strong person to follow that last bit of advice you give...

  2. Very true, as much as we try sometimes we just have to let go and try a new path.

  3. sometimes it seems just so obvious and the person is not seeing it because of those rose-colored glasses..because being blind with love...and the fall is so deep in the end..

    1. The rose colored glasses can be blinding...

  4. All too well I understand exactly what you write. The clay feet, the humanness, the self-seeking of us are everywhere. And others of us often are too late aware. But there IS a way out. Always, with help of others, help of God.

    Thoughtful piece, Ayala

    1. Steve, there is a way out when the person desires the change.
      Peace my friend.

  5. Nicely crafted Ayala...especially these lines:

    "Find a new path, embrace reality,
    walk through a new dream."

    ...and oh, if we could only get people to do that!

    Roger ☺

  6. So many of we humans do tend to put people upon pedestals until such time as they do something less than perfect and we then are disappointed in their being only 'human' after all.
    Lovely prose.

  7. Lovely thoughts woven together here, a beautiful portrayal of the emotions and moving! Poppy :)

  8. Interesting poem, a great insight into a relationship that is one sided.

  9. We see a lot of people through rose colored glasses but alas, we can't them if they don't want to. Lovely thoughts ~

  10. Lovely write--we do tend to want to see only the good--better to see the dark as well I think--

    1. Thank you, Audrey...good to face reality whichever path it takes us on.

  11. don't go chasing waterfalls... you are sincere and have an understanding of the terrain of this world, which you impart with a fabled voice. the new path comes after pain, unfortunately. but how much pain, this we get to decide. great write.

  12. Do we save someone from drowning if they don't reach back for our hand to clasp and pull themselves to where the shore is tided with what Love is in a shared cup as opposed to what can be seen as a one-way street,leaning towards clean and empty again...great food for thought here...kudos...

    1. Thank you, Ed. Love your thoughts here. :)

  13. you don't want your roots to tumble like dominoes

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    1. Thank you..I checked the verification...I adjusted it. :)

  14. Yup, time for a new path. Don't waste another minute on that one!

  15. i think this is the hardest thing about love, the desire to change someone, but the real love, the true love, comes when we accept them as they are. sometimes, we simply cannot, and that is when the pain steps in. this was very evocative, lots to think about, well done.

    1. Thank you, Kelly. The problem is when they claim that they have changed or that they are attempting change and it's lies....

  16. You LIVE

    and you WRITE-


    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    >< } } ( ° >

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    1. Thank you, Cloudia. :) I appreciate that. I alos appreciate the tutorial...I followed and fixed it :)

  17. Sometimes our belief in someone else's ability to change (even when they don't believe in themselves) is enough to make a miracle.

    I loved this, ayala.

  18. It's a hard fall down from falling in love.

  19. Oh, how this one speaks to me right now! Going thru the throes of waiting for the miracle, or am I facing reality. Sometimes it does happen; less often than not. Acceptance is the true love..can I, should I...well you shook me up with this one..beautifully done..x

    1. Jackie, I will keep you in my prayers...only you know what to do..and what's the right decision for you to make.

  20. Think we've all watched this or lived it at some point--we want what we want, whether its right or wrong sometimes, till the light finally breaks. Nice one, ayala.

    1. Thank you, Joy. You are right...most of us have lived it or have watched it.

  21. Nice one indeed. Experience brings wisdom and your words speak them without bitterness, but the authenticity of life lived with passion and depth.

  22. This is hard for me ~ I so want to believe the best in people. Believe that I can change, that they can change. There is a time for letting go - I pray for that wisdom...This is very moving ~ I'll be back for a re-read.

    1. Adrienne, like you I always believe and sometimes it's heartbreaking...people can only change if they desire to..otherwise they pretend to be what they are not..and they lie about it pretending that they have made changes when all along they are lying to the person they are with and to themselves.

  23. We can never look into the future and we do tend to put blinkers on, refusing to see what lights up in front of us. They say a lot of things...look to the past and you'll see the future... and a leopard doesn't change its spots...sometimes They can be wrong but I always think go with your gut...that's what I trust. Good poem Ayla!

    1. Thank you, Di. I think you are right that it's good to go with your gut...but sometimes love can cloud our judgement.

  24. ... and then we fool ourselves again... wisdom to know honesty

  25. I was once in a long-term relationship like this. It took me years to garner the strength to move on. There's so much wisdom in the ending.

    1. Thank you, Laurie. I am happy that it worked out for you.

  26. I guess there is only one way to learn...nice work, Ayala.

  27. This makes me think of domestic violence and how very few cases get reported officially. I get the sense of commitment, of believing that a couple can get through a rough patch. But when there is so much pain involved, it may be evident to others what must happen next. Sadly, the person who needs to walk away is often the last to know it.

    1. True, Belinda. It's always the person that has to walk away that is last to know it.

  28. the wisdom and resolve is inspiring in this piece Ayala.

    nicely done -- C.

  29. Thank you, Sucen. I appreciate it. :)

  30. "disappointment awaits like sewer overflow"...

    not exactly a romantic view of love, but surely a realistic one!

  31. Sadly, you just can't talk sense to anyone wearing those blasted glasses. Strong and moving imagery, perhaps because it strikes too close to home in some spots. Thank you for your recent visit. :)

    1. Thank you, teaches us many lessons if we are open to them :)

  32. A message of strength brought through the strength of your words and expression, very reinforcing and evocative. ~ Rose

  33. there is much wisdom in this, though it is sad. nice write!

  34. much truth in your words here...

    (and i loved your comment about your grandfather and chekhov, over at my place :)

    1. Thank you, Leslie...and you just made me smile again..:)

  35. Very very interesting. I was at first thinking it's a good man in this. But maybe not so it seems, finding new paths where no leopards will roam.


    1. :) I laughed are too cute..finding new paths where no leopards will roam :)

  36. xoxo my thoughts are with you!

  37. Ouch- some bitter words here...I like a lot. Heartbreaking when relationships end up being so self destructive- all I can say is- when you find the right one- you KNOW...

  38. I guess you just have to stop petting the leopard. Good reminder for romance, friends or family members. People really are who they are.

  39. Love the various metaphors in this piece. Well done.

  40. just as good the second time. walk through a new dream is a pointed kicker.

  41. just read your interview over at victoria'a --- loved it-- loved the pic and good to get to know you a bit better

  42. "disappointment awaits like sewer overflow"


    Oh the imagery. Love it! And I couldn't agree more... with certain past undesirable boyfriends of course. ;)

    1. Thank you, Alita :) I think we've all been there....
