Sun Kissed Days

Sun Kissed Days

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Never Said Goodbye

She held my heart,
and lifted it to the heavens with
her love.
She died in a foreign land,
all alone.
She could not hear my cries,
she could not feel my embrace.
I was a child,
that carried my grief deep inside.
In my dreams she comes,
glorious as the ocean,
bright as the sun.
When I awaken she is gone.
I can't remember the sound of her voice,
all I remember is her loving smile.
I want to remember the smell of her hair,
I want to remember the softness.
I wish I was there when she left,
I wish I could make her resting place
as beautiful as she was.
I wish I could scatter flowers every day,
so her spirit can dance.
She is far away,
in a distant land,
but in my dreams she comes,
glorious as the ocean,
bright as the sun.

This poem is dedicated to my grandma Ginca. She passed away over thirty years ago in Romania. She was on vacation, she suffered a heart attack and fell into a diabetic coma. I never got to say goodbye to my beloved grandma. She was an amazing woman and I loved it with all my heart.
This is a part of the 


  1. There is a powerful sense of longing in the middle of this poem, and you do end it happily too.

  2. Beautiful dedicaton. Grandmas have that special warmth and smile- that will remain forever, so no goodbyes
    lovely, Ayala

    1. Thank you, Dulce. She will always be in my heart :)

  3. i am sorry you never got to say goodbye...that is sad...grammas are def special...i am glad you still get to see her in your dreams...

    1. Thank you, Brian. I will always feel an emptiness that I could not say goodbye.

  4. I love that she inspired you...I like the personal take on this picture ~

    Happy Sunday ~

    1. Thank you, Grace. I hope your Sunday was great!

  5. wonderful tribute to your grandmother, i liked that you made this a very personal piece..x

  6. Very touching... I especially like:

    but in my dreams she comes,
    glorious as the ocean,
    bright as the sun

  7. Beautiful tribute to your grandmother...

  8. Another wonderful tribute, sad you didn't get to say goodbye, but sure she knew.

  9. Oh, what a beautiful lament to your Grandma.
    'but in my dreams she comes,
    glorious as the ocean,
    bright as the sun.'
    That last stanza is so lovely. Have you ever recorded anything on soundcloud? If you ever record this one please let me know - I'd love to hear you read it.

    1. Thank you, Mary. I have not recorded anything on soundcloud...I may do that one day....

  10. Sorry for your loss. And I echo the others. A very poignant tribute. xoxo

  11. Beautiful Ayala. Bloodline of love and pride runs in and through you. I miss my Grandfather and Grandmother too.

    1. Thank you, Oceangirl. I think we were both blessed with wonderful grandparents :) we will always miss them....

  12. This is such a touching tribute.

  13. A love never dies when carried along beyond a grave.
    Beautiful poem Ayala

  14. what a beautiful and tender tribute to your sad she had to die so far from the family and so great that after over 30 years there's still so much love in your heart

    1. Thank you, Claudia. It is so sad that she had to die so far away....

  15. Oh so lovely and so sad. I can feel your grief. I bet she was a lovely woman. My mom died when I was 14 and I have a lot of the same thoughts about her...trying to remember her voice or the smell of her hair.

    1. I am so sorry for your loss. It's heartbreaking..and you were so young, sorry.

  16. but you scatter flowers with your words...

  17. Touching tribute to your grandmother, Ayala. It's hard to say goodbye, but even worse not to have the chance. Victoria

  18. A tender way to remember her, Ayala.

  19. Oh Ayala this is so touching and beautiful... i understand the loss in your words so have captured it amazingly....this is a wonderful tribute to your Grandmother!

  20. You can say goodbye. If you 'think' it, or even if you say it out aloud, Your grandmother will hear you. She knows it anyway because she will feel it in your love of her and she is watching, she knows. Lovely, lovely tribute.

  21. You have composed a fine tribute to your Grandmother.

  22. So lovely! I love some of the things you describe wanting to do in order to connect with her ~ scattering flowers, preparing a beautiful place...meeting her in your dreams. I just love this!

  23. the last few lines are special. great close, great piece.

  24. Beautiful dedication to your grandmother.

    Regards and best wishes
