Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Your beating Heart

The black bird carried a twig
to the nest,
the shimmering light reflected
over the lake.
Spring entered our home
and our subconscious,
yet I have not stopped 
to welcome the sounds of the 
earth awakening
dreamily stretching
like a ballerina executing 
a pirouette. 
I've been nourishing
and nurturing
those that I love.
I have been sadder 
than they can understand
and stronger than I can comprehend
I have been living in the past
more than in the moment,
feeling the helplessness
of how time floats through
my hands and my days.
Moments that we can't get more of,
days once wasted lost and gone.
I've been stretching my limbs,
my mind diluted.
the wind whispers in my ear,
"You are strong"
it says.
I scream,
"Have you not seen my tears,
heard my defeat,
felt the weakness of my wounds".
I run through the torrents of rain
listening to the uplifting guidance,
longing to hear
the sound of your beating heart..   


  1. You are lucky that spring is upon you Ayala ~

    I hope you continue to believe that you are strong, and that through tears, you can overcome your challenges ~

  2. You are strong because you can feel it all

    1. It's a blessing and a curse..... Thank you.

  3. Rely on your strength, Ayala. Keep listening to the uplifting guidance. The only way to other side is moving through. xo

  4. Spring sure has sprung. Have to keep using that strength to push on through.

  5. Honor the space between no longer and not yet. –Nancy Levin

    Often we may find ourselves in that space between where we have been and where we are going. The habitual pattern of the mind may be to cling to the familiar, because it perceives that anything is better than moving toward what is unknown or unfamiliar. We can learn to honor liminal space, the threshold between what was and what will be, by noticing the habit of the mind to worry about the future or ruminate about the past and by bringing our heart and mind back to the breath, back to the present moment, over and over again. There is such depth and richness in liminal space if we can learn to be still and sense into the experience of what surrounds us. What feelings and sensations are evoked in this place of uncertainty? How does the mind react to this experience in a habitual manner? How can we choose something different this time? Jen Johnson www.everydaymindful.com

    A friend sent this to me this morning, I hope it is also good for you.

    1. I appreciate these words, thank you. Much wisdom here.

  6. So much in this, Ayala--the interplay between nature and emotion. Quite powerful and easy to relate to.

  7. You are strong, Ayala, I believe you are and I hope you will too. All the tears you shed to world are enough proof that you are a beautiful strong woman with a heart. :)

    1. Kelvin, imagine my delight when I saw your comment . Thank you, it's good to know you are here.

  8. I agree with Kelvin....you are strong! Even a strong person cries sometime. But it is sad when people in one's life don't realize the sadness one has been enduring. Hugs to you, Ayala!!

  9. You have a strong spirit and that will keep you going when days are hard and the tears fall. Your ability to nourish and nurture others when you are hurting is a testament to your strength and love.

    I've been nourishing
    and nurturing
    those that I love.
    I have been sadder
    than they can understand
    and stronger than I can comprehend

  10. Centering your poems like that make them look (read) like greeting cards.

  11. "You are strong" / it says."...the lines read like a mantra which is life giving and full of truth...thanks for this beautiful share Ayala...

  12. Sigh.. this is so beautifully written. I echo the sentiments above. You're a strong person. Big hugs!

    Lots of love,

  13. This really conveys strength and being strong you also feel strongly about things and agree sometimes we need to scream out.

  14. Life can be so hard sometimes. I love the wind whispering "you are strong!"

  15. longing to hear
    the sound of your beating heart..

    Longings and yearnings for the loved ones are never-ending.

