Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A piece of ourselves


The sun honey colored
 and brazen
gleamed through the door as he entered
clutching bouquets of flowers.
Daisies, Lillis,Ginger
wild and beautiful.
I reached out for one,
the thorns of the rose
pierced my skin,
reminding me that life
was not always this way,
soft and loud with beauty.
The flower guy
was away in a mountain cabin
 writing his first novel.
I smile 
understanding the struggle of
bleeding unto the page,
pouring our fears,
unveiling our truth,
weaving our words.
How softly we click on
the keys of our devices 
writing feverishly.
Our minds holding boulders,
in the trenches of our thoughts,
fearful to leave on the page
more of ourselves than 
we intended to.
I trim the flowers
on a slant,
place them in the 
green and white crystal vase.
I cut my words
into shattered pieces of myself,
I place them on the page,
quickly I
erase and
start over. 


  1. It is hard to write and share a piece of ourselves to the world ~ I admire writers and poets who do it eloquently ~


  2. Sometimes can be a struggle to get the words down, unless you're a crazy cat lol

  3. Such imagery, Ayala. Love it. Especially this line:"Our minds holding boulders,in the trenches of our thoughts,fearful to leave on the page
    more of ourselves than we intended to." Thank you.

  4. So many things to love in this superb poem, Ayala--and so easy to relate to.
    "I smile
    understanding the struggle of
    bleeding unto the page,"

  5. A very special poem, so much to identify with, enjoyed it very much.

  6. I can relate! And what a great photo!

  7. SMiLes.. perhaps
    i should erase
    pArts of me as WeLL..
    then the epic would
    be smaller
    but i cannot
    bear that.. as i lost
    that pARt of me before..:)

  8. To find the right words to express our feelings can be difficult. The words do cut leaving one in a state of vulnerability. Sometimes we need that giant eraser or white-out to cover the parts we wish not to remember.

  9. into shattered pieces of myself,
    I place them on the page,exposed,
    quickly I erase and start over

    It is just amazing how one is checked in one's writing all the time. But the will to continue all over again is sustained. That's the beauty of it! Very true ayala!


  10. Indeed. There are things we simply cannot put on paper, that's why some poet veil their words with metaphors.

  11. This must be read out loud! Very lovely!

  12. I often have a hard time finding the right words...it is an eternal search, I think :)

  13. SMiLes
    i write for
    mY soUL
    and now
    than ever before..
    so yes.. it's worth
    iT.. the dance
    and SonG
    oF aLL poeTry
    Free aS NOW..:)

  14. You are strong, Ayala, I believe you are and I hope you will too. All the tears you shed to world are enough proof that you are a beautiful strong woman with a heart. :)

    1. I think I have misposted this comment earlier, Ayala. It's meant to be my comment on your recent poem. Sorry! :)

  15. I like your poems these days, Ayala. Your poetics are getting bolder & revealing of your true self & emotions, the natural you. Keep them flowing. :)

  16. It takes boldness to share pieces of our souls...to leave it unedited. There are times I face the fear I have said too much, but still I release my words. Time will tell. This is beautiful.

  17. It takes boldness to share pieces of our souls...to leave it unedited. There are times I face the fear I have said too much, but still I release my words. Time will tell. This is beautiful.
