Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Patron Shots With My Brother

Patron shots,
with you ,
Our road smooth and rough
our journey sweet and sour
when did we get so old ?
It seems like yesterday
we were erecting tents out of sheets
playing cowboys that
we loved to watch in 
the town theatre.
We found refuge from the heat
and delighted in the smell 
of fresh popcorn.
You resented the little
tag along sister
that looked up to you. 
Here we are
we have lived,
we loved,
and we lost our parents
we walked through
grief and pain.
Yesterday is present,
a soundtrack of our life,
a loving home,
with treasured memories.
A life not perfect,
but a life well lived.
Patron shots
to celebrate your birthday
to celebrate our life
magical yesterdays
that will live forever
in our hearts.

Meet us here http://dversepoets.com where we share our thoughts and our hearts.


  1. What a beautiful emotion.... My own relationship with my younger sister Beth, 4 years my junior, is the most unique and maybe the most loving relationship I have ever had. I can feel the love you share here Ayala... What a sensual waterfall of emotion and oh how lucky both you and your brother are! And line a shotglass for me....

    1. Thank you, John. You are blessed to have such a loving relationship with your sister.

  2. happy birthday with your brother...this is a cool part of the relationship, when you are more mature and can look back...i had a rough childhood with my sister....we did not get along in a very intense way...it was much later in life i learned to love her and appreciate these times now...

    1. It is a journey..and it definitely is better we are older..we appreciate more.

  3. Back go the shots, if doing them for real don't do lots lol

  4. Ayala, a toast--to sister and brother. If I had been your brother, reading this, I would be fighting back tears about now--maybe I am--grin! (Fighting back tears, that is!) Have lovely day, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY for your brother!

    1. You can be my brother :) Thank you, Steve. You always make me smile.

  5. oh nice..happy birthday to him.. sounds like you're having a wonderful relationship..smiles

  6. Shakespeare would say, "Methinks that life is perfect, even sun kissed."

  7. Ayala, this is beautiful. So true...when did we all get 'so old'? We realize our age as we look back and see our life as it was when we were young....and the realization of losing one's parents hits hard. I know it was a 'wake-up call' for me when I realized I was now a member of the older generation after my parents passed away..... Enjoy that Patron. And toast one another over the good times.

    1. Thank you, Mary. Hard to accept but true..the clock keeps ticking.

  8. this definitely calls for a celebration ~ happy birthday to your brother & happy week ahead Ayala, smiles ~

  9. big smiles, Ayala ~ M

  10. Ayala, you've stirred up so many emotions with this wonderful tribute to your brother, your parents, your childhood memories and a relationship you can now rely on, take great pride in and share, with your brother. just beautiful poetry, ty.

    1. Thank you. It's been a long road and I savor the good and the bad. It's all a part of the puzzle.

  11. A birthday is always cause for a celebration lovely poem..

  12. A sweet journey down memory lane. Siblings are closer biologically than any other relationship.

  13. The connection and depth of a sibling relationship is one that is unique. He understands where you come from and vice-versa. That in and of itself is so powerful.

  14. Sibling relationships can be rough...but you seemed to have come to terms...and found warmth and love...Nice write, A!~jackie~

  15. A great poem on your brother's birthday! I hope he gets to read it. I enjoyed your childhood memories. They reminded me of mine.

  16. Oh, this made me reminisce, in my life I'm the oldest and my brother the youngest. Our siblings hold such a unique place in our hearts. This is a lovely tribute.

    1. Anna, I am the baby..so I have two older brothers which was tough because they wanted no part of me when I was little :)

  17. Oh those little younger sisters and brothers always tagging along.. that really pulled memories for me.

  18. What a sweet birthday message for you brother. Happy birthday to him, and many more. I have no living siblings, and when I read this I realize again what a big hole there is.

  19. Happy Birthday to your brother. What a nice poem to commemorate your lives.

  20. Awww, you made me well up and I don't even have a brother (always wanted one though). I love the way you capture the sweet with the sour.

  21. lovely tribute to your brother, to life and love and all that comes with it. Nicely done.

  22. Sibling relationships are not always happy ones. I am so pleased you are close to your brother and wish him a Happy Birthday!

  23. I love this! What a beautiful piece for you and your brother.
    This shot is for you Ayala...Salud!

  24. Ayala, a beautiful write, a shot full of joy and poignancy. Cheers to you both:-)

  25. now u can follow my art at https://www.facebook.com/ashokism.ashok
