Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Not Chasing Yesterday

I am standing still
in the moment.
I'm not chasing my youth,
I left it behind me.
I savor today,
I carry a lantern to light
my way through the walls
of my heart.
I possess a childish enthusiasm,
even though the road was rough
my sense of wonder
may be tainted but
 not diminished or broken.
The light in my eyes
at times filled
with darkness.
 I remember pieces
of my childhood,
laughter and sadness.
A pin an astronaut gave me when I was six,
songs I sang with dad on a worn out tape,
books holding secrets,
poems I wrote as a little girl,
in colorful dog eared notebooks.
Dots on a map of a life
 well lived.
I have savored sweetness,
and swam in melancholy,
I have climbed over
walls that imprisoned me,
I have confronted what was expected
of me
and chose my own path,
my own way.
I chewed those moments
without regret.
I don't want yesterday's
I don't wish to recycle my dreams.
I have grown,
I'm not chasing yesterday,
I am living today.

Meet us here http://dversepoets.com where we share our thoughts and our hearts.


  1. My birthday is tomorrow. I relished this poem as if it spoke to me personally because I too am there - living today, youth left behind, no recycled dreams. I really enjoyed this.

  2. Many Happy Returns of the Day, Myrna! One has outgrown the youth and live for today's reality. That's how life evolved into bringing adulthood to the many. Nicely!


  3. I have confronted what was expected
    of me and chose my own path,

    Rightly so, ayala! One comes to grips with life's wonders and progress along a path so desired. Nicely!


  4. even though the road was rough
    my sense of wander
    may be tainted but
    not diminished or broken....nice...i like the sense of victory in this...having walked it....also i love the lines on not settling for just chewing yesterdays left overs again and again...there is wisdom in this way of life ayala...and a message i needed to hear...

  5. Don't lose the childish enthusiasm any day, always fun to play

  6. This poem could be an affirmation of and for many people out there. I also see it as a call to arms! Onward we go!! I was especially drawn to "I have savored sweetness, and swam in melancholy," Beautifully written!

  7. How well written--and sound advice for all...the past IS no more! Part of this neat declaration brought me to recall Frank Sinatra's "I Did It My Way"...Of course, had I done it "my way", I'd not be here, where God's Infinity ONLY can meet us humans--in the present moment!

    Thank you Alaya, for another gem in the poetic crown.

  8. ah it is good to cherish the past but not hold onto it with all might but to move on with what we've experienced and learned and love...

  9. So wise about chasing one's youth. Even if one chases it, one can't find it anyway. It is so much better to live in today, remembering those dots on a map of a life well lived, but knowing one can't return to the place where one once was.

  10. I think the closing sounds absolutely right.. looking forward and living in the now is absolutely the best... your words sing with joy

  11. I agree with Bjorn. This is a great celebration of living in the now. >KB

  12. I especially like the eating imagery--what has already been chewed swallowed digested taken in as part of you and as for the rest ... A new day, a new meal. Good thoughts.

  13. I'm just getting out of the habit... I'm 21 and realizing how much I miss being that carefree kid... time only moves forward and I'm thankful I had a great, fun childhood... So I must move on...

  14. Strong poem. Live in the moment!

  15. Amen......your poem has not only captured the essence of living life but being thankful for all the experiences along the way be it negative or positive they are what shapes us. Lovely piece.

  16. As someone who reflects a lot and needs to live in the present more I just love the line "I don't want yesterdays left over's". I need to remember that one.

  17. Great! This one contains some great advice born of wisdom. Thanks

  18. What a wonderful message Ayala ~ To live today is the best ~ let's embrace every moment today ~

  19. This is a strong poetic declaration Ayala. How good it is to celebrate our victories and enjoy today...very nicely expressed :-)

  20. I always enjoy your heartfelt poetry..living in today is the way to be..tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

  21. "I carry a lantern to light
    my way through the walls
    of my heart." -- this was (the entire was) gorgeous. A glorious celebration of a person who has lived life on her own terms. I loved it, ayala.

  22. I can't make out what is being held. Oddly I imagined it as rubber duckie of soap that was wearing down like an aging childhood.

  23. Spoken in wisdom and truth... beautiful, Ayala. = )

  24. Now is truly all we have and you express this skillfully and well...:) ~jackie~

  25. Very very nicely written friend !
    A wonderful blog - All the best ..If you have a twitter page I'd like to join you there :-)

  26. Ideas and sentiments, express so well. Sometimes the most difficult escape is the one we must make from ourselves. Fine work.

  27. Life is som much more than the current moment.... I fear those who constantly preach "Don't live in the past!" are unable to grasp the idea that love,not diamonds, lasts forever.... Beautiful poem friend

  28. Such a lovely weaving of nostalgia with a touch of melancholy, but no regret. Love this!

  29. Lessons a footstep at a time, looking backward, moving forward.
    These are tender, prayerful reminisces done softly by your hand, done well.

  30. This is such an important message, Ayala. We have only the present even though we are who the past has made us. I love those mementos.

  31. Such a wonderful reminder, Ayala. I am always hedging forward and concentrating on outcomes that I cannot predict. I must do more to live in the now. Thank You.

  32. This is a poem full of wisdom. I loved it. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  33. Yes! the best! treasures are in the pleasure of your present of now...

  34. I carry a lantern to light
    my way through the walls
    of my heart.

    I love this ayala, and the great sense of quiet perseverance and identity you outline here. We learn from the past, but you're so right, we live in the now.

  35. This is wonderful - a manifesto for moving on. I agree with Hedge re the lines she quoted--very lovely-- I hope I can get to this place. I'm much better than I used to be! Thanks, Ayala. k.
