Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Murky Waters

Confessions of the soul
take place on dark alleyways,
and on sunny open fields
of green.
If I open my heart
would you still love me ?
The past resides within,
it is my companion.
Will you still throw bouquets 
at my feet,
and give me accolades.
 Would you deem me insane
for wanting to die.
Would you deem me insane
for wanting to live
without regrets,
with unbridled abandon
for loving without boundaries,
for fighting a battle I could not win.
I threw myself into murky waters
without knowing how to swim.
I learned lessons while
I was drowning.
Confessions of the soul,
we carry them like fragile threads
that comes undone.
The anchor within releases
we let them fly one by one,
we find ourselves free. 

Meet us here http://dversepoets.com/ where we share our thoughts and our hearts.


  1. i would call you human for at times wanting to die as much as the want to live...its scary though to really open up and let someone see us for who we really are....our weak points...our vulnerabilities.....we carry them like fragile threads...surely...very cool piece...

  2. Holding on and finding someone to let them go with, can be scary and relieving all at the same time

  3. A very deep poem with a lot of raw emotion. It seems to be how we as humans feel quite often, but just don't like to admit it...we are in love with our own facades. Thanks for sharing this poem...it really speaks to me...and I love the picture that goes along with it too.

  4. There is always the question of revealing one's heart... Will it be too much? Will it be rejected? Truth be told I think the heart is all that we ever truly own. It is such a precious thing, and your poem expresses that so very well... Really enjoyed this one!

  5. ...where there is understanding & acceptance to live & to die; to get dirty & be cleansed there is freedom.... & luckily, you are on the right track... smiles...

  6. So much depth here, Ayala. So much to think about in regard to life and death. Always difficult to know as well how much one should reveal and how much one should keep inside. If one is able to love without boundaries, one is a fortunate person indeed; and even more fortunate if one finds someone who can love them without boundaries. And dying without regrets? A worthy goal, I think. And hopefully attainable.

  7. Confessions of the soul,
    we carry them like fragile threads... yes we do - and sometimes the water is dark and deep and even scary for ourselves at times to see to the deepest parts of the soul.. but if we manage there is much freedom in it as well... cool piece ayala

  8. Authentic with brimming emotions that I can literally feel on my skin. Very evocative and moving poem, Ayala.

  9. Confessions of the soul --you move to the deepest part of the heart with such ease--beautifully done

  10. A composition in 29 short lines! Ayala, you had me "living" parts of this, tied down in the murky, working loose, confessing my deepest murkiness to the world, anywhere...everywhere.

    "By these shall we be free..." owning up, making amends, paying back, and welcoming ourselves into a new life, where we need never more look over our shoulder.

    Anyways...that's how I see it.
    LOVE it.

  11. I like you poem and the questions you ask. "If I open my heart / would you still love me ?" - If the answer is no, then one can worry.

  12. 'Confessions of the soul,

    we carry them like fragile threads' ...oh, you're so right, Ayala...beautifully penned

  13. Confessions of the soul...I like the release at the end ~ I think we will not find peace and even drown if we don't let it go ~ Lovely share Ayala ~

  14. It's great if you can get to that freedom - your longing is very palpable here. Thanks, Ayala. k.

  15. REally getting Deja vu here sorry if I already commented but yes the drowning often leads to true life..I think...at least for me...

  16. Wow...there is a lot in this Ayala. All we have been is who we are in the now. Our journey's are like so many drownings and resurrections. Well done.

  17. Fragile threads...sometimes I'm not sure where they really lead. Very nicely done.

  18. I learned lessons while I was drowning. Those words have an incredible echo.
    Yes, let them fly, free.

  19. A deep and brave write, A...we all carry those fragile threads and wonder at the acceptance of others with our confessions...one of your best writes, I think. Bravo! ~jackie~

  20. truly amazed by this write... we can either choose to learn something from our downs... inner demons... or let them drown us... just recently I have chosen to learn... don't mean to pick favs but out of all that I've read today this one touched me the most. thanks for this.

  21. very beautiful and relatable piece, ayala. wanting to die, wanting to live without regrets... sometimes they are not two such different things.... thanks for sharing this

  22. "I threw myself into murky waters
    without knowing how to swim."

    A terrific metaphor for any new undertaking or, really, for life.

  23. This poem is terrific. It speaks the truth about arriving at at true freedom. Beautifully written and wise. You did a great job with this one Ayala.

  24. This is so real and close to our fragility as humans... and still those murky waters is were we want to go...

  25. I harvested two distinct messages in your lovely poem...indeed lessons are learned whence drowning in 'murky waters, and the freedom that comes through soul confessions nice work

  26. i threw myself into murky waters. it suggests contemplation. the lessons while drowning is intriguing. i read that section of the poem a few times. being taken by something and surviving still. the threads coming undone, the anchor releasing within. take me as i am feels like the spirit of this very fine piece.

  27. This seems like it was cathartic to write...it certainly felt that way to read. Beautiful.

  28. I am glad you found yourself free, I don't know if coming undone always has that effect on me Ayala. So nice to read your words, always soothing.

  29. I thought this had many applications, the metaphor being a larger umbrella for life overall, and individual events as well. Beautifully realized in revealing language.

  30. Wow... this is so very powerful. We are freed when we release those ties that bind us.

  31. Ayala, murky waters run deep, we must learn to rise above the fray. The past is the past and there it must stay. Well said. Sorry for the late visit, I have taken on a new teaching job with 36, 6th graders and I am beat on the weekday evenings.


  32. To share our most intensely personal thoughts...to have someone who would listen to them and not judge...well, that is magnificent. Just like this poem, ayala.

  33. A very deep thought I enjoyed emmersing myself in this post well written.

    Sometimes we lose ourselves in places we didnt intend on venturing. It's the rising that can be the biggest challenge nonetheless search hard and there are always answers!
