Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Letters To Heaven


In the moonlight
I write letters to heaven.
The wind whispers ,
my hair tangled and free
my eyes wide open.
Letters to heaven,
poems stuffed with love,
slices of my soul.
I leave a trail on the sand,
I draw on orange withered leaves.
On nights the stars cast a
light on my backyard.
You can find bold letters,
left for you to gaze from up above.
I love you,
thank you,
you are forever in my heart.

Yesterday was four years since my mom passed away. I think of her every day. I think of her watching 
from above. Our son got engaged this weekend to a wonderful girl that we love. We were excited and happy. I know how much my parents would have rejoiced in this and I wish they could have been here.
Please meet us here http://dversepoets.com/ where we share our thoughts and our hearts.


  1. Beautifully reflective, Ayala. I like the idea of letters to heaven, and I wouldn't doubt that she can read always loving heart.

  2. Sure she knows and watching everything that blows down below at your show

  3. This is a beautiful tribute to your mother! "In the moonlight / I write letters to heaven. / The wind whispers ." - I love these opening lines!

  4. What a beautiful lady, and what a beautiful tribute to her. I'm sure those letters her bring her great joy as she gazes down upon you.

    And congrats on your son's engagement!

  5. hugs. it becomes easier. and it doesnt. i like that you still write letters. and i am sure she reads them. and is watching over...congrats to your son as well...smiles.

  6. *sigh* this is so moving Ayala, thank you for sharing the beautiful dedication for your mother. and congratulations to your son~

  7. Ayala, my mom's passing is coming up in September, it will be 8 years, it does get somewhat easier. Trust me. Nice tribute to your mom, she was beautiful, like her daughter.


  8. This is beautiful and I'm sure you mom reads each letter you send.

  9. I love it when I meet (so many) people who are confident in their belief of the hereafter, and that souls (above) have love and interest in souls (below). Not only a continuing "family" relationship does this show me...but it signifies a certain--for certain--relationship among and between every human in the Universe, living or not, and every thng ELSE.

    You "honor" your mother in such a greatest manner, Ayala!

  10. So tender and beautiful, ayala. On September 9th, it will be the two year anniversary of my Mom's passing so I know how you feel. Congratulations to the happy couple! Sadly, though we miss our parents every minute, our lives do go on...and there is that bittersweet when joyous events transpire.

  11. my heart goes out to you Ayala, my mom passed away over 30 years ago and i still think of her. the black and white photo reminded me of the photos i still have of her youth. your poem is so touching, i love the concept of writing letters to Heaven.

  12. Ayala, you've written to a subject that many could write in a way that's overly sentimental, but with your attention to detail, you've managed to draw us in, help us to feel loss. So well done.

  13. Very touching. This part really strikes me:
    I draw on orange withered leaves.
    On nights the stars cast a light on my backyard

  14. beautiful ...my mother passed away 4 yrs ago as well and I find myself whispering my thoughts to her. I like writing letters to heaven in the moonlight..the quiet of the night when thoughts would reach the heavens more readily.

  15. Congratulations on your son's engagement. I love your poem and can relate to it so much. My mom's been gone a little over a year and I'd like to join you in writing letters to Heaven.

  16. it's felt how much you miss her... a beautiful tribute ayala ... hugs and congrats on the engagement as well...

  17. Your poem is beautiful. Yes, sad time and a wonderful time you are experiencing right now. Congrats to you and yours ayala :-)

  18. What a lovely tribute. I'm sure she loved it. Congrats to your son!

  19. Somehow, somewhere your mom knows and feels the love...A beautiful tribute to your mom and a testament to your ability to love enduringly. ~jackie~

  20. This is one of your strongest poems. Well written. A lot of vivid imagery showing what you feel instead of just telling what you feel.

  21. Some things in life we can't change, sadly, but I can't imagine a better response than the kind you express here.

  22. No expiration date on grief... Lovely poem! And is that your mother in the photo -- so beautiful. Congratulations on your son's engagement!

  23. I'm lucky to still have my mom - just spoke with before reading this poem, in fact! Congratulations on the new daughter, too. ~ M

  24. A wonderful tribute to a wonderful lady! She should be happy reading and knowing someone below is always there! Nicely ayala!


  25. First congrats re your son - so cool. And then congratulations on the lovely poem - it has a very sweet if sad mood. I know how you feel. Take care, Ayala. k.

  26. congratulations on your son's engagement. the title is it. shimmering, beautiful...

  27. This is a lovely tribute to your mother ~ And congrats on your son's engagement ~ Have a lovely weekend Ayala ~

  28. ah Ayala You have my heart with this is absolutely beautiful! and a lovely tribute to your Mom:)

  29. Wonderful words for a beautiful lady. I lost my dad years ago, but I still find myself talking to my father once in a while. I guess he is still with me.

  30. Sorry I am coming to this post late, Ayala. Your mother looks so beautiful in the picture and I know that she will always be with you and yours. There always is a sign of their presence and it comes at the most unexpected moment.

    Congratulations on your son's engagement! xoxo

  31. This poem is very moving and so beautifully written. Congrats on your son's engagement - such a happy time. I adore your sunny-faced dog on your banner.

  32. I so understand your heart. I miss my Mom and talk to her all the time, too...

    Congratulations on your son's engagement (I'm sure your parents do know and rejoiced with you.)
