Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Revolution Of The Minds

Polite conversation,
over dainty teacups,
dancing around the issues of our time.
They talk about hair,
and wrinkle cream,
reality shows and the weather.
They have no interest
in hungry babies,
nets for malaria,
or crimes against humanity.
I don't want to dance this dance,
do I make you uncomfortable ?
do I challenge you today ?
I won't apologize,
I won't refrain,
I won't hold back.
We are all connected,
we must face the music.
We must grasp the challenges
of the world outside ourselves.

 Meet me at the Pub, where we share our thoughts and our hearts.http://dversepoets.com/


  1. Great scene you set and then tear it all apart, yeah I wouldn't want to drink from dainty teacups and talk about reality shows either, scary.

  2. So easy to shrink away rather than face the world which (these days) seems so much crueler now in so many various ways.
    A lovely, emotional read.
    My blog is fixed now, so hopefully you won't have anymore problems with it. :)

  3. i feel you on this...its easier to skirt the issues and make polite conversation but what is the point? when there is so much we can do...

  4. yes - there's a world outside ourselves - and we tend to forget..think it really needs a revolution of the mind..

  5. so many heart issues

  6. Oh, I am very familiar with this scene and you paint it well. I call her the Queen of Denial... and that ain't no river in Egypt. ;)

  7. Right on! I'm thinking about this too. This is not a civilization crumbling IT'S THE ENTIRE PLANET. Who decided we could live without the rain forests and the oceans? The planet may not need us but we need it! Well said.

  8. I understand this very well.. it makes people uncomfortable really.

    And thank you for your kind words about my parents. I really appreciate it.

  9. Totally here with you on this, great job at illustrating the downfall throughout the piece.I don't want to dance this dance,
    do I make you uncomfortable ?
    do I challenge you today ? these questions and the way you answered them made the read for me. Great job, thanks

  10. I like to feel uncomfortable:) These issues should be talked about.
    I love the confrontation of the questions you pose here.
    A really fantastic poem.

  11. Indeed we must grasp the challenges of life outside ourselves. The problem seems to one of apathy. 'Seems it is so easy these days to feel apathy and not empathy. Wonder what that says about the world we live in. Lovely poem...says a lot.

  12. Yes, madam, we are really good at escaping from reality... a way to survive? I don't know.

  13. so true Ayala ~ idle chatter without effect ~
    your blog always makes me smile tho :)
    cause I adore your golden labrador
    had one myself for fifteen years ~
    I adored her ~
    much love Lib

  14. I hear you...so frustrating when people don't want to listen or take responsibility. I think we're getting to a point in our history where we'll have to soon...and we need to make people uncomfortable to see it. Very well written ..

  15. Lovely dose of truth for us all - another nice work, Ayala!

  16. Yes, we must stop getting so distracted that we ignore the suffering. It's pieces like this that will help us not forget. Thank you for writing it, Ayala :)

  17. I dont want to dance this dance either and that one sentance sums it all up so very very well.

  18. people cope in different ways. . .

    good piece!

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  19. yes. one person at a time, one act of kindness at a time, one act of service at a time. it'll add up, if we're just aware and active. love this.

  20. Thanks for the reminder.

    The tea parties I go to aren't like the first you described, but not like the second either. We mostly talk about poetry and the inner life, sometimes politics. And then there is Alice.

    I like the juxtaposition you created.

  21. we all dance this dance of life together...wonderfully written my friend

  22. Bless you for reminding us and for keeping the ball aloft. We need to care more about what really matters...each other and this planet we borrowed. Our stewardship is wanting. Thank you!

  23. I know women like this - they kind of get on my nerves.

  24. Absolutely right. Great contrasts here.

  25. oh i am not one for polite conversation. i have often been accused of being too blunt!

  26. Thank you, Bren. I tried to leave a comment and again it would not let me. :( You are right so many people turn away because it's easier for them...go figure.

  27. Brian, you are right, what is the point? if we can't face reality.....

  28. Claudia, it starts with awareness. Lori and I were saying that on blog action day...awareness. :)

  29. Ha ha, Patricia. :) well said. :)

  30. Thank you, Gay...many important issues.

  31. Heaven...it does make them uncomfortable.
    I wish your parents well.

  32. Thank you, Fred. I appreciate it.

  33. Thank you, Suzy....some are not moved because it's not happening in their backyard....

  34. Thank you, Lib. I always smile when I am told that Daisy brings joy to many that come here. Labs are just so loving. Sorry about yours, I know how hard that is. Hugs.

  35. Thank you, Louise. I think that these issues need to be discussed no matter how uncomfortable people get.

  36. Thank you, Chris. So excited about your book. :)

  37. Thank you, Lori. It's what we talked about the other day...it starts with awareness.

  38. Cloudia...true and I am not judging anyone...only pointing out important issues that are happening in this day and age...which should not be ! :)

  39. Thank you, Adrienne. One act..one day..one world.

  40. Thank you, Colleen.
    I am a frustrated that in 2011 we have children dying of starvation and crimes against humanity and......so much more!

  41. Thank you, David. I am glad you enjoyed it.

  42. Good for you, Kamana. :) That's great you should always speak your mind.

  43. Amen, ayala. Life isn't lived in teacups.

  44. This is brilliant. I wonder how people can just focus on the superficial and not worry about the rest of the world.

  45. I hear you on FM - good for you, we need to understand this and be reminded of it every day, every day!

  46. Thank you, Rudri. I wonder too.....

  47. Yes, Anna. It's about awareness ....and caring about the world beyond our backyard.

  48. Very motivational. There is a world that needs our attention so much more than our television sets (mine is rarely on so if anyone wanted to talk reality tv with me, it would be a short conversation)


  49. this is so often my problem in social situations... especially when it turns to celebrities. we need more people who think like you.

  50. Smash the teacups! Thanks for this great message. :)

  51. powerful message sent here.
    love your thoughtfulness on issues.

    cool piece.

  52. ..'we are all connected'.. that line rings a command and many shapes of comprehension... i feel you most inspired in writing this piece my friend.. an undeniable simplicity and power... been out this late and busy hunting for a job and submitting resumes... hopefully, i get calls soon.

    Brightest blessings!(:


  53. Good for you! "I don't want to dance this dance..." either.

  54. what a powerful piece. i like it so much. you speak for me and many, many others.

  55. Beth...there is a world out there that needs help....

  56. Thank you, Morning. I appreciate it.

  57. Kelvin,
    Thank you. I wish you well and I wish you good luck with the job. :)

  58. Thank you, Ed. I hope all is well.

  59. Those teacups - we drink our tea and murmur our words politely, ignoring or unaware of the reality around us. Good poem, Ayala.

  60. Have you ever heard Eve Ensler speak? The message you have here is one of the running themes of her talks. We need to be done with the facade and appearances if we are going to elevate the state of humanity.

    Great post, Ayala. I bet you and I could have some really good conversations in person.

  61. Thank you, Glynn. I think it's time to open our eyes....

  62. Belinda,
    I have never heard Eve Ensler speak. I have read about her after you mentioned her to me a long time ago. I would love to see her in person one day. I would love to have conversations with you some day in person. You are one of those people that are an inspiration to others.

  63. I agree. More needs to be done...but how? I think we try to do what we can, like writing a poem like this to make others aware.

  64. so very true ... a powerful message ...

  65. The picture you've painted for me with your exquisite words is so very poignant and powerful. Thank you.

  66. CM, it starts with awareness ...and steps toward change.

  67. Thank you, Denise. I appreciate it.

  68. You don't make me uncomfortable at all. I want to grasp other's challenges. Can we also talk about reality TV?

  69. We can escape reality in a number of ways... and miss the hurting people right under our noses.

  70. Good for you, Lauren. So important to grasp other's challenges. Reality television was just a way for me to express my frustration...... :)

  71. Leslie, the need is greater and greater.....

  72. just can't tell you how much i like this. there's nothing as important as action, and that's why so few act, in one way or another. thank you.

  73. Thank you, Ed. It takes passion and a dream...then action.
