Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Battle

Monday afternoon,
a storm came brewing,
Cancer came knocking on the door,
it wasn't Halloween yet, so cancer didn't wear a costume.
It was a visible mountain nestled in his thigh .
The man had lived lovingly each day,
with light in his heart.
He didn't squander his treasured health,
on bad habits,
or negative thoughts.
Cancer came knocking at the door,
and life changed.
Does cancer know that he will fight
with the light that shines within him?
Does cancer know that he will conquer the battle?
Cancer does not know,
but I do.

My cousin's husband was diagnosed with cancer yesterday. Prayers would be appreciated. So many of us have lost someone to cancer or know someone that is fighting for their life trying to win the battle.
 Join us here http://dversepoets.com/ where we share our thoughts and hearts.


  1. I wish that disease would die already, hope he beats the thing to a pulp and shows it whose boss.

  2. I'm so sorry. Prayers for him today...

  3. oh this is heavy...sad...i feel this having walked my own scare recently...prayers up for him...cancer sucks...

  4. Best wishes for your cousin, Ayala. Our prayers are with you.

  5. I'm sorry to hear this, Ayala. Cancer is an intruder, never welcome. Sending prayers to your family.

  6. My prayers for your friend and his family... yes it is an uninvited guest.

    Good thing, my mom finally found she doesn't have it after all. Happy thoughts to you ~

  7. Cancer is such a dreadful disease. It's almost as if an alien entity enters the body and causes havoc.
    Yes, prayers given. Heart felt, prose.

  8. just said a prayer for him. cancer is an epidemic today. we need to find a cure but we also need to address what in our environment is causing all this cancer.

  9. Prayers are certainly with him and your family. Powerful expression of both the random nature of this disease and the determination that conquers it.

  10. Sending prayers your cousin's way. May her husband be fully healed of the big C.

  11. yes - will pray for him...cancer is just always an unexpected and unwelcomed guest...good you know he will fight and he needs you now..

  12. Heavy & sad. Prayers are with him and your family..."Does cancer know that he will fight
    with the light the shines within him?" May he conquer this battle.

  13. So sorry. Sending prayers and good vibes your way for sure. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Im just passing through and thought id say hello. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon,Pa.

  15. Your picture of the clouds over water is amazing. I extended a prayer.

  16. Of course, will include in my prayers. Personification here was tremendous, great job. Thanks

  17. Prayers to your family. My sister-in-law struggling with liver cancer as I write. Hard when it's someone we care about, we pray and hold onto hope, and we write poetry to help us get through. (I wrote "Raging" last month when I learned her cancer had returned). Best wishes, Ayala.

  18. I'm so sorry to hear about this. At least he has faith and it sounds like a lot of support. Hang in there. My prayers are with your family.

  19. The uninvited guest that visits every family. We'll all hold your family in our thoughts.

  20. Prayers with you friend...... It is a tough battle but well worth it..... My prayers are also intended for you Ayala...... May God bless you and all of your family...

  21. so sorry to hear that. my boss is fighting cancer too, and all we can do is pray.

  22. A generous tribute to a family member..it's hard to face that tap on the shoulder...that tap which reminds us of our mortality. Hope your relative can kick butt and get well soon. He is obviously not alone. So admire you for doing this..:))

  23. Oh, I am so sorry to hear this news. Prayers are being sent even know. Let us know how he's doing from time to time. Will be praying...

  24. Yes, it comes knocking unexpectedly and barges in without invitation. I am so sorry hearing this news and will pray for his healing and strength on the journey for all of you.

  25. Four years ago I walked with this same scare...then something happened. I declared my oncologist--to his face--that for this trial, HE would be my Higher Power. And from that moment I let his do the worrying, while I did the living.There is more, but suffice it to write now that I have been a HAPPY Peep from then on, cancer or not...No Matter What! (NMW!)

    Prayers I'm saying for your relative, that he may also find reason to be grateful--fro each wonderful day of life. For as little stress as possible, and for PEACE!

    Thank you for a sad, albeit lovely post!

  26. A battle indeed, that so many face, and the fight takes its toll from all, yet the light will shine, as Steve says above, No Matter What.

    Best thoughts and hopes your family's way, ayala.

  27. Incredible metaphor: cancer as a halloween monster. I will keep him and the family in my prayers.

  28. My sympathies - it is a hard battle for anyone to face. My sister-in-law's mother was recently diagnosed with cancer as well, and it has certainly left a dark air about the atmosphere here...

  29. Sorry- just to say I was here... No comment
    Hope you understand

    Hoping all goes well

  30. Praying, Ayala. The poem says this will be a fight that he'll win.

  31. Your cousin's husband and family are in my thoughts and prayers. Take good care.

  32. Persons close to me are known to have been afflicted. It is so unsettling. Have strength yourself and we pray things are going to be all right!


  33. Thank you, Pat. I wish as well.

  34. Thank you, Brian. I am happy that you are doing well.

  35. Thank you, Heaven. I am happy that your mom is fine, great news.

  36. Thank you, Bren. I am still having a problem leaving you a comment.

  37. Thank you, Ed. You are correct...we have to find out what's causing this cancer...and we have to find a cure.

  38. Thank you, Oceangirl. I took the picture as a storm was brewing and I felt it fit the way I feel.

  39. Thank you, Fred. I appreciate it.

  40. Thank you, Ginny. My prayers to your family. I hope your sister in law gets well soon.

  41. Dear John, thank you for your prayers.

  42. Thank you, Kamana. I am sending a prayer for your boss.

  43. Adding my well-wishes to the pile. So sorry to hear, and hope your family perseveres. An emotional piece.

  44. Thank you, Jackie. It's hard to face that tap...life changes in an instant.

  45. Thank you, Lori. I appreciate your support.

  46. Thank you, Steve. I am so happy that you are well now. I wish you peace always. Thank you for sharing your journey with me.

  47. Thank you, Chris. So sorry about your family as well. I will keep them in my prayers.

  48. Thank you, Glynn. I am praying that he will!

  49. Thank you, Hank. I will keep those close to you in my prayers.

  50. Thank you, Louise. He will...he will!

  51. Luck has not been running in my family this last year, I'll let the cheerful comment for me.

  52. I am so sorry to hear this. There is way to much of this type of news and we all have to help with the fight.

  53. Randy, I am sending good wishes your way. I hope things get better.

  54. Lauren, there is so much of this news out there and it's true we all have to help with the fight.

  55. So sorry to hear this. Sending strength and positive energy to you and yours. xoxo

  56. So sorry to hear that, Ayala.

    Cancer, watch out! I love how you say he did not latch onto any negative thoughts in his life. Great way to be!

    Sending love and prayers to you all.


  57. I'm really sorry to hear the news. This post is a beautiful tribute to the light and fight he has within. Love it!
    My friend Carrie is fighting a tremendous fight with cancer right now. I can identify with so many of your thougts.
    Will pray! xoxo

  58. blessings to you all!!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  59. Thank you, Kristi.
    Will pray for your friend Carrie.

  60. I wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and your husband. Wishing you hope and health.

  61. Thoughts and prayers going out to your loved ones. Your first picture is also so appropriate, it is like a coming storm.

  62. I've just said a prayer for you and your loved ones, Ayala... and all the others with cancer right now. I know a few. :( Beautiful poem. I love the strength and hope you write with.

  63. Thank you, Sara. My cousin's husband was diagnosed . He is a positive person and I appreciate all the prayers going his way.

  64. Thank you, Ravenblack. I took that picture as a storm was brewing while we were out fishing.

  65. Thank you, Rachel. Prayers to your loved ones sent your way.

  66. The surprises of life, just never quit. It is said, your cousin will live as long as he wants. May it be so. Beautiful write.

    Beautiful dog!

  67. Sending prayers. My husband Charles has been through that fight. It does change everything.


  68. prayers, sorry for the sad news, loved your blog!

    Happy monday.

  69. Ayala,
    Extended prayers to your family...as I too am aware of this knocking.

  70. Thank you, Joanne. Blessings to you and Charles.

  71. Thank you, Gooseberry Garden. I appreciate it.

  72. Thank you, dear Keia. Prayers to you and yours.
