Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Villa Borghese

As I reflect on this year, I think back to my trip to Rome. Villa Borghese is one of those places that I will always remember. It was built for Scipione Borghese as a party villa and to house his art collection. The villa is surrounded by beautiful gardens. Gardens that whisper stories of long ago. As I stood in those vast rooms, drowning in the beauty around me,I felt whole. My parents had been there years ago,and they marveled at the beautiful sculptures of Bernini and paintings of Titian and other old masters. I walked through the rooms and the pain was numb. Home the sadness seeped in like the wind through the cracks of a windowpane. But in these rooms that I walked through I was inspired and uplifted. In these rooms I felt as if they were walking beside me.


  1. I need to get myself to Rome! I was there once when I was all of fifteen. Alas, it has been way too long.

  2. I was there as a child, to go back was just amazing. Such a beautiful place,you have to go!
