Thursday, December 16, 2010

The lovely Antico Arco

"Fear less,hope more;Eat less,chew more;Whine less,breathe more;Talk less,say more;Love more,and all good things will be yours."-Swedish Proverb
Today I will try to let go of the stress of the holidays, and follow this proverb. Today I will delight in remembering happy moments of this past year. A beautiful dessert at a wonderful restaurant on a beautiful Giancarlo hill. A dessert shared with my childhood best friend. The friend that I can call at two o'clock in the morning when I need to. The friend that I share my life with like an open book to read. Today is a day to celebrate those I love.



  1. What a blessing to have a friend like that! And is that tiramisu in Rome? Yuuum!

  2. Yes,she is great! The tiramisu is in Rome. Antico Arco is a wonderful restaurant where the meal was filled with wonderful surprises!
