The sidewalk had traces of pink and yellow chalk,
sounds echoed of hopscotch played yesterday.
My footsteps heavy,
sadness in my heart
locked away.
I thought about the war,
sirens in the night,
a ladybug crawling on my arm.
There was a boy in school,
with big brown eyes,
his locks curled gently.
He never saw me,
he was three years older.
I knew love would come one day,
glorious love.
We left home
my brothers grown,
they attempted to shield me
from scraped knees,
broken bones and reality.
They could not see
how sad my smile was,
how deep my thoughts.
We crossed the ocean
and planted our lives
like roots of a tree into a
new society.
I was mesmerized at the pace,
macaroni and cheese in
a blue and yellow Kraft box,
television loud with color and life.
There were egg shaped tape players,
and boats bobbing in the bay.
The sound of the waves in the ocean
lulled me to sleep.
I was dreaming
waiting to grow up.