Sunday, September 9, 2018


Her rivers flow through my veins.
Her mountains majestic in my dreams.
Her honey drips on my lips.
Her arms are outstretched to me.
Her orange groves awaken
a yearning I had forgotten.
Her heartbeat pounding through
my day.
Her breath on my face
whispering lullabies of a land
possessed by splendor.
Her life spreading on my skin
like wild fire.
I trace my fingers through 
her borders.
I kneel before her with anticipation
and trepidation,
consumed by her beauty and grace,
feeble with love,
whole again.


  1. Beautiful and evocative, Ayala. xo

  2. A sonorous poem of heritage deeply felt and I especially enjoyed your ending:

    "I kneel before her with anticipation
    and trepidation,
    consumed by her beauty and grace,
    feeble with love,
    whole again."

  3. What a marvelous sense of heritage and land... good for you to feel it.

  4. What magic in your "belonging place", filled with unconditional love and reassurance.

  5. A homecoming that resonates. I know what it is to love a place this mnuch. Beautifully written, Ayala.

  6. Lovely! I hope you have a chance to see Israel sometime, or maybe you already have?

  7. A powerful and beautifully rendered evocation, of a land that, clearly, touches you deeply.

  8. The reader can feel your passion for the land, the trembles of your heart for this sacred place of heart.

  9. Often places which are your heritage touch us this way as they are parhaps part of our life's story. It is so sad that so many have lost contact with their land and background.

  10. This is quite stunning in its flow of imagery and emotions. It's a form of consumption indeed. The personification gives it a mythical quality.

  11. Beautiful homecoming. I can feel your heart here.

  12. Very nice last two lines--feeble and whole.

  13. What a strong sense of your "belonging place". Beautifully written.

  14. Thank you for sharing. There is nothing quite as poetic as ones homeland.

  15. I can feel the adoration for this beautiful land. It goes beyond the exquisite descriptions and tugs at your heart.

  16. So beautifully heart fulfilling words!

  17. This is stunning. A true love for heritage, culture, the homeland. The imagery, the feelings, the emotions that a palpable here. A beautiful write.

  18. my fav image is the one with the rivers running through your veins - that to me talks of total unity
