Sunday, March 25, 2018

March For Our Lives

Let truth enter the light of day,
as the sun rises so will our voices.
Let truth stir our souls,
swim through our marrow,
rise through our chants.
"Am I next?"
asks a little one
holding a sign,
his wispy curls cover his face.
We march,
we chant,
our voices boisterous,
demanding change.
The streets transformed
into a sea of humanity.
This moment rings with
the truth of stolen innocence,
of fear and fury,
of memories of those 
taken too soon.
Thoughts and prayers
no longer welcome.
"Enough is enough,"
we plea.
Silence replaced by conversation.
Demands urged to be met by action.
This moment
awakens a fire
within our souls.
The tide has changed,
we stand 
shoulder to shoulder.
The noble fight begins in unity.
One voice,
one vision,
one dream.


  1. Make that voice all the way to the ballots... maybe something can change

  2. You have written this so well! Of course change will come. I am sorry it has taken this long. I hope Washington is listening.

    1. Thanks! We marched yesterday in Parkland. It was a memorable day!

  3. Fabulous...we are both thinking about truth....I love how you have ended this with such hope and unity!

  4. Hopefully they get off their butts and do something.

  5. I hope the momentum will continue all the ways to the polls.

    1. I believe this time it's all different. I am so proud of the children.

  6. 'Let truth enter the light of day,' - amen to that. An impactful piece, beautifully rendered.

  7. I love this poem and my heart exulted yesterday watching the young response from the white house OF COURSE. And oddly, very minimal reportage today on the news which makes me think directives have come from above to limit air time....? But they wont stop, thank heavens, they are not ruled by money interests so they are unafraid to speak the truth.

    1. Thank you, Sherry. May truth lead the way. May this children change the world.

  8. A very heartening and inspiring response by the action of American Youth. The noble fight begins

  9. Thank you so much for marching....AND for sharing your experience in poetry! Bravo to the young who are showing us the way.

    1. Thank you, Mary. It was a privilege to be a part of it.

  10. Indeed, the time has come to act. Being silent and overlooking, has led us to this situation today.

  11. Perfect tribute to what happened this weekend. Hope it impacts real change in our country.

  12. I am sure if I was US citizen I would be marching too.

  13. This was outstanding...we must continue to fight for truth!

  14. I enjoyed this very inspiring poem, Ayala. A pleasure to read you, always.

  15. Your words are full of wisdom and truth. Let us rise. I can't help but think of my grandchildren and the world they face. Thank you for this poem!
