Thursday, February 23, 2017

Little One

What do you see in your dreams
little one?
sheep that you count
white and dreamy
like the billowy clouds above.
What do you see in your dreams
when you sigh in your sleep,
green endless fields,
yellow and black Labrador retrievers?
Do you smile because you see
your mother and father gazing
at you with adoration
sparkle in their eyes.
Do you dream about
your maternal and paternal grandmothers
rocking you to sleep gently and lovingly.
What do you see in your dreams
little one?
The sun shinning through 
the gray morning
as the snow melts off
the bare trees
outside your window.
Milk and sweetness
life and love.
Do you see the future smiling on you,
what do you see my love?
Photo credit to Robert Cernuda. He is a gifted photographer and artist in the New York area.


  1. Beautiful. Love the thread of history in this poem. xo

  2. Beautiful. Reminded me of my daughter's birth and the birth of my two grandchildren.

  3. such melting words of love....beautiful...

  4. What beautiful words to accompany that sweet photo. Nothing sweeter than a baby smiling in sleep, and don't we wonder what it is they see! Thank you for the gift of your words!

  5. Hopefully a grand future will be had indeed

  6. He has captivated your heart. He looks so peaceful and contented, as well he should be, surrounded by such love. Such a beautiful poem, likely the first of many to this beautiful boy.

  7. Aw...beautiful and sweet child ~ A blessing for the family ~

  8. Beautiful, infant, photo, poem and dream.

  9. Oh I think of a bright future... so very sweet and filled with love.

  10. I wonder what children dream about as well now that you brought their dreaming to my attention.

  11. We will never know what newborn children dream of but I imagine lots of colour.

  12. Such a wonderfully heartfelt poem, Ayala ❤️

  13. I wonder this too, even wonder of the little ones daytime thoughts, beautiful little folk they are.
    Kind regards
    Anna :o]

  14. precious gift of life, may all your dreams be good ones. Bright blessings

  15. He's gorgeous. Beautiful, and tender, poem.
