Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Paris Where Poetry Lives

The light in my heart is
overshadowed by sadness.
Darkness threatens in
a distance 
but I want to believe.
I want to believe 
that souls are tuned
to angels as they sing.
I search for words
through the rubble 
of the day,
the lack arises from
the pain that sears.
Light and darkness,
the spaces of life,
empty moments,
pregnant moments.
Evil trampled on the 
garden of existence 
and vaporized hopes and dreams.
The knife blunt,
the sword sharp,
the cries to the heavens
echoing through the universe,
while bad seeds blind and deaf
to the sounds
of humanity.
I want to believe
in the sacred
in the pure
in the grace of the
poetry that lives 
in these streets.
I want to believe 
I want to touch the light,
and hear the angels sing.


  1. Sometimes the crap in the world can make it hard to believe, but believe we must

  2. Beautifully penned, Ayala. I think we all want to believe...and hear the angels sing. Sometimes the darkness of the world seems so intense.

  3. Your words are a balm for these sore times. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  4. I too want to see and touch the light and hear songs again! Thank you for your words!

  5. One feels sad that it had happened. It is a belief that it could have been avoided. There are elements who just refuse to accept the realities of situations.


  6. This is beautiful. Soothing. It's been so so hard for me to process this ... first Boston, then Paris...my other home. I'm praying to grasp on to the hope. Your words have given me a glimpse of that hope. Thank you.

  7. Love is the only answer that makes any sense to me--I am naive I think--but I think I have to be to survive--keep believing

  8. Love is the only answer that makes any sense to me--I am naive I think--but I think I have to be to survive--keep believing

  9. Hearing angels sing would be a welcome salve in these heartbreaking times!

  10. Beautiful, Ayala. You've expressed the essence. My favorite line: I want to believe in the sacred in the pure in the grace of the poetry that lives
    in these streets.

  11. I think that we have to hope and believe... maybe that's all that's needed. It's not delusional to want it to last.

  12. i was so shocked when i heard about what happened in paris and i'm glad about things that happened in response - the guy who pulled up a piano and played imagine in the streets - the decision to take in 30.000 more refugees - despite - that is a free spirit and i bow before the paris people

  13. Poignant and drenched with feelings.

  14. The world.. a beautiful
    Green and Blue orb..
    where even stars
    shine down
    to miracle
    in Earth's
    And sure.. there
    are dark leaves
    of humans with little
    to no heart.. spirit.. or
    soul.. volcanoes.. earthquakes
    and all types of Natural Disaster's
    just waiting to happen.. to bRing
    Folks together
    again.. if not
    for just
    a moment..:)

  15. I too want to believe...you know angels come in many forms...believe..
