Thursday, July 9, 2015

Five Year Blog Anniversary

I fell into life's embrace,
decay crawling on my skin,
naked to be seen.
a place? a destination?
my soul scarred,
shattered pieces
healed by love.
My vessel fragile,
yet my spirit like a great oak tree.
How do I matter?
What is this journey
called life?
The past and the present,
side by side,
tied like a ship with a lifeboat.
Where I have been,
what I have done,
is written on my soul.
What is life, if not
for the love that I breathe,
for the love I have nurtured
for my boys.
Every breath they took,
gave me the will to be better,
to survive,
to evolve.
Love is the greatest gift,
it blooms in my heart,
it flows through my veins,
it saturates my being.

 Five years ago today I began posting on my blog, a sun kissed life. It was a difficult time, I had lost both my parents and I felt wounded, tired, and vulnerable. A desire was sparked to write again and to stand with an open heart and share it. The desire was mixed with fear of leaving myself naked to be seen. My pain expressed for strangers to see, but I took a leap. At first the posts remained empty of comments, and it was okay because after all I was writing to find happiness within. As time went by my blog blossomed, other bloggers that I respected came by to read which made me happy and grateful. I was welcomed to a wonderful community of bloggers,poets,authors and journalists. We bleed on our pages and we share our souls. My blog brought me back to the writing I had left behind. It has made me examine ordinary and extraordinary moments of my life. To all my friends I want to say thank you for embracing me with love and acceptance. I am blessed to have you all in my life!


  1. happy blog anniversary ayala - and thanks for sharing your journey with us... have to do some math about how long i'm already blogging - i'm just messy when it comes to figures...oy

    1. It's always good to see you here, Claudia :)

  2. I am glad you chose to take the journey ayala, and it has been a privelege to watch you grow, pretty much since the beginning. Happy anniversary - and I wish you many more years of wrestling those questions. Ha.

    1. Thank you my friend. It's been a good journey to share.

  3. Happy Blogoversary, Ayala! I am so glad we've intersected and your poems resonate with me. Cheers to many more years. xo

    1. Thank you, Rudri. Your friendship is a blessing. xox

  4. Congrats on your achievement. So sorry to hear about your folks passing. And its great to know that starting your blog uplifted you in more ways than one. Best wishes to you today and always!

  5. The blog world can do so much. Congrats on 5 years!

  6. This is a beautiful post Ayala. Congratulations. I'm so glad you've been around, and that blogging, writing has brought you some healing and joy.

  7. Happy blogoversary, Ayala!

    "Where I have been,
    what I have done,
    is written on my soul. " ---- so very true, and your blog is a testament!

    Continue on...for another five years! Smiles.

    1. Thank you, Mary. Friends like you have made this space a sacred place . Xox

  8. Happy anniversary Ayala. I'm glad I've got to virtually know you through this lovely blog. xx

  9. I started writing poetry almost two years ago. A step I do not regret. I am glad I came across your blog and poetry. Happy blog anniversary!

    1. Thank you Gabriella. I am happy for you and I hope you continue to write.

  10. Wow. Lovely
    Happy 5 here ☺

  11. The past and the present,
    side by side,
    tied like a ship with a lifeboat.

    Lovely imagery!

    Happy blogoversary, Ayala. Wishing you calm waters, and many new shores and great journeys to navigate.

    1. Thank you so much dear ! I appreciate your kind wishes :)

  12. Quite an achievement you describe...something I aspire to but it requires more time. So glad it filled an empty place for you in your life when you most needed it.

  13. I'm so glad you took the leap--blogging is a Good Thing.

  14. SOAKING tears of love
    soar in WAVES of
    way RENEW
    for light in life
    a ship ABOARD
    a new way STEAMS
    away with tears
    behold a DREAM..:)

  15. Connections made with love create strong bonds . A beautiful celebration of your own personal strength and driving will to move forward.

  16. What a wonderful coincidence, Ayala - your fifth anniversary, dVerse's fourth. I'm glad we found each other and that we all found writing - such a balm on a wounded soul, such a life saver and life giver!

    1. Thank you Marina! I am so grateful for meeting you and all my other friends here!

  17. Wishing you a very happy fifth anniversary..! The online blogging world is a great place to be in specially when we have such like minded individuals to hang out with and share our joy & sorrow. Glad to know that you have come a long way since.. and wishing you peace & happiness. Amen.

  18. Happy 5th anniversary and thanks for sharing your heart and journey with us ~ Cheers !

    1. Thank you, Grace. You have been a good friend.

  19. I am glad of you, in the blogosphere. Happy Anniversary!

  20. Congratulations Ayala. I'm so glad you made this decision five years ago. So glad to have met you and enjoy your wonderful writing.

    1. I thank you Myrna. So grateful we have met and shared our hearts here.

  21. Every time I see the dog picture - I smile

    Congrats on writing - and healing, and growing.

  22. Congrats, Ayala. We sure are glad you chose to be a part of our lives and to share the richness of yourself and your family. (And don't forget Daisy--glad she still hangs around on your header). xo

    1. Daisy is there, the same way she lives in my heart. Thank you, Victoria. Xo

  23. Happy 5th Anniversary on your blog, Ayala...and for sharing with dVerse on their 4th!! God bless you.

  24. Even when decay is crawling on our skin and our souls are scarred, we can still be healed by have it exactly right!! Happy Blog Anniversary!

  25. Happy blogversary Ayala! It is amazing how we move through grief and find life again, whole and happy--bless you!!

  26. A great five years, Ayala. I've always enjoyed your reflections and ruminations! Here's hoping for many more...
    Steve K.

  27. it has been such a blessing to be your blogger/fb friend Ayala! your moments of love, happiness, pride and heartbreak continue to reach me with great depth and sincerity. thank you for sharing these moments and trusting me with your heart! Happy Five Years and many many more!

    1. Thank you, Hope. I cherish our friendship.

  28. What you're saying is completely true. I know that everybody must say the same thing, but I just think that you put it in a way that everyone can understand. I'm sure you'll reach so many people with what you've got to say.

  29. Congrats on five years. It is wonderful our paths crossed. My journey has been much like yours, blogging brought new life to my writing, which had faltered for lack of nourishment. I especially love your lines "shattered pieces healed by love." Lovely.
