Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Apple Tree

Dad wrote mom poems
that he read to her.
 I listened
while they thought that 
I was sleeping.
His voice filled with passion
and love.
 Dad wrote me stories
about a horse with a broken leg.
It was published
 in the newspaper.
Life was art to him,
and art was life.
I watched him mesmerized at
how he was bigger than life
    and how an entire room
would be captivated by 
his conversation.
Mom said that the apple
does not fall far from the tree
and that I was like him.
I wanted to write poetry like
and love like him
his flame burning.
His thirst of life,
never quenched,
his hunger
never satiated. 
 He never followed anyone
he always followed his instinct.
His seeds of wisdom
ingrained in my being.
His life was filled with sadness
and despair during the war.
The obstacles never defined him,
he rose and overcame
to build a life that was well lived.
Mom said that I was strong as steel
when I went through my journey.
I told her that 
I was not strong as steel,
the strength was born out of necessity. 
My bloodlines rich with struggle
and endurance.
I think of them
and honor the place that
I come from,
and the apple tree I fell out of.

This is written for dVerse where the lovely Grace is having us write about our ancestors.


  1. Wow, I can see you really DO take after your father. I like the idea that life was art to him. One can have no better example to follow than that. So true, I believe, that 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.' It does sound that you have made the most of your bloodline....despite the struggles.

  2. This is a beautiful poem, Ayala, as well as a beautiful tribute to your dad. It is interesting to see that he was a writer too and I wonder whether any of your own kids will be. "the strength was born out of necessity" - a line, I like. We are not born strong but we learn to be and this is probably easier when we have strong role models.

    1. Yes, Gabriella....it's easier when we have strong role models and when we struggle we realize what we are made of.

  3. I recall that you have some rich history too Ayala ~ I love that you honor the place or tree that you came from, specially the strength and endurance of overcoming the war and its consequences ~ Be strong as steel, I admire that ~

  4. def a rich history...when endurance meets struggle you are in for a good story...and i still find it so cool that you grew up around poetry...obstacles never defined him...enuf said for me...smiles.

    1. Thank you, Brian. I am blessed that way....

  5. Wonderful tribute

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= <3

  6. Oh how I love this. Our strength IS born of necessity....and I especially love "the apple tree I fell out of". Loved this poem!

  7. Very sweet remembrance and write....especially like how you built the poem to it's conclusion.

  8. This is lovely ayala such a beautiful story about your father and the influence he had on you as a person and as a writer. Enjoyed this very much.

  9. Sure didn't fall far from the tree at your sea

  10. oh wow.. i love that he wrote poems and read them to your mom... that is awesome... what beautiful memories ayala

    1. Beautiful memories that I carry with me :)

  11. So interesting - you for sure did take after your father. The apple-tree is a great image that works well... Strength born out of necessity... An important

  12. Oh how lucky to have such a father to pass on such passion for life and love. A beautiful tribute. :)

  13. that is a passion transferred to life and good that you got his as your father

  14. This is beautiful, Ayala. I recognise some of those traits you described, from what I know of and remember of my own Dad. He followed his passions, had a very challenging life, yet still he continued. The image of the apple tree is very strong.

  15. Beautiful opening image, and I love the repetition of the apple tree motif. Also the stained glass--Chagall?

  16. A great tribute with Father's Day right around the corner. Artistic fathers do tend to rub off on us, don't they? An influence of which to be proud, and a poem equally worthy.

  17. the poem has such a sweet beginning..and i love the line "the strength was born out of necessity"...beautifully penned Ayala...

  18. Yes, a fine tribute to your Dad, and a good poem to boot; did wonder what War and what Journey, but a pinch of mystery is all good. A wonderful sense of inheritance & entitlement here. I am kind of the first Writer in my family, first child, first college graduate--so it is nice to hear of your sweet memories.

    1. My father went through the holocaust as a child. He had seen horrors that no child should. Congratulations for being the first writer and graduate in your family-that's great!

  19. A precious legacy to be part of. My mother sounds like your father - the artist, optimist, always looking beyond the horizon.
    Beautiful piece that I hope you keep tucked in with the best of the best

  20. It is nice to be so proud of your parents.

  21. Touching tribute to your parents, Ayala. So lovely that you are keeping the thread of poetry and your father alive through your words. Hugs, my friend. xoxo

  22. Reading this about your father makes it apparent to me why you turned out to be such an amazing person :-)

  23. Oh how beautiful Ayala. Now I know where your talent and your heart come from. :o)

  24. Such a beautiful poem.
    Bravo, ayala

  25. This is really such a heartwarming poem! The vigor and inspiration that he had was made palpable by your words and your closing was touching. :)

  26. Back again - you have great material for books and hope you do write the stories of your father and aunt during the war - stories that must be told....also a memoir sounds wonderful. I;d read it for sure!
