Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Dragon

The light shimmers
on the water. 
The museum stands 
like a jewel on the waterfront.
We watch the egrets
spread their wings
slowly, powerfully,
and we dream of freedom.
Our thoughts floating 
away with them.
You are born on the year
of the dragon,
myth and legend. 
Symbol of power and
good fortune.
Your eyes shine like
the stars
and your strength is in 
your words and
in your hunger.
One day you will 
make this a better place 
with your vision
and your wisdom. 
You will be carried
 by your wings
stretching to embrace
the wondrous

Over at http://dversepoets.com/ Maria has us writing about animals and their symbolism. Meet us there.
This photo is of my son Daniel. He is standing in front of a dragon sculpture at Miami's Perez Art Museum .


  1. oh i do hope he will make this world a better place...gathering his strength...spreading wings... a good thing..

  2. This is lovely... we need more good-hearted dragons in this world.

  3. nice...both the year of the dragon and its meaning...but the grace of the egrets as well...used to see them more in florida...smiling at all you see in them.....

  4. I like how you link that beautiful and mythical animal to your own son. "One day you will / make this a better place / with your vision / and your wisdom." - wonderful lines, Ayala! But maybe I am partial because I am a dragon too!

  5. The dragon is a great symbol, something I am sure he will live up to!

  6. This was a delight, from the smiling face of the beautiful dog up top, to your wonderful poem about your son - your belief in him will fan those wings of his. A beautiful poem.

  7. I can so relate as my second son was also born in the year of the dragon ~ Such a powerful symbol of strength, power and good fortune ~ Hope all these things will come to your son ~ I love your mother's heart ~

    Cheers ~

  8. What a lovely tribute to your dragon-boy! :)

  9. Very beautiful. Makes me think I should have written of horses. I was born in the year of the horse and it has come around again. I love the dragon and you give us his valor and strength in this poem.

  10. You are the best poet-mom, Ayala. And I have no doubt that your children are special and will succeed, thanks to the good mother you have been to them.

  11. Dragons are grand, making the world a better place is too

  12. Nice tribute to you son. I am not aware of Chinese mythology but if there is a year of the ditherer...I would be born in that one:)

  13. lovely tribute. "your strength is in your words", i like that.

  14. beautifully written poem Ayala! nice photo as well! :)

  15. As in the movies, how thrilling it would be to ride a dragon around the kingdom...nice.

  16. Lovely words of love. I am sure he will make the world a better place.
    Anna :o]

  17. How we wish we could keep those feelings of freedom forever. Lovely poem. K.

  18. This was so lovely, ayala. Our spirits soaring...the way we are meant to be.

  19. Beautifully written.
    I can feel how much you love your son.
    Hope he sees this.

    Oh, many thanks for the kind words on my poem.

  20. A beautiful piece of words ... lovely woven :-)

  21. Dragons: lucky this is the far east: in olden day Europe St George would've had a field day.

  22. Love your choice for the prompt - beautifully written loving poem for your son- K

  23. you certainly brought him to the light

  24. Love that the picture and words complement one another. I love the last line of this poem. Thanks, Ayala.

  25. beautiful, ayala. as always.
    i love
    "your strength is in
    your words and
    in your hunger."

  26. So lovely to revisit. Thanks, Ayala. K.

  27. Your writing is so beautiful and positive Ayala. This is no exception.

  28. This is beautiful and a wonderful way for me to discover your blog.

    Katy xx
