Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Young Minds

Young minds,
I want to share my fears
and tears,
my bleeding heart,
my concern.
I want to listen to the rhythm
of your thoughts,
I want to absorb your feelings.
I do not wish to correct,
shut you down.
I wish to listen,
I wish to tune in.
I won't say that you are 
wrong because you see the world
in a different light.
I  want to embrace
your originality 
and young wisdom.
I want to embrace
your innocence and vulnerability.
Young minds you possess 
in dreams we have lost,
in battles we have abandoned,
in lives come undone.
Young minds,
we know
 we were in your shoes once.
Young minds
one small
or big lesson,
follow your hearts
so you don't lose your souls.  

Meet us here http://dversepoets.com/ where we share our thoughts and our hearts. 


  1. follow your hearts is a good advice... and not only for those young people but for all of us as well...

  2. I pray all the time - have since they were young - to stay open and learn from them. With them. To offer what I have learned, sure...but the also learn their language and not belittle their trial and error. It's funny...I have a dad who has led the way in this...always eager to learn. He never belittled me or my kids, even in the crazy "young people" stuff. And then there's my mom who thinks we should all be back in the 1950's! It's interesting to have such clear life examples in front of me of both perspectives...cause one grows happiness and produces lasting relationships, and the other grows bitterness and loneliness. Lovely, thought provoking words - as always!

  3. This is excellent, Ayala. I do think we have to listen to the young even though their way might be different from our own. Good to think back on our own youth when our way too was different from the way of the older generation. We definitely do not want to turn off those young minds, want them to continue to dream, and perhaps bring about some changes OUR generation did not! I wrote my poem on being a 'brave poet' today, as you know. I always enjoy a visit to your blog, as YOU are one. Thank you.

  4. I love the letter approach to the young minds ~ Sometimes we do forget we were young once and we really need to listen to their voices ~ This is really good Ayala ~

  5. Listening is something that few people really ever do, especially without judging. Should be done more often indeed

  6. I enjoyed your poem, Ayala! I like your message to the young and the desire to communicate, listen and be heard too. "follow your hearts / so you don't lose your souls." - excellent lines!

  7. how tempting it can be to judge and lecture instead of listen!

    how wrong we would be to do so though

  8. A very strong message to our youth. Loved it. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  9. Ayala--so wonderful! A sentiment I feel as well, and a perfect ending :-)

  10. It's sucha shame to see our children being forced to grow up before they're ready; perhaps we older folk (I mean me ... smiles) need to recapture soemthing of our youth, before it is too late ...


  11. A good goal, so hard to do, listen and not project or advise.

  12. Truly listening is an art and I like how you express your commitment to it here. Beautiful poem with an encouraging close.

  13. A nice poetic piece that I enjoyed reading.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  14. Kindest words of the heart to share between the generations, in the most generous, plenteous measure!

  15. by the time they can read poetry, they are already grasping the world and changing it with their hope.

  16. The art of listening is a great gift as many voices long to be heard.

  17. Many miles my wheels turned before I realized it is my heart I must follow--not theirs or yours. What a fine lesson, to have learned, to possibly teach, even to the elderly who might've missed it, and may want it.

    Ayala, you have written many fine posts, moving and memorable, but for me, this one shines with a gloss which can not be wiped away. Just MARVELOUS!

  18. Being open-minded and nonjudgmental goes a long way in connecting with others...especially those young minds. Excellent, Ayala...love this topic...love your sweetness.

  19. In the strength and courage of youth is everlasting hope. There within there psyche it is embroidered by the hand of God, as conceived in that mind. It is glorious! Thank you for writing for their inspiration! Well done!

  20. great write, really loved

    "I won't say that you are
    wrong because you see the world
    in a different light." so many parents... well people, period, don't do that... a closed-mind is a dangerous thing... but, an open-mind, is a key to freedom from within... we all need that.

  21. It is a very delicate balance to maintain. To follow dreams and also not lose our soul.

  22. …beautiful, Ayala… your good intentions really showed here… young minds must be nurtured well with love & care . It must not be corrupted by any malicious & pretentious intentions… I enjoyed it, thanks… (and belated happy birthday to your son, Josh)… smiles…

  23. Great words. Life is a balance between dreams and soul, I think.

  24. The listening.. Such an important thing to learn. It's like a letter of advice given.., an advice to listen - just hope they listen.

  25. it takes all of us you know...generations need to join together not battle each other for the future...but listen, appreciate and be willing to bend not only to the new but also to the experience....

  26. This entire piece is inspired and passionate...I love how this portion...

    "I want to embrace
    your innocence and vulnerability.
    Young minds you possess
    in dreams we have lost,
    in battles we have abandoned,"

    Feels like a direct and personal plea to the youth...

    Beautiful writing.

  27. Well written good advice to young and older alike:)

  28. the heart.
    such a beautiful thought.
    all the battles i've fought were to draw semblance to my heart.

  29. I wouldn't want to be a youngster today.
