Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Butterflies are free

I drove past the road sign
to Butterfly World,
for a moment I wished
that I could go there,
sit in the garden and 
let the butterflies hover and
land on me.
The butterflies in my head,
are colorful like the words
I write in my sleep
and like the life I have lived.
My dreams,
a place that I find peace,
where all the fragments of my life melt.
The white walls speak volumes,
our eyes interlock and I know
the he senses the fear
of the small bumps 
in my neck that invaded several weeks ago.
They are unassuming
but they grow in my mind every day.
I tell myself that I don't care
that they may steal my joy
but I do because I have
brown eyed boys that love me,
that need me,
that think of me as the glue
to their world.
I listen to the doctor's voice
filled with calm and
my thoughts quiet and become silent,
tuning in to capture every word.
His stature,
his concern,
remind me of my boy.
I think of his mother
and the pride she must feel.
The same pride I feel for mine,
sharing his compassion,
saving lives.
When I leave I want to go sit
with the butterflies and
watch them flying free 
or not.  

The last few weeks my mind has been preoccupied with these bumps that appeared on my neck and I was feeling low energy and headaches. I had my MRI the other day and thankfully it came back normal. I am now waiting on blood work results.I am feeling better and so grateful for that.
Meet us here http://dversepoets.com/ where we share our thoughts and our hearts.


  1. Your words me recall the trip we made to our own Butterfly World ~

    Thank goodness the results are okay ~ Hope you are well Ayala ~


  2. Glad the results are normal as can be, now hopefully you can fly free

  3. whew....that is a big thing to have on your mind....and i am glad all is well so far...i hope that they find what it is...or is not with the blood test to set you at ease...and your compassion is highlighted as well in your thoughts not just of yourself but the doctor and his family as you relate...

  4. ugh - that can be frightening indeed and it sounds like you're in good hands with the doctor as you describe him... and i'm sure everything turns out well

  5. What a terrible concern to have.. and such a contrast to the butterflies.. wonderful write... and I hope all will be well.

  6. I'm so glad you're OK. It must have been quite scary. And such a fine poem to have come out from such a predicament. It shows that art comes out from the least expected places. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  7. How much anguish does it take to slow us, to take pause to put our focus on those things most worthwhile? Here it must be the cliche 'good' that comes of most everything.

    I wish you well.

  8. Very sorry to hear and very reassuring that you are under good medical care now. Take care ayala!


  9. Oh, Ayala! I'll keep you in my prayers, and I hope that you find out all is well soon.

  10. Butterflies are so uplifting (pun intended). I hope it all works and that you are well.

  11. Hiya, Glad you're feeling a bit better dear Ayala and probably less anxious now too. I really like the conversational flow to this piece and:

    "I have
    brown eyed boys that love me,
    that need me,
    that think of me as the glue
    to their world."

    Is terrific... All the very best to you Scott www.scotthastie.com

  12. I really enjoyed this piece. The contrast between the butterfly house & the doctor's office is perfect. Hope everything's okay. :-)

  13. Good to know you are feeling better now. Enjoyed your butterfly effect.

  14. Oh my dear Ayala - what a frightening experience - I loved the idea of the butterflies lifting your spirits - stay well - K

  15. Ayala, what a heartfelt poem. It is so frightening when something unexpected appears health wise. I am glad the MRI turned out all right and hope for good blood work as well. You have so much to live for with this brown-eyed boys. I understand your yearning to sit in the butterfly garden!

  16. So glad for you. I know the stress of waiting for medical results, the fears that lurk in spite of our efforts to let them go free. I'm happy you're well.

  17. Wishing you the best in this time of trial..butterflies are uplifting so I hope
    one will guide you during this part of your journey. Peace...

  18. My mom is sick and in & out of the hospital so i def know it scares her (me as well) waiting for results to come back... glad all is well so far! nice write...

  19. This is a graceful write in the face of something so fearful. You have my warmest thoughts and I'm wishing all your results come back okay...take care precious butterfly.

  20. A beautiful and artful write in a moment in your life when worry is expressed yet put aside to appreciate compassion, concern and the little beauties surrounding you. A fine write, A :) xo ~jackie~

  21. So glad your MRI came back 'normal' Ayala and hope the blood-work soon finds you an answer. (What worrying things our bodies can be.)
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful butterfly thoughts.
    Anna :o]

  22. Very glad to hear your news. You've let an excellent poem emerge from the shadows of your anxieties. I particularly like the comparison of butterflies to words in your head. Fine job.
    Steve K.

  23. ayala, that has to be completely nerve wracking. I'm so glad so far the tests are coming back negative. Hopefully it's just a little aberration and nothing to worry about (easier said than done, I know). Oh, the butterflies...we have a conservatory here but I've never been. I get so many hot flashes these days that I'm afraid if I get into an extra warm space, I'll melt!

  24. do like butterflies being like words... wonderful analogy

  25. A very introspective piece, full of pent emotion. I hope that all will pass well for you ~peace, Jason

  26. Lovely, Ayala. I love your twists, your imagery. Even the line "I think of his mother and the pride she must feel." felt to me that it was you, stepping out of yourself, stepping away from what had been your fear. Beautiful work. As always. And I'm so glad your tests have come back in a positive light. Merry Christmas, and thank you for your support of me as a solo poet, and as part of One Voice Poetry. x.Vivienne.xxxxxx

  27. beautiful poem dear Ayala, wishing you gentleness on this healing journey.

  28. Ayala, I am glad that your MRI came back normal. What a relief. Hoping for blood results that bring the same good news. Heal, my friend.

    Also, your butteryfly imagery reminds me of Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver. I definitely recommend reading this novel.

  29. Oh my. This takes such a twist from the sublime into fear. As I remember from an art history class, the sublime always implies fear. I pray all goes well, Ayala.

  30. Ayala, I remembered while reading here, when doctor told my wife and I that my cancer was in an aggressive stage--I thought he said "regressive" and that sounded pretty good to me. (It still is in there hiding, but continual medication is keeping it at bay!)

    Out of it all comes the benefit of being capable of relating, identifying with others who are going through same stages of awareness.

    SO much have we all for which to be thankful! One of life's difficult times is that wait for a verdict, Innocent or Guilty; do I get the job...or not?
    And--is it malignant...or not? We wait, we prepare to accept God's will and deal with that in either case...

    PEACE and LIGHT, my Friend

  31. The peace of being in a good health is most reliving!
    I hope your blood tests turn out to be fine too. Sending you love!
    That was a beautiful piece.
    Take care.


  32. Oh, this is not what I expected when you started with a butterfly garden! I'm glad you had good news from your MRI, but I'm sure it's still a concern if you don't yet know what the cause is. I hope you an answer that is not serious and easily treatable. Do take care Ayala. You have sent so much positive energy out to the world, I'm sure you will have lots coming back to you. Including some from me. (hug)

  33. So sorry you are having that anxiety, ayala. I hope you soon know what is going on--I love that you saw your son in your doctor, and your doctor's mother in you--I also especially loved these lines and wanted to say, they are so you!:
    "The butterflies in my head,
    are colorful like the words
    I write in my sleep
    and like the life I have lived..." Just perfect.
    Best wishes, dear ayala.

  34. Yes, I have been in this place before, and my heart goes out to you. So glad that your tests came back good (and may you continue to feel better!) Wishing you and your dear ones a very happy holiday.
