Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I placed you on the shelf,
in a wooden box
to lie and rest.
"Shh," I said,
"don't whisper in my ear."
I am sad and disillusioned,
I've been beaten and 
I no longer want to tend to 
your garden,
nor laugh with you,
or carry you in my soul.
Do not wake me
from my sleep to unfold beauty 
at my feet.
I have locked my doors and windows,
to keep you outside,
wash you in the rain,
bake you in the sun.
I tell you that
I won't dance with you,
and then
 I watch the crimson sun,
I feel you breathing on my skin
and I let you back in. 


  1. smiles...yes, i have felt this before and it is hard to give up...esp when they return with such intimacy...which we always are craving...that connection...

  2. I can so relate to this, the need to write poetry no matter how hard you fight it... although I don't fight it, but sometimes get in a little slump.

  3. ah i think we all can relate to his...and sometimes it's good to keep them on a shelf for a bit and enjoy the re-union all the more.. smiles

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You know, I interpret this a couple of different ways. I am not sure which one is correct but I wuold rather not know sometimes because that makes it all the more beautiful. Brian's ^ poems are sometimes like that too!

  6. I surely identify with this post, Ayala. Too frequently this is happening. Are we all human? Do we all seek the same things and have same desires?

    To find it is true (that we're all in the same life boat) would really be a shocker! (I'M JOKING, but you must know that.)

    Claudia has that BEAUTIFUL idea...see? we ALL keep looking for more, even if it is repetition. Smiling!

    (Sorry about the deletion--I had to correct an error (BAD!)

    1. Ha :) the words just come knocking on our door :)

  7. Can fight but soon you see the light

  8. Your poems are always so deep, Ayala. I love them. ♥

  9. so relatable..so beautifully conceived and executed...even negative thoughts respond to your deft pen..lovely, A! ~jackie~

  10. I think this is a wonderful description of downs and ups in a relationship... on a shelf and waiting knowing that he will come back ...

  11. I can related dear ~ I have felt like giving up before but somehow it always whispers, specially in the morning ~

    Have a lovely week ~

  12. Words are a great way of deflecting such thoughts. Excellent, deep write.

  13. This captures so well our intimate love and sometimes hate relationship with words. Excellent write.

  14. I feel the same way at times. In fact, it was hard to get back into poetry when I returned from vacation. I had left it on the shelf, and I was quite content to leave it there.....but, alas, it breathed on me again; and I'm back! Smiles.

  15. This was a very intense poem, beautifully written. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  16. Ambiguity reigns supreme, yes? I loved the poem.

  17. This hurt to read. Some things, no matter how hard we try to eradicate them, refuse to be put away or ignored. This was beautiful, ayala.

  18. This is so wistful, Ayala--poignant. Today is the 9th anniversary of my sister's death and it spoke to me of that.

  19. I wish I had written this poem.... it captures an interesting tension and frustration.

  20. That's true, ayala! One just cannot ignore words. Meaning one needs to express oneself as a poet or storyteller by way of being a blogger or author. Keeping to oneself all the richness of experience and knowledge are a loss. It is being unfair to oneself! Never thought of it this way before! Brilliant!


  21. You strike a chord and invoke a chorus, ayala, so well-crafted. ~ M

  22. Wow, this is amazing! Sometimes when we feel least inspired is when the words sneak in. Beautifully captured!

  23. I felt a sense of pain..I'm not sure if it was yours or my own. Sometimes it is best to keep the box closed until we can handle the words.

  24. That pull from words needing to be heard, writte, expressed regardless of the author's cooperation. You captured this well. Sometimes, I feel like I can just give up writing, do without words, but you're right, they must be let back in.
    I really enjoyed this poem. So nice.

  25. A wonderful reunion; it is heartening that the words have been let back into the inner sanctuary.

  26. I think sometimes we just have to let it out; let the words flow. We know we want to!

  27. I adored this, our words are love. They are there to give us moments that would otherwise disappear. I am glad you let these in <3 ~ Send peace and love always my friend ~ Rose

  28. I loved this--and I think this is true for so very many--Such a profound and beautiful write Ayala--one of your best I think--

  29. Wonderful poem...your best to date I think..like others I wish I had written it too!

  30. I really love this one... something about the scene that played through my head as I read it.

  31. Oh please do not abandon words, do not lock them away, for you use them so beautifully, so evocatively! I've felt like this many times... yet they get me every time.

  32. Yes. i know this feeling. we will always let them back in, i think.

  33. Ayala, sometimes locking away the words until we are ready is all we can do. I love this poem, it is poignant and beautiful.


  34. A sad and painfully honest piece, Ayala--and well penned. I liked how you closed things into a box in the opening and then closed yourself into the house later--the juxtaposition works fabulously. Thanks for sharing!

  35. Thank you, I appreciate your thoughtful comment.

  36. Ah the power of words, we can never truly shut them out, can we? Great write.

  37. A completely mesmerizing poem - beautifully written! K

  38. A very pretty and poignant poem, Ayala, well expressed. k.

  39. I absolutely love this Ayala. I have had such little time to write poetry lately and this resonated for me. Cheers!

  40. Sometimes putting the words on the shelf may lead to even greater inspiration later. Lovely write, Ayala.

  41. I found this to be deep and so effecting Ayala - thanks for that... All the Best to you Scott www.scotthastie.com

  42. yes, sometimes it seems like the words aren't there... but i think if you are a writer they always come back, somehow (or at least the need to write does.)

    1. Yes..we let them back in because we can't help ourselves. :)
