Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In An Instant-My Heart Is In Boston

I have no answers.
I can't explain the
Words that attempt to capture
an instant when blue skies,
became forever grey.
An iconic race swept away,
turned into blood stained streets.
In an instant,
innocence stolen,
innocence lost.
In an instant,
a perfect day unfolding
into a nightmare.
In an instant lives changed,
families shattered,
a heartbreak
 that scars
 our souls.
 A perfect spring day turned into
bloody chaos,
Humanity at it's worst,
humanity at it's best.
This is America,
we bleed red white and blue.
This is America,
Americans doing what we do best. 
strangers reaching to lend a helping hand,
opening their hearts.
I have no answers,
but rage and raw pain,
I hurt,
for the city I love.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those injured and those that passed away. Yesterday when I turned the news on my heart sank. I was horrified for everyone. I immediately thought of  my son and his girlfriend, they are both doctors living in Boston. The day before the race his girlfriend was down by the finish line and I did not know if she was there or working. I could not get a hold of my son and when his girlfriend text me back I was relieved that she was safe. An hour later I heard my son was okay.  My son was treating people at the hospital, he is an ER doctor. I never imaged that he will have to witness the horrors of terrorism. I was raised in Israel and immigrated when I was 13. In Israel this was a part of our reality but I never thought that my children would experience it as well. After 9/11 our life as Americans changed forever. I dedicate this poem to the people of Boston and their generous spirit. We thank the first responders, police officers and all the doctors and nurses saving lives.
Please meet us here, http://dversepoets.com/ where  we share our thoughts and our hearts.


  1. The news horrified me Ayala ~ Happy to read that your son and his girlfriend are fine ~ Humanity at its best and worst ~

    1. Thank you, Grace. A sad day for all of humanity.

  2. A heartfelt tribute to the people of Boston...so glad your son and his love are okay...more than okay..doing their very best to help save lives. Bless them and you. x

    1. Thank you, Jackie. I've been glued to all the reports..blessings to all those affected.xx

  3. Ayala, you write so well--for us all, as everyone shares in good--as well as bad. And some express this SO magnificently.
    Thank YOU!

  4. Thank you. For this. For loving our city. And for the heart you bring to all you write.

    1. Thank you, Adrienne. I love Boston, my heart just sank yesterday. I thought of you and yours. I am thankful that all of you were safe..I know your heart is broken and so is ours. xoxo

  5. it is terrible..really couldn't believe it when i heard it first... and def. our prayers are with them

  6. Much needed powerful words. A terrible event.

  7. I find the news terrifying.... It's so awful the element of destructiveness in humanity. Fortunately it sometimes bring out the best in people too.

    1. It was inspiring how people ran to help strangers..but that's what we do.

  8. Yes, my heart goes out to the people involved and this write was poignant :)

  9. A horrible event, Ayala. I think there is a disintegration of the red, white and blue. I see people blaming Obama for this terrible act, now tell me how can that be? Heartfelt write.


    1. There are always people that want to blame the President...I don't know how. He leads with dignity and honor.

  10. I pray that this is not the start of another round of terror. Thank you for writing this.

  11. I too feel the pain of this latest act of terror. Boston is such a lovely place and the first responders really made a difference.

  12. Your personal connection to this event is made evident here Ayala - my heart is with you - your "innocence stolen" says it all..

  13. xoxo. I know not what else there is to say. Peace to us all.

  14. Oh Ayala that would have been terrifying not knowing where your loved ones were... so glad they're okay and that your son is putting his gifts to work to help those injured. A beautiful write and I wish you and your family all the best. Such a terrible thing but so many good people out there helping those in need. xx

    1. Thank you, Di. It is inspiring to see all the goodness pouring out ..such a tragedy and I am so sad for all the families.

  15. Oh, Ayala. You so beautifully express what so many of us are feeling. The fact that your son and his girlfriend were a part of the whole thing makes you emotion even more real. Thank God they are okay.

    1. Thank you, Victoria. Thank God. I wish everyone was safe!

  16. *hug* We all feel shock, dismay, grief, confusion and fear. You penned it beautifully.

  17. It seems that every time you start to feel the hope, something seems to dash it. Heartbreaking. Thoughts and prayers to all of those involved in such a senseless heinous act.

  18. Well said, Ayala. I'm glad your loved ones are okay. It is so sad the way things are, and I see no hope they will do anthing but worsen in the near future.

    1. Thank you, Charles. I pray that things change.

  19. Boston is my hometown. I am reeling from all the tragedies lately.

  20. There is really nothing I can say or add, so thank you for saying it for me/us.

  21. Heartfelt and fierce in its condemnation of such a cowardly act.

  22. in an instant... so much can change. thank you for this. glad your son & co are safe.

    1. Thank you, Joanna. So much can change..in an instant.

  23. So difficult to ever know why, but you are right to focus on the good that comes out of evil, because it is always there, and always stronger.

  24. I don't understand it either... but moving forward and helping in any way we can will sometimes give us the answer we're needing.

  25. Thanks for sharing your hearthere.

  26. hi Ayala, I came here by way of Rudri's blog. Thank you for writing this. I grew up in Boston and was involved a few years in the medical community there. I know that many must be indebted to your son and his girlfriend for their sacrifice and efforts.

    1. Hi Cecilia, thank you for coming by and nice to meet you. I appreciate your kind words and I am sure your heart is in Boston as well as mine.

  27. What a beautiful tribute. Thank you for writing this, and how wonderful that your son is safe, and was able to help. Prayers to all the people of Boston.

    1. Thank you, Mary. Prayers to all the people of Boston, they shined with kindness in the middle of this horrific act.

  28. my prayers for all the loving humans of Boston..wakeup man for such things can happen today anywhere shattering many..each line of urs out-poured ur true emotional love for humanity,touching to make us realize we are human beings born to love & not kill.Ayala done a superb job giving importance to the issues faced by mankind standing helpless in our own destructive creations.this is where writing does a healing job of the wounded mind..God<3u

    1. Thank you, Adhi. I appreciate your thoughts...hard to accept the brutal acts of Monday. Our hearts are with the people of Boston.

  29. Thank you for voicing so beautifully what we all feel - so grateful that your familys safe and your sons doing such heroic work. I send my prayers as well, K

    1. Thank you kindly. I appreciate your good wishes.

  30. Thank you for sharing this today as well. I needed to hear your outpouring. My heart goes out to you and your family and all those affected by this tragedy.

  31. Its sad really, how fellow human can plot against their brethen like so. the world is not a safe place, but worst of all, the world is loveless.

    1. Devastating but you must look at all the kind and heroic acts and find inspiration there.

  32. Very sincere and heartfelt sentiments.

  33. You are able to mix sadness and hope well in this poem. I really like it, and I like how it looks. If you turned it on it's side, it would have peaks and valleys, which seems to echo, to me, the themes of sadness and hope. I am very happy that your family is okay. My heart goes out to them, they are also going to need some extra love after caring for those who were injured.

    1. Thank you, Heidi. I read articles that quoted doctors saying they had never seen anything like it. Sad.

  34. So relieved that your son and his girlfriend are safe. This tragedy is heartbreaking. I am having difficulty processing my scattered grief about the events that occurred.

    1. Thank you, Rudri. I am having difficulty as well. xo

  35. Praise for all doctors nurses and emts who sacrifice so much ..nice write.

  36. That is terrible not only for USA alwsys thinks these things are terrible for all.And Im so sad really and you dear made a nice and heartfelt post!

  37. What a horrible incident and I am relieved for you that your son and his girlfriend are alright.

    'Humanity at it's worst,
    humanity at it's best.'


  38. Heartfelt poem Ayala. Ongoing violence takes a toll on everyone. It is no way to live as you have experienced.

  39. Such inhumanity is so death scaring...

  40. Well written piece, Ayala. I know what you mean. It is so hard to understand the pure evil, and yet in the face of it, good rises up.

    1. Yes, the people of Boston showed strength and grace.

  41. I also have no answers--I wish we humans would just behave ourselves and treat each other with care. Nice work on a very sad event; you've put words to what many people are feeling.

    1. Thank you, Nico. I'm afraid none of us have answers .

  42. Beautifully expressed emotions Ayala.

    I am so glad your son and his girlfriend are safe.

    My thoughts are with all who have been touched by this insult on the people of Boston.


    1. Thank you, Anna. I have been glued to the t.v so happy that they caught the guys and that they can't hurt anyone else.

  43. We've been following the deatils on the news over here. Shocking!

  44. You said it all so well.

    I am glad that your son and his girlfriend are safe. I appreciate the service that they did for the everyone. :-)

  45. Glad that your loved ones are safe and well; praying for those who have been less fortunate.

    We'll never begin to understand why people do this type of thing, not least because we never properly listen to the grievances, hopes and aspirations of others. I wonder how long you have to be ignored before you end up shouting like this - not that I am in any way condoning acts of terror, just asking the question.

    1. Thank you. I think they flourished in this country but instead of being grateful to the land that embraced them they chose to hate ....

  46. I was just talking to Nick last night; wondering what it must be like to be a physician and have to medically treat or repair a person so broken that they murdered. I couldn't be that doctor.

    I feel as you do. It brings out the best and worst in us.

    1. It's the oath they take..I do understand your feelings.

  47. It was so horrific... I'm sorry your son had to go through that, as I'm sure it will leave a lasting memory. Pray for peace!

  48. Only the one who has walked this path can understand...we in India have been facing terrorist attacks in our cities for last 10 years and we know how it is to lose a loved one..

    i have had friends losing their cousins who just simply went out to the market to hang out and were killed by a blast!!

    peace for the ones who lost their lives at boston and also world over who lose their lives every day trying to just live!!!


    1. Thank you for your comment..I have followed different events all over the world and I have felt deep sadness about the ville crimes against humanity. I am sorry about your loss and I am sorry we have to live in a world when it's a struggle just to exist. My best wishes to you and yours.

  49. Hi Ayala.

    I found you through Pat Hatt and am glad to take you to 150 followers. Your poetry is very moving, powerful, and powerfully human. The world needs so much healing now. I can't imagine your fear when you hadn't yet heard about your son and his girlfriend. What a relief.

    Take care.

    1. Hi Robyn,
      Thank you for taking me to 150. :) I appreciate that my poetry resonates with you. True, the world needs healing and peace. So sad about the events this week and at the same time so inspired by the goodness....
      Thank God they were safe. ..

  50. Wow, Ayala, you really know the horrors of Boston firsthand through the eyes of your son (and girlfriend) there. Truly was an awful happening, and your poem portrayed it so vividly. It definitely was / is humanity at its worst. Such senseless violence and at such a wonderful event. Blessings to your son who is an ER MD there.

    1. Thank you, Mary. I appreciate your good wishes.

  51. So glad your son and his girlfriend are okay. Your words echo our feelings about these evil acts.

  52. Awe... I remember this one! Reading it this second time as details are beginning to unfold makes it even more important for us to stand together and put emphasis on the heroes!
