Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Words orphaned,
thrown away.
Words relevant ?
life changing ?
Words celebrated,
words crushed.
Torn between a desire to 
improve the world,
acknowledging the smallness of it all .
We are like specks,
like snowflakes melting.
Does our voice count,
does it really matter.
I bathe in the moonlight,
seaweed on my ankles,
shackled by yesterday,
questioning everything.
My happiness salted with sadness,
the fire in my soul burning.
My desire lives,
living my poetry,
day after day,
the words leave me depleted.
The words that once comforted me,
betray me.
I am left weak,
I measure the words and I ask,
do the words really matter ?

Please meet us here http://dversepoets.com/ where we share our thoughts and our hearts.


  1. they do count...our voice can seem small at times...and we wonder if anyone really hears them...but they are...and the thing with words is they echo forward as well...people will be touched we never know....you are such an encouragement as well...be of good cheer...you are heard...and matter...smiles.

    1. Thank you, Brian. I wonder sometimes even though the answer seems so clear. But I do write because it's good for my soul.

  2. living my poetry.. and seaweed round the ankles...smiles...great touch...and i know exactly what you mean with your question...was my question as well when i wrote my piece...but then..yeah...my conclusion was as well...they do matter..

    1. Yes... The words do matter. I think sometimes it's hard not to be frustrated....

  3. Yeah no matter how big or small they sure count in some way, at least to a cat who can't talk back haha

    1. Thank you, Pat. Yes... the cat can't talk back :)

  4. I believe no matter how small our voices are, we can make a difference if we speak them out ~ I like that we are specks, like snowflakes melting ~

  5. Yes, the words do matter... yours matter... I like "orphaned words" too.

  6. Oh yes--the words matter. They sustain us all, and here, your words have nourished my spirit.

    1. How sweet of you to say.... Thank you, Susan :)

  7. i agree with all, i believe our words do matter. if we can somehow deliver hope and light even to one person through the poem, it's already a success. thank you for this Ayala~

    1. Thank you kindly and words do inspire us .... I just felt this so strongly and I wrote this down... It wasn't a good day. :)

  8. Ayala, I understand your questioning here; but I really think that words DO matter. What you are writing now will be appreciated greatly by your son and others someday. Often I think words matter more than most things in life....but I do understand how sometimes words can leave you depleted. They do me too!

    1. True, Mary. Words are pieces of ourselves we leave behind.

  9. Yes, they do matter. They outlive us, and whoever reads them connects through them to the writer... what depletes you can feed someone else's soul... thank you for a lovely read.

    1. I think that knowing you can feed someone else's soul is uplifting.

  10. Words certainly matter. We can seem to be screaming at no one, but just look at the mirror and see the satisfaction upon creating them.

  11. Words are our bond and each one touches us in some way. Yours did just that. "My happiness salted with sadness" was my favorite line. Very nicely done. :)

  12. I like the use of 'snowflakes' and 'seaweed' in this piece. Sometimes it seems like words may be all we have...and I enjoy yours. :-)

  13. I loved this, ayala. Sometimes words aren't enough and sometimes they are too much. Sometimes, though, the exact right word can create magic.

  14. If you don't say it, no-one will hear it...

  15. THOSE words touched me in a way that DOES matter! Thank you

    ALOHA from Honolulu, Ayala
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3

    1. Thank you, Cloudia. I am happy they touched you.

  16. Words matter far more than we often think. That moment of pleasure that reading your words gives is a gift beyond price. The same is true when our owrds help someone to see a different view, hear a differnt voice, think a different thought, live a different life.

    I do inderstand your questioning though; in a world filled with so many words, why would anyone listen to or read mine?

    1. Thank you for your words here, I appreciate it so much :)

  17. Words matter, your voice matters, must admit to feeling disillusioned, wondering if anyone ever listens but it's usually precisely then when you should be speaking, so let the words roll I say...you never know when your words will make a difference to someone... a felt write Ayala. :)

    1. Thank you, Di. You are right we never know when we make a difference and inspire, true!

  18. I believe that they do. I have to.

  19. If they didn't matter we would have died out as the dinosaurs did. Words travel like waterways...they may not always flood, sometimes they trickle, but they will always reach the thirsty...and that is why we share them. Send peace ~ Rose

    1. They will always reach the thirsty, I like that. Thank you, Rose. Peace and love to you.

  20. I think they do matter... Perhaps not always in the way we wish they would, but for me at least, they always help me make sense of life.

  21. sometimes it seems that our voices don't count, but ultimately , our words are important, our voices do matter -this poem, your voice, does matter K

  22. ...words always matter Ayala... i think the question is whether our words will matter in good or bad way / relevant or not and that depends on how our listeners will process the words we utter or say.... smiles...

    1. I would want them to matter in a good way :)

  23. Oh, I know that feeling, but yes, they do matter. I really felt like this was a strong piece for you, Ayala. You've wonderfully expressed emotions many of us have felt before :)

    1. Thank you, Lori and yes it was one of those days ....

  24. Words, the poet's words, your words...always matter. Doubt creeps in because we are human...but never give up your love for words....and allow for the doubt of entangling seaweed.. A lovely and thoughtful departure for you here, A. Thank you for sharing.

  25. My happiness salted with sadness...
    Yes, words matter. Every time we touch or are touched by them.
    So heartfelt, this write...

  26. I understand the questioning...sometimes we all get to that place of wondering if our words count for anything. I have to think that they certainly do. A very poignant share...straight from your heart...I could feel it.

  27. I love this line :
    My happiness salted with sadness,
    the fire in my soul burning.

    Even though we wonder if our words are relevant we must vent, and it doing so we create a space in our world where are words are important to our hearts.
    thank you for sharing your burning soul.

    1. Thank you, Tracy. The words are important to our hearts. :)

  28. If anything matters, then everything matters. Every word we spend leaves in it's wake a mist that will touch the soul of another. Words are powerful, and we should use them wisely.

  29. Ayala, I think we all get tormented by these questions from time to time. Your words always leave me thinking, smiling-touch me in some way, so to me, they matter :-) At the end of the day, when I'm feeling this way, I have to say--do my words matter to me? And the answer is, "Yes" without them, I don't know what I would do. PS didn't mean to make that last sentence into a rhyme... :-)

    1. Thank you, Sara. Words matter but sometimes I just wonder if we can change the world for the better... Are people inspired to be kinder and to make a difference. Do the words inspire ?

  30. of course the words matter, silly! :) we do have the power to change the world, at least in little ways, every one of us. even though it might not seem like it sometimes. thanks for this thought-provoking piece, ayala.

    1. When I was younger I knew that I can change the world and make it a better place... The older skeptical me wonders if that is still true.

  31. I like your poem. It does make one wonder sometimes if anyone hears us or cares. I guess we have to do what we have to do and let others sing our praises. Have a great weekend!!

  32. Oh, a soul-searching adventure in words understandable.
    Communication Matters, Ayala.
    Whether among us, or between us and God (or is that the same as?)
    Love the words with which you share your brain with us!

  33. Oh, I think they do--otherwise we wouldn't still be reading or saying the ones that are hundreds of years old, the writers long gone. Very effective use of repetition in this, ayala.

  34. Ayala, I would like to think our words matter. I like the repetition as well.


  35. I love the line, "shackled by yesterday..." Would be a great memoir title.

  36. Ahhh... I agree with you, we are but specks of dust in this vast universe. Beautiful poem.

    Greetings from London.

  37. I think they do! Love this bit in the middle Ayala:
    'I bathe in the moonlight,
    seaweed on my ankles,
    shackled by yesterday,
    questioning everything.
    My happiness salted with sadness,'

  38. I love how you describe the pendulum of happiness and sorrow with words as a character in your poem. Brilliant, Ayala! Thank you.

    1. Thank you, dear Rudri. I appreciate your kind words.

  39. "We are like specks,
    like snowflakes melting.
    Does our voice count,
    does it really matter." I think so, I do, words have the power to change the world, especially kind words.

  40. Yes, they do matter! Even if they only matter for us personally. There is nothing better than getting words out on paper and the feeling of liberty and freedom once they are out. Its almost like the best therapy ever. Even if they don't matter in the future, they still mattered at the time :)

    1. Writing is therapy and it does matter...I was having one of those days when I wrote this...

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  44. Hope you feel better soon!! Love your pet!
    We have two dogs!

    1. Thank you, Gloria. :) We had two dogs as well but they passed away :(

  45. happy sunday to you as well...smiles

  46. yes, they do. (and yours are always beautiful)

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