Tuesday, January 22, 2013

History Unfolds

His head rests on me,
I touch his hair.
He looks at me from the corner of
his eye.
He's wearing his, " I love Bacon " shirt.
We watch the inauguration,
he rolls into a pretzel,
twelve years old and restless.
I want him to witness
this moment in time.
Lives sacrificed so 
we can be free.
Mothers, fathers, sisters,
brothers , children,
are present in this crowd,
a sea of humanity,
all anticipating this moment.
Pride within them,
red, white and blue.
He groans, half yawning,
hoping I let him go back to his room.
I hope he takes this in,
it's a part of him,
a part of us.
I tell him he is blessed
and privileged,
to be born under these blue skies,
where he is free.
Where his voice is heard,
where he counts.  
 I have laid my head
on your chest and I listened to your heartbeat.
 you brought me to my knees,
poured salt in my wounds and
healed me.
You lifted me,
you embraced me,
you gave me a home. 

Please meet us here, http://dversepoets.com/ where we share our thoughts and hearts.


  1. Wow! Amazing immigrant tale!
    Happy Aloha to YOU
    from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° >
    > < } } ( ° >

  2. oh wow...i wish obama would read this...true love for this country shines true ayala...i watched parts of the inauguration on tv as well...and i really like obama...

    1. Thank you, Claudia. How sweet of you to say.

  3. ...a li'l of a sacrifice t'wards the making of another history...perhaps that's what it's all about...people joined together in this not only america but the entire world with a hope for change once more...smiles...

    1. Thank you, Kelvin . Must keep hope alive. :)

  4. There's a strong sense of patriotism here - and a fascinating contrast between your understanding of the inauguration and your son's. BTW did you mean to write "bothers" - or should that have been brothers :-)

  5. with all its problems it is still the best

  6. I think it is very cool that you watched with your son! And yes, one should not ever be hesitant to show pride in one's country or one's leader!

  7. ah i love your laying your head on the chest of america...he will take it in...in his own way you know...we all do on some level...and with some it takes time to truly grasp as well...i think it is good to want that of your kids though...smiles.

    1. I love America and I want him to feel the same pride :)

  8. This is so very touching... makes me even that much prouder to be an American!

  9. I hope your son does appreciate our privilege. I felt very moved yesterday watching all the festivities.

  10. I skipped yesterday but your words remind me of four years ago and the hope and pride that I felt then.

  11. Our children are lucky to be born to such a blessed land ~
    Happy to be celebrating with you ~

    Thanks so much for the lovely compliments ~


    1. They are blessed :) thank you Grace and you are very welcome :)

  12. Wonderful tribute to the country, let's hope things improve.

  13. I love this. Much. America still shines. All countries, all governments have problems and I know we've got ours, but I love her still. Your piece reminded me that though it's not perfect, it's still beautiful, and it's home. Excellent piece ayala.

    1. America is still the best ! Thank you, Jen.

  14. "America. I have laid my heart on your chest and listened to your heartbeat" - beautiful words. Beautiful work here

  15. I wish more of us felt this way, so many seem to have little appreciation for what our country does offer. and this is a lovely poem about motherhood as well, our hopes for our children, and they way they can see things so differently from us.

    1. Thank you, Kelly. When we are young we don't realize the importance of these moments and how we will look back someday with awe and gratitude.

  16. I love how you capture the energy of the mass feeling that moment. So well put, to peace and community! ~ Rose

  17. A beautiful tribute to the USA, Ayala. Nicely done!

  18. I love this because it reminds me of me and my kids. I knew they were not grasping the full magnitude of the Inauguration like I hoped, but maybe one day they'll look back and remember what we said about and how we made them watch :) It was a beautiful day.

    1. Someday they will :) it was a beautiful day !

  19. I didn't get to see the inauguration! Made me mad. But, I'm glad you got to see it with your son. I hope he retained some of the moment. This is a beautiful tribute to our country.

    1. Thank you, Alex. I am sorry you didn't get to see it.

  20. Touching story about your family and the meaning of the moment for you.

  21. Awww, this is touching. Some day he will think back on this and realize it's significance. I just adore the detail of his 'I love bacon' shirt. :)

    1. Thank you, Mary. Someday I'll be gone but he will know how I felt that day because he will have this capture.....

  22. You did a great job with this write, and doing the right thing w. ur son. If he seems apathetic now...I would take bets that it's all soaking in and he'll remember this moment, tucking it away as a lesson his loving mama gave w. hope and pride. Lovely write, A!

  23. Wonderfully patriotic and full of optimism and hope. We imbibe things when young, which come to maturity much later.

  24. This touched me deeply, Ayala. It brought me to tears. We are so lucky to be born under these blue skies. Travel to war torn, in turmoil countries should remind us of this. And what you did with your son was right.

    Bless you, Ayala. We have become a nation of complainers...without the foresight to remember what we have before us. I have been reading "Savage Continent" about WWII in Europe. Think every citizen of this nation should read this book. It puts things in great perspective.

    With love, and I tear up when I see Daisy up there on the top of your blog.


    1. My dear Jane, thank you for your kind words and sentiments here. I know that you truly appreciate being under these blue skies. Blessings to you.

  25. Loved this, Ayala. I'm currently listening to a series of CD's on American History and everything put in perspective is so amazing.

  26. Wonderful! You made my heart swell with gratitude for the opportunities we enjoy. Blessed be!

  27. Hopefully it will remain the land of the free, because frankly it has changed soooo much over the years since I lived there. I find it to be quite sad. Heartfelt write, Ayala.


  28. beautiful Ayala. My daughter Rosie was 12 during President Obama's first inauguration... we watched from her hospital bed... I will never forget the tears in my eyes as he spoke, the emotions swelling in my heart. I wished she understood the power of what was happening, but she was so ill and out of it. This time was different, at 16, healthy and politically savvy for a girl her age, she too was filled with pride.

    1. So sad your daughter was I'll during the first inauguration . Thankfully this time she is healthy and could expierance it fully . Best wishes to you Laura !

  29. Lovely write, Ayala. :)

  30. Your poem makes me proud to be an American today, Ayala. Thanks for giving me that feeling. xo

  31. Wonderful. I love that you think forward to his memories. That and the bacon shirt (made me hungry) Well done
