Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I Live

These days,
I live
Don't think I have forgotten you,
my thoughts find you in the
alleyways of my mind. 
Early dawn,
the house is dark and quiet
I awaken thinking of you.
Fragments of dreams,
I search through mingled trees
and dark forests.
I search for you.
These days,
I laugh
something I have forgotten to do.
I catch a glimpse of my old self,
the sadness melting from my eyes.
I remember the passion you had 
for life.
I remember lessons taught by example.
Yesterday I was but a shadow of myself,
today I step into my body
and reclaim my soul.
I heal my broken stems,
grow new leaves.
I walk among the starfish,
I skip among the stars.
I fly
because you taught me that I can.
I fly
because one day we will meet again.
These days,
I live again.
Don't think I have forgotten.

Dedicated to my parents. I miss them so much but finally I feel like I can live again without sadness being my constant companion. Meet us here, http://dversepoets.com/ where we share our thoughts and our hearts.


  1. ..this is so special... and i genuinely felt it... to heal broken stems...grow new leaves...to walk among the starfish... skipping among the stars...I fly..because you taught me that I can...for one day we will meet again....all that and more really touched my heart... a piece of beauty and inspiration to read now and again.. thank you for this.

    Good day!

    1. Thank you so much. I appreciate it, Kelvin.

  2. Wonderful tribute to them from your eyes as you miss, which all who suffered such a loss can get indeed.

  3. really felt...I laugh
    something I have forgotten to do...too many do that and allow those memories more weight than joy, remembering the beautiful things of the person...its not that we dont look for them but we look for them in different lenses...smiles...

    1. It's been rough road...and yes we do see them in different lenses...I am grateful to remember and smile instead of just weep. Thanks, Brian.

  4. Beautifully expressed, Ayala. And yes you will meet them again, and I know that both of them would wish for you that you live life to the fullest. So feel good about growing your new leaves. Smile.

  5. how beautiful Ayala! so masterfully written. I felt every word and i know i couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you so much!
    much love
    Hope :)

  6. Aww...very touching. I wrote something along these lines to post tomorrow for my own mother. Yes, we always miss them. It never quite goes away and yet, the happiness we had with them doesn't either.
    You never fail to touch. Beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Bren. So sorry about your mom. Hugs. The pain never goes away.

  7. oh they know you haven't forgotten but will be happy to see you put into practice what they taught you...fly on..fly on....

  8. This is lovely Ayala. Today is my Dad's birthday so I'm spending the day remembering also.

  9. What a lovely share Ayala ~ Our parents live in us, how can we forget those roots and wings ~ We fly because of their love ~

    Happy day to you ~

  10. Ayala--the love in this is palpable. What a gorgeous tribute. Thank you so much for sharing this today. You made me sniffle a bit, thinking of my own lost loved ones.

    1. Thank you, Susan. Sorry about your loved ones.

  11. Very cute photo -- very handsome couple -- assuming this is your folks. Great memory poem.

  12. with a lump in my throat, ayala, I respond to your
    must-have-been inspired words. How wonderful that you choose to share with us thoughts from the deepest, innermost chambers of your heart--your soul.
    So fly, girl, fly little bird.
    Fly with the wind.

    1. Thank you, dear Steve. How wonderful that I get share my heart with such wonderful friends.Peace and Love.

  13. How beautiful you write. This touched my heart. I am glad that you rediscovered joy and life. Grief takes so much time. I know your parents know that you'll never forget them.

  14. so, so beautiful. so much love between the lines, what a great poem.

  15. And this is very special...a beautiful tribute (missed you, too) :) x

  16. Your writing is wonderfully woven, myriad emotions, much enjoyed :)

  17. Just fantastic, filled with love, life, hope and determination. I love walking with starfish. A beautiful tribute Ayala,which left a smile.

  18. We never forget the ones we love, no matter how long gone. Heard a song today I remembered listening to with my mom when I was little. Gone since I was seven, and it brought me right back to her. Hold onto those memories, Ayala. :-)

    1. I am so sorry Ginny. How awful to lose your mom at seven. So great you remember listening to the song with her. Thank you and hugs to you.

  19. "Yesterday I was but a shadow of myself,
    today I step into my body
    and reclaim my soul.
    I heal my broken stems,
    grow new leaves." soooo beautiful dear Ayala... in some other plane they miss and love you too and for sure would want you to "skip among the stars"

  20. this is beautiful, Ayala..a very soul-stirring tribute filled with strength and hope. thank you for sharing~

  21. I really love this one! Quite possibly my favorite from you!

  22. I can relate. This made me sad and happy all at once.

  23. The holidays are never an easy time when you are missing loved ones... I am going through something simular right now. It has been 10 years since my father passed but sometimes if feels like it was just yesterday. Your parents would be proud of your words...

    1. I am sorry about your dad. So hard Tracie...the pain is always there.

  24. you really honor them!

    Happy Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    ~ > < } } ( ° >

    > < 3 3 3 ( ' >

  25. And every time you fly, they are there, soaring with you. What a lovely tribute this is.

  26. some beautiful imagery in this, a bit I really fell for was "the sadness melting from my eyes" lovely words. Send love and peace ~ Rose

  27. Wonderful strength found in this piece ayala. Beautiful.

  28. Ayala, a wonderful tribute, so much love in these words. Never forgotten, and they taught you to fly. A great gift.

  29. Ayala, I love this part,

    "I walk among the starfish,
    I skip among the stars.
    I fly
    because you taught me that I can.
    I fly
    because one day we will meet again."

    Quite lovely.


  30. "I fly
    because one day we will meet again."

    A very beautiful poem. Loved it !!!

  31. I love your first four lines. In fact, I think they would make an excellent poem on their own.

  32. Walking among starfish and stars...beautiful! Another lovely family tribute...from one overflowing w. love. Just beautiful, A!

  33. I love the part about flying! Great poem, filled with such love and admiration.

  34. A wonderful evocation. Sad, and yet at the sametime tinged with hope.Brilliant write.

  35. Beautiful. A lovely, bittersweet tribute.

  36. Such a strong, hope-filled poem. I especially like:

    Yesterday I was but a shadow of myself,
    today I step into my body
    and reclaim my soul.

  37. Heart-warming. I like how you used the second person in writing this.

  38. Memories are so precious. This is beautiful.

  39. I feel that way about my husband. Stunning piece. It touched me.

  40. It's a hard thing, living without those we love. But there comes a time when we must choose happiness over sadness, and go on, carrying the memories with gladness.
    Excellent write, Ayala!

    1. Thank you, Charles. It is hard but true..we must choose.

  41. this is simply beautiful, ayala: the remembrance... and the hope.

  42. How beautifully tender, Ayala...and very touching. I especially appreciate those who have/had close relationships with their parents...how fortunate you are to have such memories of them.

  43. Love the love here... everywhere.. they must be really proud of you, Ayala

    Great words

  44. Yes - can understand. Loss very hard. k.

  45. That was really beautiful. Many thanks for sharing.

    Greetings from London.

  46. Your parents did an amazing job...I hope that my daughter thinks as highly of me one day!

  47. This was so beautiful--you are so lucky to have been loved so well--and you pass it on to everyone you meet

  48. What a wonderful family...for all of you. I just love getting to share (vicariously) your lovely thoughts, experiences and memories. This one is especially dear to me. Thank you for sharing this Ayala.

  49. i believe that they will be looking down on you and smiling to see you fly

  50. happy sunday to you as well...smiles

  51. Hello my dear friend, and I was reading your website, I just wanna say I really love it! The overall look of your website is fantastic , as well as the content! Congratulations for your amazing work ! I follow your blog (132)... Hope you'll follow me back.... I wish you Happiness and Joy… And Blessings for the New Year. I wish you the best of everything… That you so well deserve.
    Greetings from Rio de Janeiro/ Brasil

    1. Thank you, Nelson. You are very kind. Best wishes to you and I will go look for you. :)

  52. Oh Ayala. This hit me in the heart. I love the bittersweet emotion you created with your words. As you know I understand that the sadness that you speak of and I am so filled with joy that it is not your constant companion. xoxo

    1. Thank you, dear Rudri. I know that you feel this as well. xoxo

  53. I am so glad to see that time does heal and that you are able to remember without weeping as much. Beautiful words here.

  54. Poignant and beautiful, as always, ayala.
