Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Best Friend

We climbed the stairs in Montmartre,
we climbed to see the white basilica 
on its summit.
From the glorious hill,
we watched the beauty of Paris.
History whispering tales,
charming streets,
that once were home to Monet,
Picasso, Dali, and Van Gogh.
We sat side by side at the outdoor cafe',
watching people pass by.
Talking about Dali's work,
that we had seen.
Sharing our thoughts on his genius and
his expression of the passage of time.
A couple sitting next to us,
shared a four course meal,
a bottle of wine their companion.
We watched as they played with their food
and each other.
We giggled,
the way we did when we were young girls.
A dog took a whiz near by
as we feasted on pasta and delicious bread.
Consumed by the moment
we took a deep breath.
Space and time have not 
changed our friendship,
2 A.M phone calls,
emotional breakdowns,
life and loss,
We shared it all.
An ocean apart,
holding each other's hand through life,
always sisters at heart. 

This is dedicated to my best friend Dorit. Even though we are an ocean apart we are always one phone call away. We've been friends since we are 11 years old. We have shared a lifetime together through good times and bad times. We are soul sisters.  Please join us here, http://dversepoets.com where we share our thoughts and our hearts.  
Also yesterday was my blog's two year anniversary. This has been an amazing journey, I have made some wonderful connections with talented and wonderful people. Thank you to all of you for your continued support and friendship.    


  1. what a glorious day...love to spend time with friends like that...the giggling...lol...the little things you notice...the couple, the dog taking a wizz...lol...but friends and special moments...love it

    happy 2 year anniversary as well!!!

    1. Thank you, Brian...for always being here. I appreciate your friendship.

  2. Paris, the sensuous city for lovers and the great masters. You must have gone to the Lourve to say hello to Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo!
    Great verse ayala!


    1. Thank you, Hank. Yes, the Louvre is wonderful and I can get lost in it easily :)

  3. First of all, I loved your poem. Second, congrats on your 2nd blog birthday! And third, I am thrilled for you that you have such a friend. Very lucky.

    1. Thank you, Dana. I appreciate it and yes we are blessed to have each other. :)

  4. It's wonderful to have a best friend, even if apart.

    Congrats on your anniversary.

  5. Congrats on two years and sounds lie a lot of good times was had indeed.

  6. Many strong concrete images in this, Ayala-- the makings of a lovely lyrical reverie...xxxj

  7. Ayala, Always and Forever I L O V E reading hearing about, or seeing spiritual happening like this:

    "...An ocean apart,
    holding each other's hand through life,
    always sisters at heart.

    LOVE your poem. REALLY
    PEACE! (and thank you.)

    1. Thank you, Steve...you always say the nicest things.
      Peace and Love.

  8. oh wow...wonderful having such a dear and close friend - even across that big distance...and you def. make me wanna go and visit paris..

  9. Congratulations! Not just on your blogaversery, but for building and maintaining such a wonderful relationship across the years and the miles of road life can drag us down. Color me a tad envious...I think, deep down, this is what we all truly long for. A wonderful piece, as they always are!

    1. Thank you, Natasha. A true friendship is a blessing :)

  10. Happy anniversary to you :) To have a friend like that is one of life's richest treasures. It sounds as if you two are soul-sisters and that's a wonderful thing to have. You made the views all so alive. I could see the cafe and you both sitting outside enjoying it all.
    What a really lovely poetic, read.

  11. You are so kind to share your life with us like this ayala--you shine! Happy Two Year Bloggoversary!

  12. So wonderful to have such friendship in our lives..lovely poem & huge congrats on your 2 year blog anniversary! :)

  13. What a cherished gift you have been in each other's lives. I loved this trip to Paris (maybe one day I will see it for myself). Thank you and congratulations!

    1. Thank you, Anna. I hope you go some day. :)

  14. Congrads on your 2year blog anniversary, but more congrads on your values...for recognizing the beauty and worth of good friends...the ones you've made here, and the best friend with whom you share so much. A beautiful tribute to friendship. Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Thank you, Jackie. I appreciate you and all the friends I made here. It's been quite a ride :)

  15. This is beautiful! Makes me want to travel so badly. I love this line: "We watched as they played with their food
    and each other." Playful write.

  16. You are lucky to have the gift of friendship ~

    Happy blogoversary Ayala ~ Thanks for sharing your lovely words with us ~

    Cheers ~

    1. Thank you, Grace. Thank you for sharing this space with me. :)

  17. Congrats on reaching the 2 year mark, Ayala. Here's to another year of your lovely poetry. I really like this one. I have some dear friends who are also long-distance, and you've really honoured your friend here. Love the imagery. Funny, when I first saw the photo, I thought it was the St. Joseph's Oratory in Montreal. Then I read the poem, and looked again to find that there are differences. The last picture looks delicious! Btw, here's the poem I meant to link for tonight: http://chrisgalvinwriter.wordpress.com/2012/07/09/watermelon-watermelon/ (I had a little kerfuffle with Mr. Linky today. :D )

    1. Thank you, Chris. Good friends are the ones that we can count on no matter the distance or how long it's been since we have seen them. :)

  18. So wonderful to have friends like that and how when you do see each other it seems like the last time was just yesterday. I miss my dear friend now.

  19. You're so lucky to have a soulmate like this...you're never really alone. And what great commentary about Paris--though when you're with such a close friend, the location may be irrelevant. Very nice work.

  20. a beautiful celebration of lifelong friendship dear Ayala...congratulations on 2 years of excellent blogging!!!

  21. I really enjoyed this. So real and a natural flow to it that puts the reader there with you. Beautiful!

  22. Friendship, true friends like this, are one of life's greatest blessings. You have shared it wholly, as friends do, with the joy and love that friendship is.

  23. Everything is better in Paris! I only regret I didn't go into the Louvre.

    1. I agree...I hope you go back..the Louvre is just amazing!

  24. Such a sweet poem and tribute to your friendship. Congrats on your blogiversary!

  25. I love the details, the little journey you take us on as you tell the story of your friendship. Beautiful.

  26. I feel like I got to experience this special moment with you. Thanks for sharing. :)

  27. Congrats on a life long friendship - you describe those memories very well. k.

  28. Happy Blogoversary! So glad to have intersected with you.

    I spent part of my honeymoon in Montmartre. It's a place that is truly unforgettable and breathtaking. Loved your tribute to friendship.

    1. Thank you, Rudri. I appreciate the friendship we formed and your continued support. xoxo

  29. Wonderfully evocative and genuinely moving. Loved it!

  30. Happy 2nd Anniversary! This was a beautiful dedication. I felt as though I were sitting next to you and your friend, observing you the way you did the couple next to you. Well done.

    1. Thank you..so glad you could be there with us ;)

  31. how great to have this friendship. A super memory poem!

  32. Replies
    1. I guess the comment thing was acting up :)

  33. How fine the way stories convince way before the conclusion. This poem struck me particularly because recently my oldest friend and I had a similar Paris experience.

  34. loved the details of the little scene you paint here, its intimacy, and the joy of friendship.

    happy anniversary! :)

    1. Thank you, Joanna. :) So happy I met you here.

  35. I like this word "photo album" on journeys shared with an important person!

  36. How wonderful your sisterhood having lasted through the years and what a celebration. Paris, London, New York and Rome have their own atmosphere, each has a different vitality--and none more enchanting to me than Paris. I stood there at the top of the steps in front of the Le Sacre Coeur, I had my likeness drawn near the Moulin Rouge, I walked down the sidesteps to ride the Metro to the Louvre and talk to a stranger from Africa in English who was an ambassador's son in the Tuileries. Each time I read about someone else's experience there, I can put myself into that moment, and never better than here. Three women surveying that most feminine and sisterly of cities!

    1. Gay, I am so happy you shared your thoughts with me..how wonderful to experience such wonderful things..we are blessed!

  37. Ayala... this is beautiful. The friendship vividly felt. Those are the friendships which should be cherished and nourished.
    Mazal Tov on your 2 year anniversary :)

    1. Thank you, dear Debbie. I miss reading your words..I miss you and I hope you are well.

  38. congrats on 2yrs AND on good friendship! Poem took me there, behind your backs, just out of view...

  39. I'd go to Paris over and over again just for the bread, even if there were nothing else. Sigh. Congrats on your blogging anniversary and your lifelong friendship!

    1. Thank you, Stacia. Yes...I would too..sigh..I wish I was there right now :)

  40. I don't have to imagine the kind of close relationship you must have in your friend, your poem distills this into something palpable.

  41. What a delightful poem! I have just returned from France a week ago. Spent lovely days in Paris, know exactly what you talked about in the poem! Amazing views!

    It rained every day that we were there, but we walked miles and loved every minute. It didn't rain constantly, and the sun even came out once in awhile. What a charming city, despite the long lines to visit the sights!

    1. Sandi..so true ..it is charming and amazing :)

  42. What a beautiful tribute to your friend and a wonderful, image-filled poem..and congratulations for two years of blogging!

    1. Thank you kindly ! Blogging has been an amazing journey !

  43. What a lovely experience and a lovely friendship!

  44. How sweet that you have been such good friends for so long! I wish I could say I have the same sort of friendship but those are not easy to come by.

    Paris. How I wish I was there! Love this my friend.

    1. Thank you my friend !
      I wish I was there too :)

  45. She sounds like an amazing friends to have. You are blessed. Congrats on the blogiversary too...

  46. Hoe blessed you are to have such a close friendship to treasure.

    1. Yes, I am. In the virtual world I have always felt blessed with your friendship. So happy you came by . :) xoxo
