Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Love bugs on my car,
holding on while the rain comes down.
Peridot fields stretch for miles,
on the road cows with colors like mosaic patterns. 
My thoughts dancing,
thoughts of yesterday,
hopes for tomorrow.
The sound of your voice,
the sound of your laughter,
open the gates to my soul.
I have waited all my life for you,
we grew together,
like seeds,
side by side,
arms outstretched,
soul to soul.
You became a man
with purpose and resolve.
I raised you,
days swiftly turning into years,
ordinary and extraordinary moments.
Your new life awaits,
I have to let you go,
so you can dream,
so you can be.
My heart trembles,
I wait on the sidelines,
I wait to see your face one more time.
When I'm gone,
you will remember me,
you will remember the love 
that I fed you,
the love that made you grow.

It was a very emotional weekend for us when our son Josh graduated medical school. My thoughts were filled with memories of the past and mixed with the joy of the moment. I was sad that my parents did not live to see this wonderful moment in our life. We are excited about his future and the promise that it holds. I know that he will continue his humanitarian work as well and we are so proud of him. Meet us here,  http://dversepoets.com/ where we share our thoughts and our hearts.


  1. What a wonderful journey you've had,
    what a wonderful journey ahead!

  2. awww...this has truly made my heart smile. So many, many congratulations to your son and to you as his parents for raising him to want to succeed in his life. To be happy, confident in his goals and achieving them. I wish him all the brightest joys and blessings that will surely come to him and yes, he will never forget the love you had for him and you can bet your parents were there in spirit watching, smiling and loving you each all the way.
    Yes, my heart is smiling.

    1. Thank you, Bren. I appreciate your thoughts here and your kind words. xo

  3. This is a wonderful shining moment, both for you and your son. I wish him well, and congrats to you and your hubby for raising a wonderful man ~

    Cheers ~

  4. You are a gem, ayala! I can imagine how you're feeling now! You're on top of the world. Any mother would! The young man epitomized all of your ideals into reality. Congrats to both! Wishing your son every success. He has the whole world in front of him.


    1. Dear Hank,
      Thank you for your sweet words.

  5. Bravo Ayala, for raising such a fine son. Sending your children out into their adult future like this brings such feelings of pride, happiness and tinges of sorrow at seeing them go. Pat yourself on the back for having done a great job preparing him for this.

    1. Thank you, Chris. I appreciate your kind words. :)

  6. smiles..i am so happy for you...you obviously did a great job in raising your son and now you get the pleasure of seeing it play out as he makes a life for himself....

    1. Thank you, Brian. I appreciate your kindness-always!

  7. Congratulations to your son! I know it is hard to let him go, but it sounds as if he will continue in the positive direction that you have long steered him in. Your poem speaks of a mother's pride. Savor it.

    1. Thank you, Mary. I am trying to savor it! :)

  8. Oh, this brings tears to my eyes. Such a beautiful outpouring of a mother's heart. Congratulations to you and your son. Great picture!!

    1. Thank you, Laurie. A picture tells a thousand words :)

  9. I can only imagine how proud you must be. The part of your poem that really stuck with me is,

    "I have waited all my life for you,
    we grew together,
    like seeds,
    side by side,"

    I feel this way about my son because I gave birth to him my senior year in college. I still had growing to do. Well, I still have growing to do, lol. That part resonated with me. Congratulations again, Ayala! Such a fantastic moment you've shared with your son :)

    1. Thank you, Lori. I had Josh when I was 24 and we grew up together...I wish you and your son the best as well :)

  10. Congrats to both of you! They do remember--mine are 25 and 22 now, and I am still watching them grow, just a little further away--

  11. A wonderful accomplishment--hope all continues to work well for him as he moves forward in his dreams.

  12. How fortunate to have such loving parents, better yet, parents that show affection with support and expressive beauty. Congratulations again to your marvelous family!

  13. Congratulations on such a long journey--medical school and such a wonderful son--and it's bittersweet letting go, but comforting knowing all the hard work and love pays off. Lovely piece, ayala.

  14. Bittersweet to watch them grow and let them go. Lovely poem.

  15. Congratulations to you and your son. I think the poem was a beautiful tribute to him and a joyous song of a mother's love! Loved it.

  16. oh...congrats on your son's graduation..you can be so proud...and he will never forget what you've done for him..so precious to see them grow up and find their way...and not always easy to let them go...my heart is all warm after reading this..

    1. Thank you, Claudia :) not easy to let go...

  17. A milestone and celebration-- congratulations! Your mother's love is beating strong. Beautiful as always.

  18. Beautiful, Ayala! I am so happy for him; he's going to do great things! ♥

  19. Many many congratulations! That's just terrific and lovely poem too. k.

  20. Congratulations to your son and family. Lovely way to celebrate with these words.

  21. You are obviously and rightly very proud of him. I'm sure his also proud to have such a woman for his mother. Great piece, full of love and adoration.

  22. Lovely tribute to your son...your poems are always filled with such love for your family...a pleasure to read, always!

    1. Thank you, Jackie. Family is everything :)

  23. Another wonderful picture, Ayala. Your family is lucky to have someone talented to keep the chronicles the way you do. Very nice.

    1. How kind of you to say...thank you, Steve :)

  24. Oh what a bitter sweet moment for a mama, I'm sure! What a wonderful moment for you and him, yet one more step away from being a boy. He will always love you, no matter what or where life takes him! Ok, now I'm going to go hug my little boys a little tighter and tell them they can't ever grow up! :-)

    1. Hug them tight and watch them grow...and when they fly away remember that you will always be in their heart :)

  25. You've done such a tremendous job raising a boy into a man. You deserve to take responsibility for how well he turned out. Congratulations!

  26. What a beautiful testimony to your son and his wonderful accomplishments...love the photo too..

    1. Thank you kindly. I love the picture because it speaks for itself :)

  27. Fantastic poetic tribute- so rich with colour and life...you can feel your pride shining through! well done- to him..and to you for writing this! i bet he was bowled over by it

  28. a life-changing day for you both. congratulations & a wonderful tribute. :)

  29. Wonderful news. Congratulations.

  30. this was genuinely touching, nice job

  31. Congratulations to your son! What a tremendous accomplishment. And you've captured so touchingly the gamut of emotions you feel as a mother, with this poem.

  32. Huge congratulations to you and your son for such an amazing, remarkable accomplishment!

  33. This is touching :) Congratulations to you and your son.
