Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Daisy And Her Boy

Her boy comes home,
she greets him at the door.
Her tail wags as she follows him
down the hallway.
He's been to Boston, Pittsburgh ,
he's been to Washington D.C. and Dallas.
She can smell the cities scents on his luggage,
of far away places she had never been to.
She lies down sprawled
by his bed,
and moans with delight as he scratches
her ears with love.
In the kitchen mom is cooking with love,
sounds of meat seared,
potatoes added,
cumin and garlic,
his favorite Picadillo.
The dish a feast to the eyes,
Carmel colors, better than in the best
restaurants in Havana.
The boy talks about the sick people he helps,
medical missions,
and things that are foreign to her.
She listens to the conversations,
about places he will go to live.
On his quilt,
she inhales the scent of his pillow,
while she watches them come and go.
She doesn't hunt for a trail of crumbs,
or Milk Bone cookies.
Her yellow fur is turning white,
she wags her tail with gratitude.
She is no longer a puppy,
and he is a grown man.
At the moment her boy is back
and that's all that matters.

http://dversepoets.com/ Meet us here where we share our thoughts and our hearts.  I wrote this poem watching our yellow Lab, Daisy with my son. Her happiness when he comes home is a delight to watch.


  1. this is so beautiful... dogs love with all their heart all their lives and never ever forget someone...love how you describe the scents he carries...and wish my dog back..brought some tears to my eyes...

    1. aww thank you, Claudia. They do love unconditionally. Sorry about your dog.

  2. Dogs are amazing, they always are their to greet you no matter how long you've been away.

  3. Oh I felt this one in my heart...so beautiful. Your love for you son and the way you captured it here is wonderful. I love my boys with all my heart and don't even want to think about the day they leave home. So glad your boy comes home once and a while.

    1. So hard when they leave...so good when they return :)

  4. I loved this, ayala. Just beautiful and tender. Our oldest dog, Riley, goes into complete bliss mode when my oldest son visits. They had so many adventures together and their bond is super strong. Soon my son will be home for a visit before being deployed so this scenario will be played out and I'll relish every moment of it as I know Riley will too.

    1. Talon, sigh....I feel you...so hard that he is going to be deployed...Enjoy and I know Riley will.

  5. A beautiuful capture of the reunion ~

    Like the scents and taste of the love ~

  6. aww...this is lovely...dogs are so cool and so loyal...ironically our cat treats our boys the same...as if she were their mom...always checking on them when they are sleeping and greeting them at the door...

    1. So sweet that your cat does that :) love it!

  7. This brought tears to my eyes! That's such a beautiful, perfect love.

  8. oh, the comings and goings of these young people we've raised. so much emotion! had my "boy" for two days...put him on a train this morning ~ so you know i welled up! love that he's grown up with his pup...so well written!

    1. Thank you, Adrienne...sorry your "boy" had to leave too. I know you welled up...sigh

  9. This could be my dog and my daughters as I feel her waning years upon her and her joy --Lovely piece!

  10. Aw...a lovely domestic moment...dogs are man's best friends...lovely ayala :)

  11. Ayala,
    An outstanding weaving of elements here, the mundane becoming sublime by the way you put it all together. This is a beautiful collage of images. Very fine.

  12. So good - I loved the warm emotions, and the delicious spices I could almost smell. Thx!

  13. Dogs love us without condition, don't they. Once we 'belong' to 'their' pack, they never forget us and they love us as family. My little dog Timmy is such a huge part of our lives. I love how you have showed us a peek at life through Daisy's eyes, at her world and whom she loves. The scent, the habits that aren't forgotten. Such a warm, and yes, heart-warming piece Ayala

    1. Thank you, Bren. They love us and we love them...they are a part of our family :)
      I appreciate your thoughts here.

  14. I love the images and smells and the love shared.

  15. Beautiful poem! So much description/imagery throughout.

  16. Pets teach us to love without condition and also their love never changes over time. It's ever the same no manner how long you are away. What is also here is this: the dog is just joyful to have the boy present, it's not resentful about being left behind or that it missed out because it didn't go along. There's a sense of joy in the reunion that is so beautiful here. Enjoyed this poem very much!

    1. Thank you...and I agree they don't hold resentment of being left behind...they just rejoice in being reunited :)Happy you enjoyed it!

  17. aww warm and lovely ... with such vivid bright images...

  18. You've made me miss my dog terribly! I am very grateful for the grace you brought to the subject.

  19. I love to trade brains with another...and YOU do it so well.

    Ohhh! To be a Puppy once more...(sigh!)

    Woof. (fart)


  20. oh, i love this! have you ever read A Dog's Purpose? your poem reminded of that book, wonderful.

    1. Thank you...I have not read the book..but now I want to.

  21. Oh, this is so precious; I love the way you describe Daisy's presence, her watchfulness, how she remembers, her companionship. (I'd love to hear more about those medical missions.)

    1. Thank you...Daisy does watch...and she is always so loving and sweet :)

  22. faithful friend to the very end... no matter what. I love your dog. =) This is beautiful.

  23. Dogs are the best aren't they?! I love cats too, but there is something about the way a dog loves...though someone in an earlier comment mentioned their cat doing similar things your dog does. Our animal companions are a part of the family. Sweet write.

    1. Thank you, Joanne. Brian said that his cat does these things with his kids...I think that's awesome!

  24. Love the smells of far away places, the sound of seared meat and love that's unconditional.

    1. Thank you, Lauren. There is nothing like unconditional love, is there? :))

  25. Not even a mom can give this beautiful, unconditional love of the dog. Heartfelt, heartwarming, lovely write! :)))

  26. Oh, this both touches and breaks my heart as I sit here with my 14 yr. old Lab-cross.

  27. I can well imagine my dog feeling much the same after my daughter goes away and returns from college next year. So much love.

    Please stop by my blog, I have something waiting there for you:-)

    1. So much love...
      Thank you, Laura. I am honored and touched!

  28. Oh, this is happy and sad all at the same time!

  29. A sweet poem about our attachment to our pets and how they are so much more. In the small Mexican town of Barra de Navidad lives a dog named Bob who is more famous, more loved and more revered than any biped.
    Mark Butkus

    1. Thank you, Mark...and thank you for telling me about Bob :))

  30. aw...dogs are so sweet, aren't they?

  31. i think it's heartwarming too. dogs wait for us. and their joy at seeing us is pure.

    1. It is a different kind of love, isn't it?

  32. Beautiful poem! I love the way you describe the love through everyday happenings, it really is beautiful.

  33. Simply lovely, without being overly sentimental.

  34. Were this post linked throughout a movie, Peeps would leave, with tears in eyes, smiles on faces, and hearts full of love.
    Simply beautiful!

  35. There's nothing more welcoming than a wagging tail.

  36. such a tranquil, satisfied picture you paint :)

  37. This has me crying. We'll go through this with some pets too, as Kelly grows. But hopefully she'll keep living with us, even when studying in college. Yeah, right! :)

    So sweet this.

    And boy -- Mom sounds like an AWESOME cook, as well as blogging friend!!


    1. When my little one goes to college, I want to leave with him ;) Thank you, Jannie. As always you are sweet.

  38. The joy of owning a pet is the unconditional love -no matter how long you have been away, always happy at your return. :)

  39. Boy and mans best friend. Forever!

  40. I'm already in love with Daisy, but this tops the chart. I've told you before she reminds me of our golden mix we lost back in 2004. Heartwarming poem, Ayala. Your comment of a few days ago was the 9000th on my blog...and I like to interview each 1000th. Would you be willing to let me e-mail you some questions for that purpose? Victoria

    1. Thank you, Victoria. So happy that you enjoy Daisy..and that she reminds you of happy memories with your sweet dog. How exciting to be your 9000 comment-congratulations! And yes, I would be honored. Thank you. :)

  41. This brought tears to my eyes ayala! We have a golden retriever and she loves us all so faithfully. She has grown with her "boys" and her "girl"...and they love her in return. Nothing like a loyal friend waiting when you return from your journey in the big world. Mom's cooking is pretty great too! :)
    So good to be reading you again....beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Kristi. I hope you keep your spirits up and it's so good to see you here again :)

  42. Very charming poem. Glad he can provide such comfort.

  43. You're a great poet.
    I really like your poetry.

    Regards and best wishes

    1. Thank you, Tatjana. You are kind to say that. I appreciate it :)
