Friday, November 11, 2011

Rose Jelly Made By Rose

The glass jar clear and fragile,
like memories it holds of yesterday.
Road side wild roses awaited her,
on the way to Shinnecock Bay.
Dark red petals with intoxicating scent
Her spirit joyous, her hands gentle,
she made jelly sweet with love.
Grandma's hands, grandma's voice, grandma's grace.
The glass vessel clear and fragile,
summer recollections whisper of framed snapshots.
Hidden away in a dark cupboard,
twenty one years she's been gone,
yet the glass jar remains sealed,
saved memories timeless, honored and cherished.

This is dedicated to Nevart Sheshedian. My husband's wonderful grandmother.
He has shared countless memories about the great spirit that she possessed. This week he was tempted to open the jar . He wanted to taste her rose jelly once again. The jar is frozen shut by sugar.  He was afraid that it would break. This inspired me to write  this for Six Word Fridays where our word for this week is saving. Meet us here to read other offerings.


  1. this is a beautiful dedication to her...she sounds like quite the lovely person...i understand his desire to taste the jelly as well...

  2. Wonderful dedication, great verse.

  3. I totally understand the desire to open the jar and the desire to keep it sealed. Precious memories.

  4. oh wow ayala..what a beautiful sentiment to your husband's grandmother, sounds she's been an awesome woman...and seems he wants to taste a bit of her in that jelly..loved it

  5. From Lorraine: So beautiful Ayala. Thank you both for sharing this with me. Grandma Rose made some wonderful memories for all of us, I'm so happy that you can share her specialness xoxox

  6. This is beautiful, Ayala! It makes me wonder how we'll all be remembered. (Perhaps I should take up jam-making?)

  7. Thank you, Brian. I understand it... and also want to preserve it at the same time. :)

  8. Mel, he is afraid that the jar will shatter when he tries to open it o I agree it makes the decision even harder.

  9. Thank you, Claudia. She was an awesome woman and she is missed dearly.

  10. Lorraine, I am happy that you liked it. Grandma Rose was a wonderful woman and I am glad that I could do justice to her memory.

  11. Melissa, I think of that sometimes... I think we are remembered for how we lived and loved.

  12. Beautiful tribute to your Grandma... i love those memories sealed in the glass jar ~

    Thanks for sharing this ~

  13. lovely write. and i adore the image of the jar.

  14. It's beautiful that her memory is preserved so well in those preserves.

  15. Thank you, Ed. :) hope you are well.

  16. A beautiful tribute to the beauty that never fades....truly inspiring. :-)

  17. simply beautiful! I'm reminded of my grandfather's homemade tomato sauce made from fruit he grew from seedlings. God, I miss him.

  18. "She made jelly sweet with love" I'm sure she did and what lovely memories. Oh can't you get that jar open?

  19. Such a lovely poem of sweet memories...

  20. Your husband's grandma and her rose jelly sound like the epitome of all the wonderful things about grandparents. I'm off to figure out how one would make roses into jelly.

  21. Ah, Rachelle...we miss them dearly..

  22. No, Lauren. The jar is frozen shut....but I have a feeling that he's going to find a way.

  23. Thank you, Kelly. :) Hope you try it ;)
