Saturday, September 10, 2011

We Remember-Ten Years

I saw her in a magazine,
I read her words,
" he would have liked me",
she said.
Her eyes deep ocean blue,
filled with infinite sadness.
The necklace she wears,
has his image,
like the image she carries in her heart.
She never met him,
her hero,
her father.
He died that dreadful September day,
the day the world changed.
I wish I could embrace her,
and tell her that he would like her,
that he would love her,
that he watches her with his angel wings.
I wish I could tell her that we remember
that day,
that we would never forget,
that we feel her pain,
that we carry the pain,
like a scar in our soul.


  1. Oh that is so sad. I too wish I could give her a hug.

  2. This is beautiful and touching Ayala.

  3. another touching and poignant remembrance. thank you.

  4. oh wow...personal...and made it real....and to the heart...

  5. Beautiful, Ayala, and exactly to the point. So many....all of us, actually....lost someone, whether we knew it or not. They all were US.

    A lovly tribute to a very important day in our nation's rememberance.

    Lady Nyo

  6. It is a scar - and it is also a badge. And a reminder. Good poem, Ayala.

  7. you made it very real...a small yet significant glimpse into how this event change the course of so many lives forever.

  8. we all feel deep emotion today. Bless you, dear

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  9. ugh...that brought tears to my made this very personal ayala..a fine write

  10. Oh how is a scar on the soul of those left behind...sensitive words.

  11. That pain was so real to so many I think many could tell her...

  12. Beautiful words for a horrible, painful subject--a transformative poem, ayala. Good work here.

  13. so beautiful Ayala ~ so many 'wonders if' ~ moments that can never be shared ~ wish I could say yes he's proud more than any heart could hold ~ *tears* really spoke to me ~ Lib x

  14. A poignant rendering of a hole never to be filled again.

  15. these stories just eat away at me as well. it's so hard to understand why, and words are hard to express when emotions are so high. well done in making this personal for so many whose lives are forever changed.

  16. Beautiful and lovely tribute.. it brought tears to my eyes....

  17. Beautifully written....a tragic, moving tribute..

  18. Thank you, Leslie. The tribute you posted is amazing.

  19. Thank you, Jane. We all lost a part of us that day.

  20. Thank you, Glynn. You are is a badge.

  21. Cloudia, thank you and good wishes your way....

  22. Wolfsrosebud...we all mourn with her and all the others.

  23. Lib..thank you so much...I hope one day she will know that there is nothing he would want more than to have been there and to have known her.

  24. Lori, those stories make me so sad. I've been crying all morning and I can't pull myself away from watching...I feel like it's the least we can do.

  25. I read that article, too. My heart broke, again and again, with each child's story.

  26. I found it so effective, that you aproached this from a very specific point-of-view. Sad and powerful, Ayala.

  27. You grabbed my heart and held it tight with this tribute.
    "I wish I could tell her that we remember
    that day,
    that we would never forget,
    that we feel her pain,
    that we carry the pain,
    like a scar in our soul."

  28. This is so touching, heartbreaking.
    "that we carry the pain,
    like a scar in our soul."

  29. that kills me. I am not sure how you explain that to a child, 9/11 is hard enough. I guess the silver lining, if there is one, is the children that survived and live on, carrying their parents with them on their necks or in their hearts/everything.

  30. That you chose to focus in on a single person made this have such impact, really beautifully done ~ Rose

  31. Poignant and heart-breaking. Thank you for this tribute.

  32. Heartbreaking, yet beautiful. I have thought often about the children left behind by the events of 9/11, even more so once I became a mother myself.

  33. Thank you, Anna. We do carry the pain....

  34. Lauren, I know it's hard to ten year old was watching and he felt so sad...I can't imagine how heartbreaking to explain to a child that lost his/her parent.

  35. Kristen, as mothers we feel it even more...because we always imagine what if it was our child....

  36. Poignant and needs to be shared, even when it hurts to read.

    PS. Did you know that the flag that was used in this picture has gone missing? Missing. It was supposed to go to the Smithsonian, but it is nowhere to be found. Weird, eh?

  37. so heartbreaking, i loved the way you set it up, drew me in, made me understand. would that we could heal all the children. we can only offer love.

  38. Thank you, Alita . I didn't know that . :(

  39. Mrs. Mediocrity.... Thank you... I'd like to think that love comforts and heals....
