Friday, May 27, 2011

Your Jacket

In my closet away and unseen,
your jacket navy blue with pinstripes.
So handsome, when you wore it.
Your jacket is saturated with tears,
tears I have wept for you.
I long to hear your voice,
I long for your glorious smile,
the poetry you read to mom,
your dancing in the living room,
singing to Demis Roussos beautiful songs.
You were my lighthouse at sea,
the star in my vast sky.
Happiness was knowing I was safe.
My eyes could not hide pain,
they could not hide from you.
You were there with your love,
you live in my heart forever.
I treasure the memories I have,
I treasure the life we shared.


  1. heart renching to lose ones love before the time...your lighthouse, your star...sad

  2. I knew from the title that this one would choke me up and it did. But how wonderful to have had a lighthouse like that! I'm not sure that I have ever had someone make me feel that way.

  3. what a beautiful couple! so much in love!

    this line reached me deeply,

    'you were my lighthouse at sea,'
    a 'lighthouse' brings us home :)

    beautiful, touching, heart wrenching write!

  4. What a special relationship it sounds like you had. I'm sorry for your loss, but these sweet memories are kept. xox

  5. I would quote the same lines as Hope. Truly moving.

  6. You've chosen a wonderful topic for the given word! You were so blessed to have such a monumental relationship in your life. I'm sorry you lost it too early!!

  7. This is beautiful, ayala. It is hard to lose a father, isn't it? We're never ready to say goodbye. But they do live in our hearts and souls forever.

  8. Achingly beautiful. Your lighthouse at sea is still there for you.

  9. Astonishing tribute. I'm searching for other words but I have none . . .
    Well done!

  10. Thank you for sharing this powerful tribute with us, Ayala. (And that stunning picture is a worthy companion to your beautiful words.)

  11. What a beautiful photo to accompany such a lovely tribute. You are an amazing writer! Thank you for sharing this.

  12. Thank you, Molly. I am lucky to have had him as my dad.

  13. Thank you, Hope.
    They were very much in love.
    My dad was my first love. I miss him every day.

  14. Thank you, Tessa. I treasure those memories.

  15. Thank you, Caroline. I agree I am blessed.

  16. Thank you, Talon. Losing my father has left a scar deep in my soul.

  17. Thank you, Belinda. Your comment made me lighthouse is still watching me...thank you again.

  18. Thank you, Kristen. I love that picture..they were so perfect together...they were one.

  19. Thank you, Ameena. What a nice thing to say.:)

  20. I love that he really saw you ~ knew you just from looking in your eyes. Beautiful tribute to a man who knew how to love his daughter!

  21. you do feel lost at sea when you lose a parent. Now he is reading your words. and casting his light from a little further away.

  22. Adrienne,wise words,he saw me and knew me. I will always miss him.

  23. Thank you, Brook. I used to dream of him a lot...not so much anymore.

  24. The memory of him endures, here.

    Perhaps he taught you to see others? As he saw you, even when you were in pain? That is a gift twice; being seen first, and knowing how to know others second.

  25. Oh Ayala, I get this. A powerful tribute. xoxo to you my friend.

  26. Melissa,
    beautifully said. my son tells me I have a gift to see people. Thank you for the compliment.

  27. Rudri,
    Thank you, I know that you feel this. xoxo to you.

  28. This "You were my lighthouse at sea,
    the star in my vast sky" jumped off the screen at me. What powerful words.

  29. Your lighthouse, Your Star!

    Divine raw writing Ayala. He is your beacon still, you will be with him again.


  30. such tender and heartfelt words for your father... i miss mine, too. and your parents were so beautiful...

  31. Thank you, Alita.
    It's comforting to think so. xo.

  32. Thank you, Leslie. I think missing them remains always.

  33. I don't know what to's sad and lovely all at the same time. So sorry for your loss!

  34. So touching and heartfelt - it's tough when the ones we love are gone. I'm glad you have such good memories of the love and acceptance given to you. And wow, you're parents were a gorgeous couple!

  35. Thank you, Mel. It is a blessing to have such love and I cherish it. And thanks ... I always thought they were a great couple :)

  36. Wow, Ayala, you have such a beautiful way with words. Your poetry is just brimming with imagery and feeling. Thank you for sharing and for posting the image with it.
