Friday, May 13, 2011


Life is the tapestry we weave.
Our journey filled with lessons learned.
We scatter seeds of knowledge retrieved,
passing them lovingly to our children.
Teaching them to break the chains,
of generations that came before them.
We love them so they can,
We guide them so they will,
rise above the ordinary and seek,
embrace the challenge calling their name.
Wrap your arms around the need,
patience will change a life today,
helping someone will bring us enlightenment.
A blanket of wonderful good will,
a desire for a different journey.
Wisdom will come, wisdom is welcomed.
Seize the moment, seize your life.


  1. smiles. love the charge in this....and the nod to passing it on to our children that is hugely important...

  2. I love these two lines "We love them so they can,
    We guide them so they will..."

  3. Wisdom will use chasing it at the expense of a tapestry half-woven or a life half-lived. Beautiful.

  4. I love all these lines.

    I'm still scattering seeds, seeing sprouts, waiting on the harvest.

  5. patience will change a life today ~ I love that thought.

  6. Thank you, Belinda. Life has to be lived to the fullest!

  7. Thank you, Melissa.
    The harvest will come :)

  8. Thank you, Adrienne. I am trying to have patience right now..all my reply comments from Wednesday vanished because blogger was down :)

  9. a blanket of wonderful goodwill sounds cozy!

  10. I really like the rhythm of this one, it kind of feels like the ocean beating against the shore to me. And, I like the line about breaking the chains. That's what it's all about! Breaking the bad life patterns and keeping the good ones.

  11. Thank you, Caroline. Breaking the chains leads to a better tomorrow.

  12. I like the phrase wisdom will come. It embrace something more natural.

  13. oh i love this one ... wonderful verse

  14. Rudri, you captures my feeling when I wrote it down....

  15. I just caught up on your week's worth of posts and there is so much wisdom in them that I couldn't even respond to each one. What a week you have had, missy! You are such a thought-provoking writer. I love your posts and I certainly have benefited from your wisdom.

    Thanks for scattering your seeds!

  16. Thank you, Molly. I am happy that the posts resonated with you. Thank you for your lovely comment.

  17. We love them so they can....think this is one of the keys...weaving life...colorful..nice ayala

  18. Very inspired by this makes me want to be proactive. Thank you.

  19. "We love them so they can,
    We guide them so they will . . ."

    Gorgeous writing!
