Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Tango

Last night you tango with me,
luring me into your arms.
Today you tango with a Marlin,
luring him into your life.
He shakes his head in defiance,
you are the matador,
and he is the bull.
He doesn't surrender,
it's all a dance in this thing we call life.
As you touch him,
he doesn't heed.
You feel the majesty of
your encounter.
Your soul soaring,
with gratitude
as you let him go back
into the ocean.
His safe release his happiness
and yours.


  1. Wow, I'm glad I'm following you now, Ayala. This poem is very good. I like,
    "You feel the majesty of
    your encounter."

  2. I'm glad he let him go. Happiness indeed.

  3. I haven't personally had this moment, but it reminds me of stories I hear from the fishermen in our family. There's definitely something magical and mystical about that connection.

  4. oh this picture makes me want to jump into that water. I miss summertime up here in these snowy mountains.

  5. Kelly, it is an amazing connection. The Marlin in the picture is a white Marlin but this actually just happened with a blue Marlin ,which is very rare.

  6. Tessa, I know the water is just gorgeous.

  7. ah, to feel the muscles pull the line, wrestle him in and run your hand along them...then release....love it!!! smiles.

  8. your words stretch and speak..
    brilliant poetry.

  9. invite you to join us today,
    thanks for the attention..

    we are about less than 8 hours to go before closing..

    hope to see you in.

  10. Wonderful words woven together- that's what I say!!
    Very well done Ayala.. :)
    Hugs xx

  11. Thank you, promising poets. I appreciate your comments.

  12. Wonderful - and I'm so happy the fish was freed!
