Tuesday, February 22, 2011


"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on"- Henry Ellis
Saturday morning I went for a walk in my neighborhood. The sun was caressing me. I was taking swift steps as I tried to breathe deep breaths. I was anxious and I was trying to soothe myself. I took notice of the familiar homes and flowers planted in front of them. I revisit these streets the way I revisit a favorite book, remembering passages and words that evoke emotion and meaning inside of me. My thoughts always take me back to memories that we have made here. As I kept walking I noticed the swing in front of one of the homes was gone. It was up there for ten years. A simple rope with a oval wood flat swing . I felt sad. When Daniel was fourteen months old we ventured into this street. He pointed his little finger and declared in his sweet voice,"oval!" and I was shocked because he recognized the shape that he had only seen in flash cards. I was delighted. Afterward whenever we passed the house with the oval swing he would joyfully say oval. Obviously he enjoyed the attention that day and he took notice to the pride that I felt in his achievement. Our oval swing was gone, and now that it was gone I feared that the memory will fade. Daniel is ten and there are memories that I no longer remember with the same sharpness or detail. We are going through the stages, growing changes, during lunch this past week Daniel lost a tooth. His first molar. The sad moment for me was when he said, "you know that I don't believe in the tooth fairy." Another sign that things are changing here. Life is changing and we are changing with it.


  1. Oh my... this took my breath away. I can picture that swing...

  2. Aidan, you are right holding on and letting go, so hard to do.

  3. What a lovely thing to say, thank you Corinne.

  4. I find it fascinating that on an intellectual level, we grasp what the passing of time means and yet on an emotional level, my heart breaks a little everyday when I see how children lose their innocence as they grow.

  5. ayala, i know this feeling. sad and happy all at the same time. i am savoring each moment with my littlest one because i have learned just how quickly the sharpness fades.

  6. Belinda, how true on an emotional level it breaks our heart and it's difficult to accept.I feel like it's flying by and I am trying to hold on to the sweetness of it.

  7. Kate, yes. I am glad that you are savoring it all, it all goes by too fast.
