Friday, February 11, 2011

Second Chances

The infant was abandoned in front
of the orphanage with a note.
The note pinned to his chest,
stated that she was giving up.
She couldn't help herself she said,
she is living in a tent,
her only hope is for him,
to have a brand new life.
Sweet baby boy, eight weeks old,
embraced by strangers in the dark,
in seconds he captured their heart.
She will never know her son,
what kind of man he'll be.
The dreams he will carry within.
His pain of a broken heart,
the ache his soul will feel.
His resolve will make him stronger,
his strength will lead the way,
to dreams and hopes, second chances.


  1. Second chances are sure powerful aren't they? My motto is that it is never too late to find joy in life.

  2. So beautiful. What a blessed baby and a selfless mama. wow.

  3. Molly, second chances are powerful. Life changes and we do as well.

  4. Wow – what a powerful poem. Is this based on something you saw or heard about recently?

  5. Yes, Juliana. This is based on a client's story about this orphanage in Haiti , and this eight week baby boy that was left by the gate of the orphanage. I thought about him for days. There are many cases of children that their parents perished and children that are abandoned.

  6. I agree-very powerful and moving.

  7. This is beautiful, Ayala. I believe in the promise of a second chance.

  8. such power in these second chances. such power in your words, ayala. this gave me goosebumps and shivers!

  9. Thank you, Belinda. I believe in the promise too !

  10. Thank you, Kate. I am honored that it moved you!

  11. Oh, Ayala, what a sad story. Thank you for sharing it with us so beautifully today.

  12. Thank you, Melissa. I couldn't stop thinking of it and it moved me. I am grateful that it moved you and others today.

  13. I've always thought it would take such an act of courage to give up a child for their betterment. Beautiful post!

  14. Thank you, Amy. I think it must be devastating!

  15. Beautiful, Ayala. And heartbreaking, especially because this is one story of so many.

  16. As the mother of a child who was given a second chance (though not in circumstances as dire as these), this post was beautiful. The human spirit is an amazing thing.

  17. Thank you, Kelly. Second chances save souls, I am touched that this resonated with you. It's great to see you here. Thank you for stopping by.

  18. What a powerful poem. My first question, too, was of course whether it was based on a true story. Thank you for sharing that story.
