Monday, February 7, 2011

Saba, Doritos And Loss

Once a year we have a date with football. We have a tradition to watch the Super Bowl. We enjoy finger food and we are swept into a great American past time with millions of others. Yesterday was fun as I challenged the boys in my life and I picked the opposing team, the Green Bay Packers. In the midst of a carefree Sunday there was a Doritos commercial that Daniel and I took notice to. It was funny and sad for us at the same time. A young man was eating Doritos at his friend's house and crumbs went all over the floor. He began to clean with a fury and accidentally he dropped the urn that his friend had on the mantle of his grandfather's ashes . The look of panic is all over his face, and when the door opens and his friend walks in, the grandfather is alive again. Daniel's reaction was " I miss Saba". Saba is grandpa in Hebrew. "Me too" my voice trailed with sadness. "I wish we had Saba's ashes and a bag of Doritos." Daniel said. We laughed at that point because he knows that a bag of Doritos won't bring Saba back. We laughed about it this morning again. I felt happy that he still remembers Saba. I felt relieved that I didn't fall apart and cry. I felt like the commercial, helped us laugh about our loss for the first time.


  1. Isn't it amazing that the little things - the odd objects and the silly commercials - can trigger so much? The other day, I found a Parker Pen - my late father's favorite kind of pen - and it all came rushing back. Not easy to be blindsided with the memories, but I am thankful for these tiny opportunities to go back.

  2. Aidan, it is amazing how these little thing affect us. I smiled because Parker pens were my dad's favorite pens as well. I am grateful for the memories. Missing your dad and missing mine does not get easier, it changes, it evolves but it's always there.

  3. Our ongoing saga of life and love and loss, the push and pull at our very core when we're present and pay attention -- these things could move us to tears seemingly at any time. This doesn't seem to get easier, only, it adds texture and makes for a richer, more engaged existence.

    That is a sweet picture at the top.

  4. Belinda, it does add texture and makes for a more engaged existence- well said. I know that you also had an unbearable loss at a young age. I love your reflection here, thank you.
    I love that picture too. My mom was pregnant with my older brother at the time.
