Sunday, December 5, 2010


My grandmother was a beautiful,strong,independent woman. She was a modern woman before her time and a role model. She had dark hair and a gentle face.She married my grandfather and they had a beautiful home that she opened up to her younger sisters. After World War II ,my grandparents were left with nothing. Their house leveled by bombs. My grandmother was grateful that their lives were sparred . She was selfless. When she heard of anyone needing help she would jump and assist them in whatever they needed. She attended people's funerals,people that she didn't even know. She said a lot of them had no relatives left and she didn't want them to be buried alone.She became an accountant to a large import and export company and she had hundreds of people depend on her.She was loved by them. When I was born my grandmother started a dowry for me. Custom made feather pillows, fine linens of white cotton with pink flowers stitched on the sides. Fine dishes,the pattern delicate with bone colored china with a light trim of orange. Hand made tablecloths that I bring out during our holiday meals. It humbles me that as she built her life back she was also building mine. She was dreaming of the home that I would create for my family someday. I wonder if she visualized that I would see those things that she carefully collected for me and I would smile the way I smiled when she walked into the room . Smile with love at how she thought of every detail. Her dream was that I would have a beautiful family of my own.Sadly she passed away before any of those dreams were realized . I was sixteen. It was sudden and I never got to say good bye. It's an ache that I carry inside me. I was loved by her. I think of her with pride.
I think how much she meant to so many people. How she lead by example as a humanitarian. How she displayed dignity with her courage through crisis and honored her family .Yesterday was her birthday anniversary. I think of her today and my heart is grateful for the love that we shared.