Sunday, September 4, 2016


Stripped of my vanity
I wear you like a crown
strands of white
downy floating on the
sides of my face.
Gentle like the wind,
gentle like my soul,
I am comfortable
in my skin,
unveiling scars of shame,
and unheard confessions.
The crows feet are seen,
I do not wish to hide them,
or erase them.
The mirror does not lie,
nor do I.
My narrative
is mine to tell.
We all have one,
or two.
How wild have you lived,
have you been afraid of your shadow.
I walked alone,
I did not need acceptance,
I did not fear the unknown.
Curiosity and wonder 
were my companions.
I wear my failures
on my skin,
on the map of my soul,
in my dark eyes
and my enlightened being.


  1. I wonder how different our lives would be, if we all truly wore our entire life on our skins... and within.

  2. Being comfortable in one's skin is a true gift! Really like the way you examined your life here!

  3. wear my failures
    on my skin,
    on the map of my soul... very nicely said.

  4. How wild have you lived,
    have you been afraid of your shadow.
    I walked alone,
    I did not need acceptance

    One does one's own thing and is happy with it. No one else should bother. Very true ayala! Great lines here easily understood and smoothly flowing!


  5. a heartfelt portrayal of a brave, courageous & honest soul...

  6. I admire and applaud this journey, of curiosity and wonder.............lovely!

  7. I do like that we wear our failures.. if not how can we avoid repeating them... look what happened to Dorian Gray.

  8. Gettting to the "truth," of you. Mistakes are not to be erased...but maybe a badge of honor? Lessons learned, nothing to hide.

  9. Beautiful. I like the honest, healthy pride in this. It inspires me to shine too.

  10. Evocative and vulnerable. This has to be one of my favorites from you, Ayala. xo

  11. A deeply drawn painting of self acceptance. Bravo

  12. Evocative and eloquent - truth committed on the page.
