Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fifth Grade Graduation

I hear people say that you have big shoes to fill,
to follow your brother's footsteps.
Son, you are making your own mark,
your own footprints .
Your eyes shine with knowledge and wisdom
of an old soul.
Words map your world,
destinations you have yet to conquer.
You follow your vast imagination.
Daily stories,
magical secrets of fifth grade,
that you share with me while we
read side by side.
I soak in details of your world.
As a toddler you had imaginary friends,
at school you created real friendships.
Trails of sand from the playground
followed you home.
Tin foil dinosaurs you brought 
to life with your words.
Greek mythology and paper airplanes,
monsters in Minecraft.
Giant brown eyes filled with endless compassion.
Dream your big dreams,
embrace the world with both arms.
Lend a hand to someone in need,
listen to your heart.
If storms come your way,
find the sunshine within you.
Struggle will only make you stronger.
Reach for mountain peaks,
live with wonder in your heart,
but most of all find the joy in everything.   

Our son Daniel is graduating fifth grade and going into middle school. This is dedicated to him. We are so proud of him. He is bright and kind and amazing. People always tell him that he should follow his brother Josh. As many of you know Josh graduated two weeks ago from medical school. We are proud of both of them and we are amazed by all that Daniel has accomplished so far. 
" We love you Daniel and we are so proud of you! "
Please join us here, http://dversepoets.com/ where we share our thoughts and our hearts.


  1. Great tribute to him as well and yeah all should find their own path.

  2. smiles...you bring his life alive...and 5th grade...what a huge time...moving to middle school right? i am glad you are giving him him the freedom to make his own footsteps as well....smiles....great tribute to him...

    1. Thank you, Brian...yes,he is moving to middle school :) so many milestones.

  3. Aww, beautiful, loving tribute to Daniel. Watch out junior high!

  4. you can be so proud of both of your sons ayala... and i'm sure he's going to find his own way, leaves his footprints...wishing him all the best for his move into middle school

    1. Thank you, Claudia. I am blessed with two amazing sons :)

  5. Daniel- as your teacher for the past 2 years, I have had the pleasure of watching you continue to mature and grow. You are an amazingly smart boy who can do ANYTHING

    1. Thank you, Mrs.Schwartzberg. You are an amazing and an inspirational teacher. You do bring out the best in everyone. :)Daniel says thank you :)

  6. What great material your family provides you--on every level. A fine tribute, and the first of many successes, I'm sure.

  7. It's great that he has a big brother to look to as a hero and parents that will guide and inspire him to find his own path! Such a great milestone!

  8. Beautiful, filled with love. Each child is so unique, why should one follow another's footsteps? You are so right Ayala, and my two girls couldn't be more different from one another though they are close and both amazing human beings, each in her own way.

    1. Thank you, Laura. Each child is unique, so true. Enjoy your girls and my thoughts are with you. xo

  9. Lovely poem to your son, Ayala...may Daniel feel your love....blessings to him & your family :)

  10. He will forge his own path in the world in the same way your older boy has. I love how you love them! This is a wonderful piece to him and for him to have to look back on as he grows up.

  11. This is an awesome poem ... makes me think of my own little ones... this is a beautiful tribute!

    1. Thank you, Robert. They grow up so fast.

  12. Congratulations to your son Daniel! I'm sure that he will go far towards accomplishing his dreams, with so much love to support him.

  13. There is a beautiful sweetness in this piece--or maybe it your feelings bubbling out--love this and congrats to Daniel!

  14. A sweet and meaningful post Ayala ~ I hope your son reads it ~ Congrats to him ~

    1. Thank you, Grace. He read it and he loves it :)

  15. A sweet tribute to him. i agree with carl about the tin foil dinosaurs.

  16. What a sweet poem to your son. Your feelings shine through every line, though this one especially jumped out because of the contrast and deep feeling: "As a toddler you had imaginary friends, / at school you created real friendships."

    1. Thank you, Frank. :) I love all those memories when he was so young....

  17. I love that you did this for him...and especially by encouraging him to follow his own path. Bravo, Mom!

  18. How blessed you are, ayala, with two such fine boys, each his own bright and shining self. Loved this.

  19. Congratulations. You have two wonderful sons. Your poem made me daydream about my grandson, who's only two. But already I am proud of him. We love our kids so much don't we?

  20. Perfect words to a younger son. Each is his own unique person. Your words will be with him forever.

  21. A great poem encouraging your son to stand in his own light... beautiful words for your son.

  22. What a beautiful tribute to your son...each child is unique and you encouraged him to be the person he wishes to be

    1. Thank you, Susie. They are different yet alike and unique and I love that :)

  23. Congrats to your son. This is a wonderful gift in itself, the pride is clearly shown here, and the never-ending mindset of good parenting is fully on display in this one. Very nicely done. thanks

  24. Love your family dedication poems! Gives me hope for humanity's future. This is where it all begins..at home with family. Write on!

    1. Thank you, Jackie. It does begin at home, doesn't it :)

  25. Wonderful to see inspiring sons who make their Mom happy. You've extended their reach to maximize their talents. That is a positive motivator. They're extremely lucky their Mom is always there. Great write and great Mom, ayala!


    1. Thank you, Hank. Such sweet words...I appreciate it.

  26. I love this message you give to your son. We are all different and everyone should walk their own path. Well done, Ayala.

    Adura x


  27. Your words are a wonderful gift to your son and your son a wonderful gift to you.

    Anna :o]

  28. I'm sure you hear this all the time but you could have really taught my mother a thing or twelve about child-rearing. Simply magnificent.

    1. Thank you, Anna...how sweet of you to say..and I am sorry..so hard when you don't have a parent's support. Hugs.

  29. This is so sweet! Congratulations, Daniel!

  30. words map your world... trails of sand from the playground. this is thoughtful and touching, in the perfect combination and imagery.

    1. Thank you, Ed...he loves to read which is great...words do map his world :)

  31. aww... inspiring words to live by. :) congratulations today to Daniel and to all your family.

  32. What great words to commemorate your son's graduation! Very inspiring poem. :)

  33. What a sweet thing to do for him. My daughter is just going into 5th, guess that gives me some time to come up with a poem!

    1. Thank you. Good luck to your daughter, I hope she has a wonderful school year :)

  34. Got one "graduating" from grade 5 too...but stays in the same school. A fine poem to honour this moment.

    1. Thank you, Ollie and congratulations to your child :)

  35. Such a delightfully flowing poem. A precious poem for an obviously precious boy. Congratulations!

  36. PS love the dog photo, I have smiley dog too :-)

    1. That's Daisy and she is so sweet...enjoy yours as well :)

  37. sweet tribute to a family milestone

  38. Oh that is so beautiful! Your love for your boys and your ability to put it into word is amazing and inspiring. Good for you for encouraging him to be his own person.

    Oh and btw, we too have experienced sand trails home from the playground, like mounds of it in their shoes! :-)

    1. Thank you, CM... Love the sand trails :) love it all and I know you do too :)

  39. Absolutely - to be proud of yourself is so important. K.

  40. This is great Mush! Muah! I can comment on the actual page now!

  41. I hope you print a copy of this to keep for him!! Beautiful

  42. Congratulations, Daniel! Oh, ayala, this was lovely. What a beautiful person your son sounds. When we were celebrating my oldest son's birthday today, and all my kids were together, I found myself at one point feeling like time had fast-forwarded because I so clearly remembered them all as newborns and now they are these amazing adults. Where do the years go? It's lovely that Daniel has such a wonderful role model in his brother, but I love that you know he's blazing his own trail. :)

    1. Thank you, Talon. I ask myself these same questions...it goes by so fast. I hope your son had an amazing birthday and I hope you enjoy every minute with him. xo

  43. Oh, that is beautiful! I wish I had written it to my son!

  44. Okay, so I just figured things out!! Daniel and Kelly must marry one day! She too just graduated 5th and is on to Middle School this fall. :) PLUS, she's a TOTAL Minecraft nut, brings home trails of sand, and was quite taken with the Greek Mythology she was exposed to this year. There -- it's settled, their arranged marriage in 20 years from now. :) :) :) I've been hoping she'd meet a man who's been brought up with as much love as she has.

    But seriously, this poem makes me so happy to read, Ayala. I love the part about his wise old soul eyes, reminding me there is a limitless pool of love to draw from, one that keeps filling up with dear children who grow up and keep paying the love forward.


    P.S. I have not posted in 10 days, but I'm fine, really! Hopefully I'll put up a new post this week. Still adjusting to the new job-thing. :)

    1. Jannie, you are so funny...we will talk about this in 20 years ;) so cute that they love the same things.
      Thank you, I hope you adjust to your new schedule .

  45. Straight from the heart and so touching. Your sons are lucky to have a mom like you!

  46. Worry about anyone "following in footsteps", sounds like this now 6th grader will make his own mark. I didn't know you had a "little" one Ayala.

    1. Yes, Lauren...I have a sweet and little one home :)
