Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Unanswered Questions

If there's no heaven,
where do we go ?
Our souls in search of a home.
I heard he died the year I was born,
I wondered if our souls crossed one another.
If he had lived,
would he write a blog,
for all to comment,
on his brilliant words.
Would he share tales of Marlin fishing,
drinking and loving.
Would he speak of despair ,
and deep sadness within.
As I reel my fish in,
salt ocean on my skin,
the sun dancing in my eyes,
I think of this.
If there's no heaven ,
where do we go ,
our souls in search of a home.


  1. Indeed, where would we go? Lovely share~

  2. oh there is a heaven...but i wonder if they blog there...smiles. nice write...

  3. Reminds me of my own youthful thoughts...there was a grandfather I never knew, and none of my great grandparents...the last died the year I was born. Where do we go? What would we see? What passes in that realm between knowing...riveting stuff. Beautiful.

  4. Maybe we would just jump to and fro or be an annoying ghost, be fun for a bit..haha.

    Nicely asked and written.

  5. Oh, for sure there is a heaven...nice, poignant write. He would have been blogging too..

  6. No doubt on Heaven, only hope for many to join.

  7. I think he would've blogged wherever and whenever he could have.
    This was a very nice read, thank you.

  8. Excellent tribute to a man who changed the way we think of words and writing.While his body may have gone, I think as long as his words are read, he is still here. I enjoyed this very much.

  9. We search, we sift, we question, we wander. I do think our souls find rest. Peace. Heaven, if you will. And I think we get glimpses, moments in the hear and now...whether it's the salt water and sun, or magnificently penned words that move our souls...we catch a glimpse of what a 'forever' kind of peace might be like. Just my thoughts. This is very touching. I love the notion of souls crossing paths...

  10. Brian...of course they blog :)

  11. Thank you, Chris. Sorry you never got to meet your great grandparents and your grandfather. A lot of unanswered questions....

  12. Laura, sending good wishes your way.

  13. I think so, Daydreamer. Thank you.

  14. Thank you, Hedgewitch. How true, he is here with his words...touching many lives.

  15. Adrienne, a thoughtful comment, thank you.

  16. Wouldn't that be an awesoem blog? Cool write!

  17. Love, love, love this piece. Full of thoughts we all have at some point, but expressed in such a wonderfully individual way. Favorite line: "I wondered if our souls crossed one another." Brushing souls with Papa Hemingway on his way to his next port of mortal or immortal call. If it was me doing the brushing, he'd probably punch me in the mouth. Great write, Ayala.

  18. I have wondered these same things...so mysterious or connections can seem, but I do believe we'll get to meet them all one day :)

  19. yes, souls in search of home....

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    My new blog posts are still not updating in blogger/reader OR links on others' blogs
    So I ESPECIALLY appreciate YOUR visits! Thank YOU

    Comfort Spiral


    > < } } ( ° >

  20. We all have our different beliefs and I respect that. I feel sad for those who ache to know though.

  21. Ayala, I'm a sucker for philosophical musings so this is up my alley. I'd like to believe that we continue to evolve when we cross the threshold, and that our definition/understanding of "heaven" "soul" and "home" will also evolve. Lovely one shot.

  22. I often think of people I never met and what that would be like. Somehow I don't think he would blog, you never know.

  23. Thank you, Joe. I appreciate your comment...and I had to laugh...punch in the mouth ? :)

  24. Lori, I think we all wonder....

  25. Hi, Spiral comfort :)
    I hope all is well with you.

  26. Randy, your comment is well said. Thank you for visiting.

  27. Thank you, Belinda. I like your thoughts on this. As always I am happy to see you.

  28. Lauren, if he did it would be amazing :)

  29. my daughter is reading "A Farewell to Arms," right now... i love your poem... i often feel sad when i think of hemingway, too... love the refrain:

    "If there's no heaven ,
    where do we go ,
    our souls in search of a home."

  30. Loved this poem, Ayala.

    Thoughtful, evocative piece. Hemingway wsn't my favorite writer, but I need to take another look at him.

    Thank you, Ayala. Always good poetry here.

    Lady Nyo

  31. What a beautiful and intriguing thought, Ayala...
    The idea of souls crossing each other on the way sounded sooo ethereal..
    Very nicely written!

  32. yep - our soul searches for a home..and a place to rest..you captured that longing well with your words...

  33. I like how you mixed the journey of souls, from beginning to end, and yet left it open as to how we ourselves guide this path...both in good and bad choices.

  34. Thank you, Leslie.
    A great book :)

  35. Thank you, Lady Nyo. I appreciate it. :)

  36. Yes..Claudia..hopefully they find it.

  37. Ayala, wonderful poetry, asked questions we all ask ourselves. At first I thought it was Hemmingway. Just beautiful and thought-provoking.

  38. Victoria, I was inspired to write it because I love Hemingway and he did die the year I was born. :)

  39. I've been searching for these answers my entire life...Wonderful thought-provoking piece Ayala ♥ "The time has come for you to leave
    this place we call our own
    You lived your life the best you could
    And now your going home"...a excerpt from my poem "Remembering Dyann" Heaven? Yes!

  40. this is a lovely piece, very reflective. i really like the way you repeat the opening lines at the end to give emphasis. now, why do i suddenly have an urge to read For Whom the Bell Tolls?

  41. I'll bet your souls did pass. Or perhaps they shared a moment of wonder and exaltation before moving to new experiences.

  42. Maybe our souls can hunt for heaven, because it should exist. We spend a lot of time wondering and searching for that heaven.. Maybe our souls are meant to carry on that search

    Beautiful poem, loved the reflection!

    My One Shot ~ A Poetic World

  43. Death is not the end of our searching. Good work.

  44. Thank you, Helena. And thank you for sharing. :)

  45. Thank you, Joanna. I am getting the urge too :)

  46. Dear Ayla

    Is there a heaven...? The question stuck in my thoughts with your wonderful words... and I inadvertently ask my self if there is no heaven then why there is this hell on earth....? Why people don't love each other and make this hell get out and be far far away... where there is no heaven...
    thanks for sharing this ...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya

  47. Dear Shashi,
    I appreciate your thoughts on this. I hope there is a better place, such as heaven. And I wish people would be kinder to one another as well.

  48. Interesting question; I've thought that over several times myself

  49. Luke, I believe that we all question and wonder at one time or another.

  50. wonderful write ... a moving question ...

    and thank you for enquiring my dear lady; life has just been a bit too hectic for me to blog frequently as i used to but i am sure i would manage ... loadsa love and hugs.

  51. Thank you, Bashali.
    Sorry, I hope things get better soon.
    Love and hugs to you.

  52. I apologize for coming to this post so late. It is a poignant and lovely write and I absolutely love the connection to Hemingway (one of my fav authors). This is one of my personal favorite pieces by you. Thanks Ayala.

  53. Thank you, Rudri. I appreciate it :)
