Friday, June 17, 2011


Fingerprints are one of a kind,
our contributions and visions as well.
Walk in the shoes of another,
on a path unfamiliar and unknown.
And you will understand their choices,
the light doesn't shine on everyone.
Are we born kind at heart ?
Or is there a textbook lesson?
Do we learn from our life?
Question and follow your moral compass.
Be kind to those you meet.
Smile and your soul will sing.
Live your truth, live it well.


  1. I not only hear an appeal for kindness to others here, but, as well, an appeal for kindness to self. And reflection is such an important part of that journey.

  2. Nature versus nurture? Both. You are so right about how good we feel when we are kind to others. "Smile and your soul will sing." I'm posting that line on Facebook today. Thanks!

  3. i think there are many things that come into play...environment, upbringing, example, that shape a child from early on...

  4. I love your kindness and compassion and I want you to know that they both shine in your words. xxo

  5. "Live your truth, live it well" - wise words, ayala. It's interesting to contemplate who we became who we are - like a melting pot of experience, environment and genetics.

  6. wonderful message well expressed! thank you!

  7. Live your truth, live it well -- it really is such a guiding light kind of a mantra and an gentle but resolute call to being kind to oneself. Very nice.

  8. Knowing our truth is one thing.
    Living it, well. There's the challenge.

  9. Nice poem! My two favorite lines:
    The light doesn't shine on everyone
    smile and your soul will sing
    They are both SO true!!

  10. lots of things make us what we are i guess - love that you included that old indian quote of walking in the shoes of true

  11. This is the kind of poem I love... one with a lesson spoken in a gentle and beautiful eloquence.

  12. Kindness is modeled and requires nurture. I wish more people practiced it.

  13. True words of wisdom.. I too have felt the same!
    Very beautifully expressed..

    weekend hugs xox

  14. I think it's safe to say the light shines on you. ♥

  15. Everyday I hope the answer to this question "Are we born kind at heart?" is yes

  16. ayala,

    This is beautifully written and so thought provoking. It is hard to walk in another's shoes, but when we manage to do it, we grow and connect more closely with The Universe. I, like Sara , believe we are all born kind at heart.

  17. "Live our truth" Living our own truth...once we realize it...we must pay attention...Lovely write.

  18. Are we born kind at heart? I unfortunately don't think that is the case. My crazy, evil sister is the perfect example of that.

    I love this! It really got me thinking. Thank you for that!

  19. live your truth, live it well.. i can so relate to that. I have something of that ilk stuck right by my bed

  20. I also believe that we cannot judge others as we have not walked in their shoes. Lovely poem.

  21. Mighty fine words to live by...

  22. I don't know if we're born kind or if we can work on it a little and help others become more caring.

  23. I like the line, "Smile and your soul will sing." Wise words and important reminder.

  24. I wish we were all born kind, but I've known to many mean people to believe it! =>
