Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sophia Brianna

Little darling,
your crown shimmers in the light.
How gentle yet fierce you are.
No traces of defiance on 
your face,
only evidence of clarity and courage.
A fearlessness that is born
from knowing in your marrow,
your identity 
and your purpose.
The trees sway as you walk
among them.
They whisper sweet lullabies
in your ears.
The moon dances
to your inner light.
Your body flows.
Your heart expands with love.
Your crown lighting your way
like a lantern in the night.

My sweet granddaughter was born March 19 in the midst of the pandemic. Both her parents are doctors. It's a challenging time. There are so many wishes that I wish for her during these blurry and uncertain times. The day she was born she brought her light into our dark days.