Friday, August 9, 2019

College Bound Out Of The Nest

We walk at the edge,
on the road
of hopes and dreams,
the past holding the present
hand in hand.
The now reaching,
stretching to tomorrow.
Threads woven into a rich tapestry
of small moments magnified,
wisdom and simplicity,
our story,
our life.
Your wide eyes dancing as an infant,
your mischievous laughter as a toddler,
your defining steps as a man.
Loud noises quiet down in my head,
my sadness softens
from the expectations and desires
of all your tomorrows.
Tides and time go on,
they wait for no one. 
All I wish is for you to
soak it all in and
chase your dreams,
climb to meet them 
and create your vision.   
As you walk your path
you will never be alone.
Know that you are loved,
know that you are cherished.