Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Love Is Simple

Loving you is simple
like opening my eyes 
no thought invested,
only instinct.
Love is my religion
my rock,
 my roots.
Loving you is simple
like following the smell of  baked cookies
and the stars on a dark night.
Loving you is easy
even on days I question the sanity of it
even on days when my soul is defiant
and seeks to be free
but never of you.
Loving you,
it's a hunger that must be fed
it's a road I must travel on
it's a light that shows me the way.
Loving you 
brings me home
makes me better
Lets me dream. 

Please join us here http://dversepoets.com/ where we share our thoughts and our hearts.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Let me run in the rain
with joyful abandon,
like a child
with a sense of anticipation and wonder.
Let me jump into puddles
with my red shinny boots.
Let me taste the rain,
the way I've tasted your tears.
If you see me run,
don't follow,
let me.
I will return,
when I have weathered the storms,
when I have read the tides,
when I have made a seaweed skirt,
and I have plowed my toes into the sand.
Let me escape
so I can be found,
for my soul hungers for peace,
for my soul hungers for more discoveries,
for my soul will always hunger for you. 

Please meet us here http://dversepoets.com/ where we share our thoughts and our hearts.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I watch the bird dipping
into the dark green leaves
filled with raindrops,
tipping her head back to let
the water run down.
My eyes follow her,
the way my eyes drink you
across the room,
on a grey day
when the world remains outside.
Under our roof,
the walls witness
love and fire,
you and I
in our ordinary
magical life.
Remember that I love you,
I would put you in the green pastures
so you can frolic with the deers .
I would give you wings to fly
over the ocean that you love.
I would let the smells of the earth enter
our window and put mint leaves in your tea
and berries on your plate,
because I love you.
I want to give you all of me,
I don't know what tomorrow will
so I love you today.

Please meet us here, http://dversepoets.com/ where we share our thoughts and our hearts.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

For Mom

On Mother's Day,
flowers will be given,
hallmark cards will be read,
children will make breakfast for moms
well deserved.
I will think of you,
under the sand ,
under the stone we erected,
announcing to the world that
you were a great wife,
great grandmother.
A throphy for all your sleepless nights,
and heartache.
I placed a heart 
shaped stone
 in your grave
before they covered you.
I cried, my heart broken.
Life is fleeting you said,
surround yourself with beauty you said.
You gave love with warm kisses,
and embraces,
sweet words.
You were flawed,
but beautiful.
Fragile but powerful.
I believed in miracles,
I believed that you would go on,
that you would overcome the heartbreak,
of losing the love of your life.
In the rehab room,
you saw him even though he was gone,
you saw him smile.
You no longer cared about life,
I tried to awaken your spirit but
your eyes were vacant
with only endless sadness
that invaded your being. 
He was your other half,
he was your life.
I saw you wither,
I saw you disappear in front of me.
I fed you orange pudding,
the way you fed me when I was a child.
You followed me with your eyes,
but you no longer smiled,
the stars had disappeared from your eyes.
You melted into the bed,
and my words could not move you nor lift
your spirit.
I didn't want to let you go,
I didn't want to say goodbye.
When you took your last breath,
my heart stopped,
my pain raw and unbearable.
I hold you in my heart,
I wear the wedding ring my father gave you,
I hold you in my dreams,
and every day I think of you,
I miss you so.

This is dedicated to my mom. She lost her will to live when my father died. They were together for almost sixty years. I miss them both every day. My father passed away on Mother's Day, so Mother's Day will never be the same for me. I have gratitude in my heart that I had good parents and I have gratitude in my heart that my children celebrate me on this day. Please meet us here http://dversepoets.com/ where we share our thoughts and our hearts.