Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas And A Place Called Home

He hovers as I sleep,
waiting for me to open my eyes and smile.
I rub the sleep out of my eyes,
capturing his anticipation.
Christmas morning feels magical,
Elvis singing Christmas songs,
while we inhale coffee.
Snow globes shining,
lights twinkling,
hearts dancing as one.
He wants to wake his brother up,
but he has to wait until nine o'clock .
My thoughts wander to
children abandoned and abused
in shelters plucked away from family,
they have no safe place.
A man I met the other day
finds hope in every child,
and dedicates his life to helping them.
He traded his chain to buy his wife
a ring for Christmas.
He left the corporate world,
to a job at the shelter. 
The job doesn't pay much
but he is richer than many I know.
His eyes light up as he shares
his heart with me.
My heart rejoices because I know
our paths crossed for a reason.
My little one urges again and my thoughts
wander back.
After the gifts,
husband and I watch television 
by the tree.
The tree breathes with us,
as we breathe with gratitude. 

I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday. Please join us here where we share our thoughts and our hearts. So grateful our son Josh was able to get time off from the hospital and 
come home and spend Christmas with us.


  1. What a beautiful Christmas poem, Ayala. A peaceful day surrounded by family and the blessings of the season....just lovely words.

  2. so great that he got time off from the hospital and you could spend christmas together as a family... and cool on meeting the man as well who gave up a well paid job to work in the his heart..and yep..being rich has nothing to do with money...merry christmas to you ayala

    1. It made our Christmas...and yes being rich has nothing to do with money. Hope your holiday was amazing :)

  3. This is lovely. I will say, my mind/heart wandered more than usual to children hurt or without this year. We gave each of the kids a big gift about a month ago - so there was none of the 'unwrapping'...We've had 3 or 4 giftless Christmas days in the last 10 years - for different reasons - and I have to say it puts an entirely different rhythm and feel on the day. We'll get some of that childhood anticipation back once there are grand kids...and that's amazing too! Hugs to you!

    1. I bet you can't wait for the grand kids :) I'm sure your children loved the big gift you gave them. In a way it's so much harder to find what they want when they are grown. Hope your new year is filled with love and happiness. Hugs to you :)

  4. Lovely capture of the Christmas magical moment ~ Its great that everyone is together on this day ~

    Blessed Christmas to you ~

  5. nine o' boys never would have made it...i got poked through the whole night with can we get up yet....what a cool man you met as it when people follow through with those choices...sacrifice for others...and there are plenty that need it as well...merry christmas!

    1. Yes... It wasn't easy. He wanted to wake up Josh :) and yes so amazing to sacrifice and give of yourself for others.

  6. Great christmas moment captured indeed.

    1. Thank you, Pat. Hope you had great holiday .

  7. wow... so nice to know there's compassion in the world... your piece the pic too

  8. wow... so nice to know there's compassion in the world... your piece the pic too

  9. That man you met the other day...would that the world had more like him! I agree that there is hope in every child and it is our responsibility to cultivate it. Happy Holidays, as I'm sure it was with your son home with you!

    1. I agree. Happy holidays to you and a happy New Year !

  10. those final lines are awesome!

    Friendly Aloha from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° >
    > < } } ( ° >
    > < 3 3 3 ( ' >

  11. ....a very beautiful poem my friend... you always knew how to fold such tenderness in your poem.... and glad to know your son's doing good now... i hope you had a great Christmas this year... smiles...

  12. Ayala, this post, and all of yours are why I keep coming here, to read, identify, enjoy, and "drink in" the spiritual loveliness of your words.

    May 2013 hold as few sorrows as God permits, and is FULL OF HAPPYS..which He also permits. Thank you for a year of memories from your pages.

    1. Thank you dear friend. I wish you all the best. Love and Peace.

  13. we are at the point where we have to wake the kids lol! beautifully captured mood of Xmas morning and all the love and warmth there in. Happy your Xmas was beautiful. May you and your family reap many blessing in the coming New year!

    1. We have to wake up the big one :) while the little one waits. Thank you for you good wishes, I wish you the same. :)

  14. There is much joy in helping others which I'm sure attributed to the man's twinkling eyes.

  15. Merry Christmas Ayala. I loved your poem. It took me there. The true meaning of the season is the generosity of spirit which you explore beautifully here!

    1. Thank you, Gay. I hope your Christmas was wonderful !

  16. Sounds like a very contented and fulfilling Christmas for your family, Ayala...very sweet. What would the world do without those who dedicate their lives to serving others less heartwarming.

    May your New Year be one of peace and prosperity, Ayala, and countless blessings.

    1. Thank you, Gayle. I think those that help are so fulfilled...I wish you and yours a happy and healthy New Year! :)
